How I Started Making Money Online And How Long It Will Take You To Make Money Online

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

I recently got a question from a PLM follower on the topic of making money online.  The person wanted to know how I started making money online and exactly how long it'd take him to start making money as well.  I get this question often, so I thought I'd answer it and share more details into my story about how I got into internet marketing.

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/177491-plm-032-how-i-started-making-money-online-and-how-long-it-will-take-you-to-make-money-online.mp3″ ]

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My Story Rags To Riches Story With Making Money Online

I've been involved with internet marketing for several years now.  It started when I was running my old business, Lifestyle Transformations, with two business partners.  Lifestyle Transformations was a seminar/coaching company for men that would help them with overcoming social anxiety, confidence, meeting women, and dating.  I struggled massively will all of those areas when I was younger, and so sharing how I had changed my life and helping others was a huge passion for me.

While running the seminar/coaching business, I really had to learn a lot about how to get people to attend our seminars.  I didn't know anything about business or marketing at the time.  I didn't take a “class” or go to school for it or anything.  I initially turned to books and just discovering things online.  I taught myself how to build websites, set up an e-mail newsletter, a blog, and how to drive traffic.

I was beginning to discover how important internet marketing was to build this business, which is why I ended up investing a lot of my time into it.  I eventually started taking seminars, courses, hiring mentors, and going through programs to help me along the way.

The education I gained ended up being extremely valuable to me when I later decided to go in a different direction after 5 years and start my own internet business.  I was living in San Diego at the time and I was broke, living in a hostel.  I was desperate to make money, as our business was struggling.  I felt that my business partners simply weren't committed to it full-time like I was, and they had their own projects on the side.  I was starting to feel on my own and was beginning to feel scared that the business would go bankrupt and that I'd be on my own.  That's why I decided to experiment with starting my own internet business.

One night, I ended up spending hours in the middle of the night trying to discover the right niche or market for me to start a business in.  I had known a bit about search engine optimization, so I figured I'd build a blog around a niche that I thought would be worthwhile to rank in Google.  I was going through a course called Bring The Fresh at the time, which had helped me learn how to effectively rank websites in Google.  I ended up writing a few blog posts and did some SEO things that I had learned, but basically abandoned the website after about a week.

Several months later I was back in Vancouver and I attended a seminar called The Millionaire Mind Intensive.  I was broke, living in my friend's living room and in massive credit card debt, trying to find out how I could survive with my existing business.  I attended The Millionaire Mind Intensive to learn about myself, my relationship with money, and how I could become financially free.

The seminar ended up changing my life.  Not only did I learn a ton about money, but I was really sold on the concept of internet marketing.  T. Harv Eker showed up for a segment of the event to promote his new Internet Marketing Bootcamp seminar, and during the sales process, he was really pushing the business model of internet marketing.  

He really convinced me that internet marketing was the way of the future – that the world is changing and starting to buy things more and more online.  I had lightbulbs start going off in my head, as it reinforced what I already knew about making money online.  I knew it was a golden opportunity and that if I learned and started now, I could become financially free doing this and live the kind of lifestyle I've always dreamed of.

Soon after the seminar, I re-visited the blog that I had created back in San Diego.  I decided to look at the Google Analytics data and I was shocked to see that the website was getting visitors that were attending it every day.  The search engine optimization stuff that I had down months before had started paying off and my website was ranking well in Google.  

I started to think about how I could monetize this traffic, and that's when I decided to write an e-book.  I put together an e-book that I ended up selling at first for $9.99 and within the first few days, I had my first sale!  I was stoked.

That first sale I made online was the beginning of something special for me.  I then began to BELIEVE that this would actually work and became more motivated than ever to learn as much as I could about internet marketing.  I started going through more courses and programs, taught myself many skills, and began applying them.  

I also decided to make a huge move and travel to Southeast Asia for 3 months to focus entirely on building my internet business.  I said to myself, “I'm not coming back to Vancouver until I'm making at least $300/month passive income!”

My entire life changed in those 3 months.  I not only achieved that goal, but my internet business went on to expand dramatically.  It wasn't long before I was making up to $5000/month passive income from several websites that I had built that year.  I had developed an effective system and method for making money online, which was a big breakthrough for me.  All of the years of hard work and effort really began to pay off.

From there, I started to explore other avenues of making money online.  I started my blog, ProjectLifeMastery.com in January of 2012.  It took me a few months before I started to see a profit from it.   I was able to make money from my blog simply by recommending certain resources that have helped me and getting paid a commission for it.  In 2013, my blog really took off and I was able to develop a large following on YouTube and now my blog gets over 1,000 unique visitors per day.

As a result of that, I had people contact me about coaching and want to work with me 1-on-1.  That's what sparked me to start a coaching business and I've been blessed to have helped many people reach some remarkable goals during that time.  I still offer to coach and it's something that I really enjoy doing.

I then got into Kindle publishing and started to make some of the easiest money I've ever been able to make online.  I started to see some immediate results, which really blew me away and got me excited, which is why I decided to focus more on it and really learn as much as I could.  Once I had developed my own unique “system” and way of doing things, I quickly began to scale up this business and published over 100+ Kindle e-books, all of which make me a small passive income each month.

During this time, I always had friends and family members ask me about internet marketing and how they could get into it.  They started to see my success and were curious.  I started showing them things and got them involved with it, which ended up making them money too.  

I also always got a ton of requests from people that would be interested in making money online through my coaching program, so I started sharing this stuff with my clients and they start making money too!  I knew I was onto something, which is why I decided to create an entire course teaching Kindle publishing, which became my popular Mastering Book Publishing.

My blog, websites, products, Kindle e-books, and coaching has continued to grow month after month.  I'm so grateful for making that little decision at the time, simply out of desperation, to start my own internet business.  I had no idea it'd blossom into this and I'd be fortunate enough to enjoy the lifestyle that I do now.  Not only that, being able to help and inspire others is something I've always been passionate about and I am blessed to be able to reach thousands of people each day.  There's nothing else I'd rather be doing with my life!

While this summarizes my “rags to riches” story over the course of a few years, it wasn't as smooth as it sounds.  There were many hardships along the way for me and I struggled at many points during this period of time.  I had many ups and downs.  I had many failures, all of which I learned from.  

The amount of hard work, discipline, and effort I had to put forth is something that most people wouldn't be able to imagine.  I've spent many long nights and weekends on my businesses, and have made many sacrifices.  There is definitely no way of “getting rich quick” online – it takes hard work and patience, but if you're willing to work hard and have patience, then you too can be in a position similar to mine.

How Long Will It Take You To Make Money Online?

Okay, now that I've rambled on about myself and story, it's time to answer the question you've been waiting for.  How long will it take you?

My answer is: it depends.  It's totally up to you.

The tools and resources to make money online are everywhere.  There's a ton of courses and programs out there that can help you.  I have one that works, and there's also a few that I recommend that work as well.  You don't have to use them, but it's just what I know that has worked for me.  But, if you want to get started making money online, then you absolutely need something or someone that can guide you.  Do NOT try to do this on your own.  Trust me, I tried that before, it's too hard.  99% of people struggle making money online simply because they aren't willing to invest in a program that can help them.  

The sooner you find something that can guide you along the way, the faster you'll get there.

Now, if you decided to go in the direction of creating your own information product, then understand it's a lengthy learning process and can take you months to start to see a profit.  At least that's been my experience.  Most money-making strategies are always long-term.  If you want to rank a website in Google and do search engine optimization, it will take you several months to get your website ranked highly and getting visitors.  The same goes with creating a blog, similar to ProjectLifeMastery.com.

Yes, I understand there are some miraculous people that somehow find ways to make money quickly than others, but it's a rare minority.  It's not impossible, but there are people I know that have started making money literally overnight with some strategies.  Again, this is a rare exception and not everyone has these results.

The fastest and easiest way I've found to get started making money online is through Kindle publishing.  No, it's not because I have a course on Kindle publishing and am trying to sell you on it – it's simply a fact and has been based on my own experience.  With Kindle publishing, I believe it's realistic to start seeing profit from a Kindle book within a few weeks to a month.  This hasn't just been my experience, but from hundreds of people that are in my course as well.

If you started today with Kindle publishing, it'd realistically take you about 7-10 days to get an e-book made (either you write it yourself or hire someone to do it for you) and a cover done.  Once you have that, you can literally publish your Kindle book and within 24 hours it will be on Amazon.com ready for people to purchase it.  That's how fast it can be.  Now, in most cases your book won't take off right off the gate and start making you money (although I've seen that some people have had that).  Realistically, it will take you another 2 weeks to get Amazon reviews for your Kindle book and to promote/market it with a few simple strategies that I recommend.  But once your Kindle book is ready to go after those two weeks, then you'll start to see consistent earnings roll in.

That's why realistically I say a few weeks to a month.  Again, you'd have to be disciplined within that time and take action (nothing will happen without action).  Some people, for whatever reason, will be lazy and take months to do what I just described.  But that just comes down to your level of COMMITMENT.  If you are committed and willing to work hard, you can be making money online within 30 days.  Simple as that.  That's why I say it will take as long as you want it to take!

Usually making money online at the beginning can be slow.  You might start making $50-$100 at the beginning, which isn't much.  But you shouldn't think that way or feel discouraged.  To me, this was the most exciting part for me with starting an online business.  Once I made $50/month, I was so excited because suddenly that passive income every month would cover my cell phone bill.  The next $50/month I made, I viewed it as covering my internet expenses or my gym membership.

Eventually, when I made $1000/month, I viewed it as covering my rent!  I didn't care that I wasn't rich overnight – I never expected that.  I just kept at it and my income slowly started to grow each and every month.  Eventually, your income will start to snowball though, which is what has happened to me over the last few years – in which case you can have your income increase by thousands each month.

Eventually, you can start to build your passive income to surpass your monthly expenses, which is when you'll become financially free.  This was one of the most exciting moments of my life.  I remember years later, I attended The Millionaire Mind Intensive again, and I was in the 0.1% of the people in the room that was financially free.  I got to stand up and people gave me and a few other applause.  It felt amazing knowing that I created this for myself and was able to live a lifestyle that most people could dream of.  It made everything I went through worth it.

If you want to make money online, the best advice I can give is to GET STARTED NOW.  The sooner the better.  Find a course, program, or mentor that feels right for you and just execute exactly what it says.  It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.  If you are willing to work hard and do what it takes, then I promise you, you can achieve anything that you want. Good luck and I wish you much success on your road to making money online!

Want to know the 7 online business models that made me an Internet millionaire in less than 3 years? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE business course!

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