Going Through A Difficult Time? Watch This To Get Through It

Are you going through a difficult time?

If so, you're not alone. A lot of people are struggling mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially.

People are getting sick and losing their jobs, and businesses are going under. It's fair to say that the Coronavirus pandemic has negatively impacted the world at large.

However, I know that we will get through this together. We are being called to rise up and step into our power.

If you're going through a difficult time and you need some inspiration, keep reading. I'm here to help you.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/3232459-plm-773-going-through-a-difficult-time-watch-this-to-get-through-it.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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Difficult times are sent to strengthen you.

No matter what you're going through, I promise you that this adversity is merely a season. This too shall pass. Unfortunately, we don't know when. However, what I do know is that all of us have the ability to use challenges as opportunities for growth. Even when adversity strikes, growth is always possible.

Research shows that the positive changes resulting from a traumatic experience are called post-traumatic growth. The question is, “How will you respond to the challenges that you are currently experiencing?” During difficult times like these I encourage you to pull upon your resilient spirit. That voice that tells you to keep going, no matter how helpless you feel or how much you want to give up.

I know what it feels like to experience fear, anxiety, and financial instability. I want to share a vulnerable story with you. This was one of the lowest points in my life. It was the moment at which I hit rock bottom. By sharing this story, my hope is that it will bring you some comfort to know that, no matter how bad things get, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

When I was 25 years old I was living in a small apartment in downtown Vancouver. For a few years I had been trying to figure out how to make money online. I made a lot of mistakes along the way. Eventually, I started making enough money to support myself. During this time, I was dependent on Google for all of the traffic to my website. One day, Google decided to change their algorithm. In that moment, I lost 70-80% of my monthly income.

Everything was gone. Scary, right?

The fear that I went through during this time was inexplainable. On the day that this happened I was leaving for a three month trip to South America. As you can imagine, this adverse experience changed all of my travel plans. Let's be honest. It changed my entire life.

I was now in a position where I had to step up and deal with the adversity that I was facing. Within 2-3 years of my rock bottom experience, I went on to become a millionaire. I ended up moving into a penthouse in downtown Vancouver, attracted the woman of my dreams and impacted millions of peoples' lives through my content.

My entire life changed because I was committed to mastering my mindset. No matter what it is that you're going through right now, there is no reason why you can't adopt the same mindset as I did. I encourage you to watch the video above, where I talk through my adverse experience in more detail, and how I was able to transform my pain into possibility.

If you just lost your job or you're broke because of the Coronavirus pandemic, right now is the time to grow and evolve. You are being called to step into your power. On the other side of all of this adversity, you can step into the life that you've always dreamed of. However, it's up to you to create it. I believe in you, but it's time for you to believe in yourself.

If you are going through a difficult time right now, have faith.

I know that everything feels challenging right now. However, I promise that if you take the right action, you will be so much better off for it. Take a few deep breaths and trust that the best is yet to come. I will continue to do my part to inspire and uplift you. We will get through these difficult times together.

Now is the time to decide… will you be a victim of your circumstances or a victor of your life? The choice is yours.

Do you want access to 21 powerful morning rituals that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!

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