How To Be Rich And Wealthy Right Now

Want to know how to be rich and wealthy right now?

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

I'm not talking about material wealth or being financially rich.

I'm talking about how to REALLY be wealthy and rich – right now.

Watch the video blog below and I share with you how you can be rich and wealthy right now, regardless of your financial situation.

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/189152-plm-065-how-to-be-rich-and-wealthy-right-now.mp3″ ]

The Secret To Wealth And Happiness

The truth is, the only reason why you're working so hard to achieve anything you want in your life is for one thing…

To experience a certain emotion.

You're only working hard to make money and be rich for what you BELIEVE it will give you, which is an emotional state.

If you were totally rich and wealthy right now, what would be the feeling you'd experience?








Whatever the emotion is that you're after, the truth is you can experience it RIGHT NOW.

You don't need to WAIT to experience whatever it is that you want.

You can give yourself these emotions today – right now.

What Determines The Quality Of Your Life?

Your quality of life is determined by the quality of your emotions.


You can be a billionaire right now, but if you're angry and depressed everyday, then the quality of your life is that you're angry and depressed.  It doesn't matter how much money you have, you're poor emotionally.

At the same time, you can be poor and broke right now, but if you're happy and grateful for what you have, then you're rich.  The quality of your life will be happy and grateful.

If you want to be rich and wealthy right now, you can be.

You can be wealthier than most millionaires and billionaires by being rich in gratitude.  Just by appreciating what you have.

Listen… the truth is, YOU ARE ALREADY RICH.

You just don't know it or haven't realized it yet.

If you are healthy and alive, then you're rich.  

If you have people in your life that care about and love you, then you're rich.

If you have the freedom to grow and create, then you're rich.

You are already abundant and rich beyond measure.

The problem is, most people take these incredible freedoms and wealth for granted.


Start appreciating everything in your life right now.  Start cultivating an attitude of gratitude.

If you can master your emotions and be grateful right now, then it will transform your life.

I share this because I have been blessed to have achieved an incredible amount of abundance in my life financially.  I'm rich and wealthy, and I have no doubts that I'll make millions more in my lifetime.

What has made me the HAPPIEST and MOST FULFILLED in my life hasn't been “achieving” anything, it's been being grateful for what I have.  It's learning how to appreciate the little things in my life and finding joy in everything.

I feel the most alive and happy when I'm growing and giving.

Again, all emotions that can be experienced RIGHT NOW.  You don't have to wait.

Turn your expectations into appreciation.  Give yourself the gift of gratitude – today.

I hope you enjoyed this video blog.  If you know someone that would benefit from it, be sure to share it!

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below, I'll do my best to respond.

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