Fail Your Way Towards Success

Fail your way towards success. I bet you don't hear that every day. It seems counterintuitive, right? Stay with me.

From an early age, we are taught that failure is a bad thing. In school, A's equal success, whereas F's equal failure. As a result, we try to avoid failure at all costs.

We have been conditioned to believe that the only way to succeed is if you win. However, that's not how life works. As the famous saying goes, “If you've never failed, then you've never lived.” The reality is that, in order to succeed in life, you need to fail more.

Failure is life's greatest teacher. The most memorable of triumphs are the ones where we had to lose everything in order to find ourselves again; where we had to push our limits and do the impossible in order to realize the infinite potential that resides inside of us.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/748217-plm-590-fail-your-way-towards-success.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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You are supposed to fail.

I don't care what anyone says. Failure is the stepping stone to success in life. You don't become a bigger, better and stronger version of yourself by hanging out in your comfort zone and never trying anything new. Sometimes scaring ourselves senseless is the only way to create your call to action.

In his book, Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big, author Ralph Health says that “The quickest road to success is to possess an attitude towards failure of “no fear.”

Just because you fail, that doesn't mean that you are a failure. Our ego would try and prove us otherwise. As soon as things start going wrong, many of us immediately want to run for the hills. Why would we want to consciously something that doesn't feel good? I get it, but you will never know how amazing you can be unless you risk it all and try.

We've all experienced failure. It's not fun to admit that we've failed at something, but knowing that we have all been there lessens life's blows. We tend to forget that the most successful people in this world didn't get to where they are today because of luck. They failed multiple times, but the only difference between them and the rest of the world is that they stood back up and tried again.

Take Michael Jordan as an example. He was cut from his high school basketball team and missed over 9,000 shots in his career. Did he give up? Hell no.

Failure is a part of his success story. He didn't get to where he is today without making mistakes. In the words of Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert – “The universe has plenty of luck to go around; you just need to keep your hand raised until it’s your turn. It helps to see failure as a road and not a wall.”

You know you are truly failing in life when you aren't trying. That means that you aren't even in the game. Trust me when I say that you don't create an epic life by sitting on the sidelines. Nothing good ever happens there.

Don't get me wrong… I'm not preaching that you should go out into the world and fail at anything and everything. You want to make sure that your failures are small and manageable. Don't allow them to destroy your life, because those are the failures that are hard to recover from. Similarly, I encourage you to have a system for tracking your failures so that you know what not to repeat. This is especially important if you run an online business. Mistakes can cost you a lot of money if you aren't careful.

I've failed thousands of times and I will most likely fail more in the future. I'm OK with that because I view failure as a good thing. To fail means that I am experimenting with life and figuring out what works and what doesn't work. Failure is merely an experiment that didn’t work out.

The next time that you fail, congratulate yourself, learn from it and keep moving forward.

You just got one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself. It's all about shifting your perspective. Living a purpose-driven life requires that you screw up and embrace the unknown. When you change your definition of failure and view it as a path to success, there is nothing that will stand in your way of achieving your goals.

What are you waiting for? Start failing your way towards success!

Are you ready to learn how to succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Do you want to learn what the counterintuitive approach to making progress in life is? CLICK HERE to read the article that I wrote on Medium!

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