Welcome to part 2 of my experiencing Ethiopia vlog adventures! If you haven’t yet watched my Ethiopia School Inauguration vlog, make sure you check it out. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

Experiencing Ethiopia took us out of our element and into the world of those who are less fortunate than ourselves, allowing us to open our minds and our hearts to new customs, cultures, and ways of life.

I have witnessed the transformative and healing power of travel, especially when it has involved visiting countries that have been far different from my own. This is supported by ample research that suggests that traveling is highly beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional health.

I am grateful that I am able to share my Ethiopia experience with you. In my eyes, moments like these is what makes life worth living – contributing and giving beyond yourself, with the goal of making a difference in the world. In the words of Ibn Battuta, Traveling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” Are you ready to learn about my life-changing trip experiencing Ethiopia?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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After spending time in Dubai, Tatiana and I traveled to Addis Ababa, which is the capital of Ethiopia. Known as Africa’s political center, this city is a busy hub of economic, social and political activity. It has a rich cultural history, which is reflected in the myriad of churches, museums and mosques that are spread throughout the city.

From Addis Ababa, we jumped on a domestic flight to Mek'ele, which is the capital of the Tigray Region, and the largest city in northern Ethiopia. Today, Mek’ele is one of the main economic and educational centres in Ethiopia. While there, we stayed at a lodge in a remote location, amidst a beautiful backdrop of mountainous desert views.

While there, we got to experience an epic 3-hour trekking experience to the top of the Gheralta Mountain, where we visited a famous church called, Abuna Yemata. You could literally feel the history of the place as you walked through it. To add to that, the views at the top of the mountain were breathtaking. We also got to visit some markets in the villages, where we were able to interact with the locals and experience their daily way of life.

Experiencing Ethiopia filled my heart with gratitude. In the Western world we take so many things for granted. You don’t realize how fortunate you are to live the life that you live until you travel to places like Ethiopia, where people live with so little.

I hope I have inspired you to contribute more. Once you are able to shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance, I promise that you will experience the highest form of fulfillment in life. Let’s make a difference together and help to create a better life for others.

Ethel Percy Andrus said it best – Human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly life.” How can you make a difference in the world while traveling?

Do you want to know the 7 online business models that have allowed me to become an Internet millionaire in less than 3 years? CLICK HERE to receive instant access to my free course!

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