How To Create More Love And Deeper Communication In Your Relationship

Do you want to know how to create more love and deeper communication in your relationship?

A relationship is all about giving unconditional love to your partner.

Healthy couples make time to check-in with each other on a regular basis in order to make sure that their needs are being met.

If you want to grow and experience more depth, passion, and connection with your partner, you need to make love and deeper communication in your relationship a top priority.

If you or your partner have yet to read the book, The Five Love Languages, make sure that you do.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/479570-plm-406-how-to-create-more-love-and-deeper-communication-in-your-relationship.mp3″ ]

Do you want to discover how to take your life to the next level and achieve mastery? CLICK HERE to learn more! Also, don't forget to check out Tatiana's website and YouTube channel!

In the book, the author delineates the five ways that people speak and understand emotional love. Everyone has their own love language; something that makes them feel loved and appreciated. When you understand the love language that matters the most to your partner, it helps you understand how to create more love and deeper communication in your relationship.

The five love languages are:

Words of affirmation – this involves compliments or words of appreciation

Quality time – this involves giving your partner your undivided attention

Receiving gifts – this involves visible symbols of love

Acts of service – this involves doing things that you know your partner would love, whether that’s cooking a meal, cleaning the house, etc.

Physical touch – this involves showing emotional love for your partner

Tatiana and I check-in on a bi-weekly basis and ask each other if our love languages are being served, and if not, why, and how we can meet each other's needs better. It's all about serving your partner and having the awareness to pay attention to what he/she needs. Find out what the top two love languages are for your partner so that you can anticipate their needs in advance.

As a man, I need to listen to Tatiana and understand her view of the world. It doesn’t matter what I think. It's all about what she needs. The same goes for Tatiana. Open and honest communication is the foundation of every relationship. Unsurprisingly, studies show that conflicts about money and poor communication lead to unhappy couples more than anything else.

In the words of Tony Gaskins, “Communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life. Without it, it dies.” If you can’t communicate, you won’t be able to express how you feel, which is a recipe for relationship disaster. There is an exercise that Tatiana and I learned in a tantra workshop, facilitated by our friends, Satyen and Suzanne Raja, that allows you to experience a deeper level of communication in your relationship.

This exercise is referred to as ‘dyads’ – a process whereby each partner asks each other a question. It’s an opportunity for each partner to communicate whatever it is that comes up for them in the moment. Your job is to listen, understand, and say thank you, with zero judgment.

Some examples of questions may be:

What is something that you like about me? 

What is something that you think we agree upon?

Tell me something about yourself that you want me to understand?

During this exercise it is important that you give your partner your undivided attention.  Don't argue, blame, or judge what they say. Creating a communication ritual in your relationship is a powerful way to create an honest and open connection with your partner, based on understanding, trust, and respect.

Valuing and honoring your partner involves making the effort to learn how to create more love and deeper communication in your relationship. Think about how you and your partner can best serve one another so that you can both reach your fullest potential, as partners and as human beings.

Life is a journey and it is love that makes the journey worthwhile.

Do you want to discover how to take your life to the next level and achieve mastery? CLICK HERE to learn more! Also, don't forget to check out Tatiana's website and YouTube channel!

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