How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur an Internet Marketer with Dan Lok

Several years ago I attended a seminar called the Canada Marketing Summit in my local city of Vancouver, Canada.

I was a struggling entrepreneur, trying to become a successful internet marketer and figure out how to make money online.

One of the speakers at the event was a charismatic, successful internet millionaire by the name of Dan Lok.

Dan shared his inspirational story of immigrating to Canada with not a word of the English language on his lips and attempting to become successful as an entrepreneur.  Through hard work and determination, he became a multi-millionaire and a well-respected figure in the internet marketing world.

I was extremely impressed and inspired by Dan's presentation.  What he shared really resonated with me.

At that seminar, I had a chance to meet Dan and he gave me a copy of his book, FU Money.

FU Money is one of the books that changed my life.  I read it while traveling through Southeast Asia, while I was working hard to build my first online business.  It really motivated me and put me in the right mindset of building an online business.

In 2014, I shared a video blog on the top 4 internet marketing books that I recommend and FU Money was one of them.

It just so happens, after I released that video blog, tons of people took my recommendation and went to Dan Lok's website and got his book.  Dan took notice and through mutual friends, got in contact me to thank me.  It was a really cool experience to have someone that you've looked up to contact you.

Dan then asked to go for lunch, which was an opportunity I was thrilled for.  He had heard about me and a local speech that I gave at an internet marketing event in Vancouver and was impressed what I was doing with Kindle publishing.

After that, a friendship was created.  It turns out Dan and I have a lot in common with business and self-development.  I'm even going to be speaking at one of his events in March 2015 in Vancouver.

I invited Dan over for an interview recently and decided to record it and make it available online.  In it, we discuss many aspects of business and internet marketing which I think you'll find very inspiring and informative.  Enjoy!

Watch the video below:

(Watch the video on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/236474-plm-108-how-to-be-a-successful-entrepreneur-and-internet-marketer-with-dan-lok.mp3″ ]

Are you ready to learn from Dan Lok how you can make your first $100,000 online? CLICK HERE to receive your free copy of “F.U. Money,” and to register for our webinar!

To learn more about Dan Lok, click here.

If you live in Vancouver, then I'd recommend to check out some of these upcoming events that Dan is hosting:

Are you ready to learn from Dan Lok how you can make your first $100,000 online? CLICK HERE to receive your free copy of “F.U. Money,” and to register for our webinar!

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