How to Get out of the Rat Race & Start Making Passive Income Today

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Stuck in the rat race?

The rat race is a term that is used to describe the frustrating financial grind that most people are stuck in.

It's when you are trapped in a time-consuming job, saddling one's self with high expenses: a heavy mortgage/rent, bills, children, and liabilities.

When you're stuck in this position, it's VERY CHALLENGING to get out of as you're forced to continue busting your ass at your time-consuming job in order to sustain your lifestyle.

People that are stuck in the rat race believe that more money is the answer.  It isn't.

This is a misconception, because earning more money often requires you to work MORE and spend MORE TIME in your job.

Then how do you escape the rat race?

The most obvious answer is to PREVENT yourself from ever getting stuck in it, by becoming financially free first.

But if that's not an option for you and you're already trapped with a job, then make sure to watch the video below:

(Watch the video on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/197732-plm-071-how-to-escape-the-rat-race-create-passive-income.mp3″ ]

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

The Only Way Out Is To Create Passive Income

There is only ONE way that I know of to escape the rat race:

Passive Income.

You need to learn how to LEVERAGE yourself and stop exchanging your time for money.

Invest in something ONE TIME and then have that investment be an asset that grows, while providing a positive cash flow.

In the book Cashflow Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki explains that there's 4 quadrants that we can produce income in:

  • Employee (have a J.O.B.)
  • Self-Employwed (own a J.O.B.)
  • Business Owner (own a system)
  • Investor (own investments)

As you can see, 95% of the wealth is created by those that are Business Owners (own a system).

The WORST quadrants that you can be stuck in (the rat race) is being an Employee and being Self-Employed.  Again, the reason is because you are still exchanging your TIME for MONEY.  Even most people that are self-employed are caught up in this trap, as they are too busy working IN their business, instead of ON their business.

J.O.B. stands for Just Over Broke.

The intelligent quadrants to spend time in are being a Business Owner and an Investor.

As an investor, you're able to own investments that can provide you with a positive cashflow (passive income).  This is one strategy that wealthy people have used to become rich.  This could be investing in real estate, stocks, or mutual funds that produce a positive cashflow every month.

The BEST way to create passive income is through being a business owner.

A business owner is someone that owns a SYSTEM that runs on autopilot and produces consistent passive income, month after month.

It could be owning a retail store that is automated through having employees that work there, along with a manager.  The retail store would run on autopilot and produce a consistent positive cashflow, passive income every month.

It could be owning a vending machine that runs on autopilot and produces passive income.

What I believe to be the BEST way to produce passive income (the easiest and fastest) is through the internet.

The internet is producing more millionaires than anything else in the world right now.  In fact, in the next 3 years, there will be more millionaires made through the internet than in the last 100 years of human history.

The internet is not going away.  More and more people are living their lives through the internet.

If you learn how to use it to your advantage, then financial freedom can be a very real possibility for you.

The reason why the internet is so effective in creating passive income is because it allows you to use technology based systems that can run your business.

For example, let me share with you how I make passive income online

  • I publish content on the internet (articles and videos) that I only have to invest in doing ONCE, which is then on the internet FOREVER and can now reach thousands of people around the world (on autopilot).
  • People receive value from me and then find my blog, courses and books and decide to purchase them to enhance their lives.  My blog, courses and books are all things that I invested in ONCE (with time and money) and now continue to make me passive income every month, without having to do much to sustain them.
  • The more people visit my blog, buy my course or books, the more my income and revenue grows every month.

By making money online and becoming financially free, I am able to live a lifestyle of my choosing.

I can travel the world, have fun, and do whatever the heck I want.  I could retire and live off my passive income if I wanted to.

This is called the FAST TRACK.  It's when you are FREE and life becomes fun.  You're no longer stuck in the rat race.

If you have a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke), then it's time to start creating passive income in your free time (this means evening and weekends).  If you continually work to create passive income in your free time, then you've eventually hit the threshold when your passive income exceeds your expenses.  At this point, you are now financially free.

Yes, it's going to be challenging to get out of the rat race.  You have a job that is sucking up your time and expenses that are too high.

Your choice is to either accept this as your fate and continue living in the rat race, or to actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The good news is I've seen many people escape from the rat race.  I've worked with dozens of people in my coaching programs that have been able to quit their jobs and I've received tons of success stories from people that have been through my Mastering Book Publishing (my course on creating passive income).

It requires work, but I've seen people make 4-figure monthly passive incomes within 3-6 months.  I've seen people create 6-figure passive income streams within a year.  I've done it and you can too.

Where Do I Get Started?

One of the best ways that I know of to get started creating passive income online is through Kindle publishing.

I have a course that teaches everything that I have learned step-by-step, which you can learn more about by clicking here.

However, there are many methods on how to make passive income online.  Pick one, focus on it for the next 3-6 months, work hard and you'll be making passive income from it.

If you want to learn how I make money online, you can check out my 6-part video series by clicking here.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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