Five Reasons Why You Aren’t Making Money Online

Making money online has never been so easy. The Internet has changed the way that we are able to do business.  The opportunities are limitless.

Because of this, many people are now ditching their 9-5 lifestyle and becoming digital entrepreneurs.

New York Times #1 best-selling author Tim Ferriss’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, made this phenomenon a reality for many.

The beauty of this way of life is that you aren’t tied to any one location. All that you need is a laptop and Internet access. It sounds easy, right? Unfortunately it's not. Despite this opportunity, too many online businesses don’t make any money.

A recent statistic shows that 90% of new online businesses fail in the first four months. The question is why? The Internet is filled with get rich quick schemes. Sure, who doesn’t want to make a lot of money in a short period of time? But that is not how you build a sustainable online business.

Too many of us are hardwired for instant gratification, and so we ascribe to a get rich quick mentality. This may work in the short-term, but it is not sustainable. You need to realize that building an online business takes time, energy, commitment, focus and hard work.

So many people think that they can create a blog or a website and start making money right away. Think again. If you are one of these people, I want to share with you five reasons why you may not be making money in your online business.

1. Your content isn’t high quality enough.

Content is king; it is one of the best ways to attract people to your brand online. In my business, this is what I spend the majority of my time doing. High quality content is the key to marketing success. You need to focus on creating great or epic content.

The secret to success is to discover what your visitors want, and then give it to them. Do your research. Building trust is a vital part of generating sales for your business. An estimated 77% of consumers read online content prior to making a purchase.

In the words of Sam Walton, “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else”.

If you focus on providing massive value and people will purchase your products. High quality content is the fastest way to getting traffic to your blog and building an audience.

2. You aren’t publishing content consistently or frequently enough.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to be consistent with your content. You cant just publish one time and then never again. In my business, I try to publish content 5 days a week.  Aristotle once said, “Quality is not an act, it’s a habit”.  Make it a habit to publish quality content consistently and frequently enough on all social media platforms. If you do, people will subscribe and follow you. 

3. Your content isn’t attracting visitors or viewers.

The secret to content marketing involves creating great content on a consistent basis, making sure it gets found in the search engines, and then promoting it to your viewers and followers. You can have the best blog or website out there, but if nobody is visiting it, then what’s the point?

Before you even consider attempting to make money from your business, you first need traffic and an audience. Being able to take advantage of Google, the top search engine in the world, can provide you with thousands of free visitors on a daily basis. If you can successfully rank your content in search engines so that people can easily find your content, than you will be ahead of the game.

4. Your subscribers aren’t buying what you are promoting.

Focus on choosing products to promote that are targeted, relevant to what your subscribers want, and have high conversion rates. When you are creating a product you need to always have your followers’ interests in mind.

It's not about you, rather its about creating a product or service that serves others' interests and needs. Once you have built an audience, another great strategy to get your subscribers to buy something that you are promoting is to focus on pre-selling your product.

Pre-selling is how you make your subscribers like you, and how you establish yourself as an authority. In the words of Seth Godin, “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers”. A lot of businesses fail because they don’t make the effort to create a trusting relationship with their customers.

They sell products that they like, instead of putting themselves in their customers shoes and finding out what drives their needs. In other words, they fail because they fail to pre-sell. If you want to make money in your online business, you need to get out of your own way and understand what your customers are trying to say to you.

The more that you know about them, the easier it will be to anticipate their needs in the future. Keep in mind that all the promotion in the world won’t make your business money if your content isn’t high quality enough. Focus on providing massive value to your customers.

5. You haven’t given things enough time.

How do you expect to make money online if you haven’t invested enough time and energy to do so? We are hardwired for instant gratification, but if you want to build a sustainable online business you have to adopt a mastery mentality. Your psychology and mindset are going to determine your success more than anything.

The master is somebody that commits to everything. If they cant find the way, they make the way.  There is no plan B. There is a lot of work that goes into growing an online business – you need energy, passion, persistence, motivation, and commitment, to name a few things.

Success is a journey, not a destination. You need to realize that building an online investment is a long-term investment. Learn how to fall in love with the process, and the results will come. Work hard, never give up, and enjoy the freedom and limitless opportunities that an online business provides. The world is waiting for you.

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