How To Fix Extreme Fatigue and Get Your Energy Back

Why Are You Always Tired and Have No Energy? Find Out Now.

Extreme fatigue can wreak havoc on your physical, mental and emotional state.

In today's world, being tired has become a popular complaint among people. However, some people experience fatigue to the point where they are incapable of doing anything.

According to a recent survey of over 20,000 people, about 30 percent of visits to doctors involve complaints about being tired all the time. Can you relate?

Anything that you want in life requires that you have an abundance of energy. Are you ready to learn how you can beat extreme fatigue and stop running on empty?

Watch the video below where I talk about how to avoid burnout and overwhelm:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Extreme fatigue is a productivity killer.

Have you ever tried to do anything of value when you feel like a zombie? Unfortunately, too many people have fallen victim to the exhaustion epidemic. The world never sleeps, which means that peoples' brains are constantly struggling to switch off and slow down. Caught between the ever-increasing demands of work and family, trying to take care of yourself can feel near impossible.

If you are stuck in a busyness trap, it's natural to feel like you are run off of your feet. In the workplace, burnout has become the norm. Increasing workloads and long hours are creating heightened levels of stress, to the point where people are dropping like flies.

Instead of finding the root cause of the problem, a lot of people end up medicating themselves or turning to energy drinks or coffee to boost their energy levels. Can you relate?

As you can imagine, these are only band-aid solutions. Although they may make you feel “better” in the short-term, you are only left feeling more drained and mentally foggy in the long-run. The result is a continual negative cycle of self-sabotage that wreaks havoc on your health.

In his book, Sick and Tired: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, Dr. Nick Young says that “We are all terrified that if we don't just carry on we might be sacked. People know now that they don't have a job for life, and that if they take time out to recover, somebody else will come along to fill their shoes.”

Unfortunately, what causes extreme fatigue can be challenging to figure out.

Given that it is a multifaceted issue, there are many possibilities for why you may feel tired all of the time. For example, it could be the result of hormone dysfunction, toxins, lack of sleep, poor gut health, poor stress management, and/or nutrient imbalances.

For these reasons, it's important to take a holistic view of your health. You need to realize that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes to finding a resolution to health problems, like extreme fatigue. When you are able to determine and heal the root cause of extreme fatigue, you will also heal your accompanying symptoms as well. Truly, when it comes to the body, everything is connected to one another.

As a disclaimer, by no means am I a doctor. Rather, my goal is merely to share with you what has worked for me. Hopefully, you will experience some benefit from this knowledge as well. That being said, I encourage you to be a scientist of your own health.

If you cannot find the answer, please don't hesitate to see your doctor so that you can get a more accurate understanding of what is going on inside your body. On that note, let's dive into 6 ways that you can combat extreme fatigue and take back control of your daily energy reserves.

1. Eliminate Sugar And Processed Foods

The old adage, “You are what you eat” couldn't be truer. In my opinion, this is one of the most important pieces of advice that you will ever receive.

Food is fuel. If you feed your body with junk and don't give your body and brain the right nutrients, guess how you are going to feel? Not surprisingly, you will feel sluggish, tired, and depressed. Stay away from sugar and processed foods at all costs.

I believe that a nutrient-rich diet is one of the best ways to ward off low levels of energy and feelings of tiredness. If you have poor eating habits, make a commitment to change your diet. Eat a lot of healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Over time, your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. In the words of Jim Rohn, “Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.”

2. Get Enough Sleep

In today's world, running on empty has become a badge of honor. Working late hours means that you are “highly productive” and committed to your craft, right? Wrong.

Moving throughout your day with a foggy brain and bags under your eyes is nothing to be proud of. Few people understand the importance of sleep. The effects of sleep deprivation on your body are the real deal – fatigue, impaired memory, compromised cognitive abilities, and mood changes.

A study by scientists at UCLA found that sleep deprivation interferes with the ability of some brain cells to function and communicate with one another.

You spend one-third of your life sleeping, so you want to make sure that you are doing it right. This is why it's important that you adopt healthy habits into your evening ritual that will help you sleep better and longer. Unfortunately, a lot of people expose themselves to varying degrees of artificial blue light a few hours before bedtime.

LED lights, computers, televisions, tablets, and smartphones all confuse your body's natural internal rhythm. One of the best ways that I've been able to hack my sleep is by wearing blue-light-blocking glasses. They block out the harmful lights and rays that prevent your body from releasing melatonin and falling asleep.

When you get a deep and restorative sleep, you wake up feeling refreshed and clear. In reality, this is the perfect recipe for a productive day.

3. Move Your Body

We are designed to move our bodies. Unfortunately, too many people have been forced to adopt a technological sedentary lifestyle. When you add lack of exercise to the mix, you've got yourself a serious problem. Sitting in front of a computer for 8+ hours every day isn't healthy for anyone.

In James A. Levine's book, Get Up!: Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It, he shows that today's chair-based world has negative consequences on our health, and is a leading cause of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

After a long day at work, it's normal to feel tired and sluggish. However, the best thing that you can do is move your body. When you sweat, you increase blood flow everywhere in your body, including your brain. In other words, more blood means that more energy and oxygen is going to your brain.

In the words of Kerry J. Stewart, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, “Exercise improves the working efficiency of your heart, lungs, and muscles… which is the equivalent of improving the fuel efficiency of a car. It gives you more energy for any kind of activity.”

Instead of reaching for a coffee or an energy drink, go for a run or hit the gym. By exercising, you will instantly feel more energized and less stressed.

4. Drink A Lot Of Water

A lot of people are chronically dehydrated and don't even know that they are. If you are thirsty while reading this article, you are already mildly dehydrated. For anyone that has ever experienced it, dehydration can leave you feeling fatigued.

The importance of water to your survival cannot be overstated – it's the base of all your body fluids. Your body makes up 70% water. In other words, when you aren't taking in enough fluids, all of your organs are working in overdrive.

Do your best to drink eight glasses a day every day. More importantly, make sure that you are always drinking high-quality water. Investing in a water ionizer was one of the best decisions I've ever made. This machine ensures that your water is both micro-clustered and alkaline. By all means, if you can't afford to buy a machine, putting a lemon or a lime in your water is a great way to alkalize it.

5. Reset Your Energy Levels

If you are an overachiever, you may find that it is impossible to stop and take a moment to yourself. Yes, there is so much to do, see, and achieve. However, if you don't restore your tank, you won't be of much use to anyone.

The world moves at such a fast pace that a lot of people have forgotten how important it is to relax. How often do you relax? More importantly, how do you relax? If you are constantly moving, in work and in life, I encourage you to make it a priority to calm your mental and emotional state.

Take a power nap, meditate for 5-minute intervals throughout your day, stretch, unplug from technology for a few hours, or engage in some deep breathing exercises. It must be remembered that, if you don't reset your energy levels, you won't be able to maintain a high level of stamina.

6. Prioritize Your Goals

When you are fatigued, you aren't thinking clearly, which can make everything feel overwhelming. In this state, it's challenging to get anything accomplished on your to-do list. Because of this, prioritization is a skill that you must master if you want to achieve success.

If you find yourself being inundated with texts, messages, and emails on a daily basis, you aren't alone. This has become a normal part of life for most people. To emphasize, if you give away your energy and attention too freely, you will fall into the burnout trap.

In fact, the best way to combat this stress is to learn how to prioritize your tasks. Before you go to bed at night, break down the importance of each task so that you know what needs to be accomplished in the morning. Not only will doing this allow you to sleep better, but it will also ensure that you are prepared for what's to come.

The mistake that people tend to make is that they start their day with the easiest task, which they think will give them momentum. Unfortunately, all this does is make you feel ‘busy', when, in fact, you aren't doing the work that matters most to the achievement of your goals.

Also, make sure that you are celebrating your achievements along the way. If you don't, your motivation will dwindle and you will sabotage your best efforts. This will only leave you feeling depleted and confused as to why you even started in the first place.

Are you ready to beat fatigue once and for all?

Feeling tired all of the time is exhausting. It only makes you want to crawl back into bed and hide from the world. Without energy, you cannot achieve success in any dimension of your life. With this in mind, if you are experiencing extreme fatigue, now is the time to take control of your health. You deserve to experience optimal health.

Do you want to learn how you can create an empowering morning ritual? CLICK HERE to join my Morning Ritual Mastery program!

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