How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Naturally: 7 Ways To Calm Your Mind

How would your life change if you knew how to get rid of anxiety naturally?

Anxiety is a debilitating condition that can affect every area of one's life. If you struggle with it, you know how difficult it can be to live with. When it strikes, everything feels like it is out of your control and you are unable to think clearly. As a result, you feel helpless.

If you think that you are fighting this battle alone, you are not. Globally, anxiety facts show that 260 million people suffer from anxiety disorders.

The tricky thing about anxiety is that a lot of people don't even know what they are anxious about. This can make it difficult to seek out support from others. Moreover, there is a heavy stigma that exists about anxiety. This causes a lot of people to feel shame and embarrassment.

You don't need to live with anxiety anymore. There is a cure, and it is staring back at you in the mirror. Close your eyes and imagine waking up in the morning, anxiety-free. Anything is possible. It all starts and ends with you.

In the video below I talk about how I overcame shyness and social anxiety.

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Are you ready to learn how to get rid of anxiety naturally?

It starts with making a commitment to yourself that you are ready to heal your life. I hate to break it to you, but there is no magic pill that will get rid of anxiety overnight. It will require that you make some major changes to your lifestyle.

You are already on the right track, just by reading this blog post.

In the medical system, medication is the golden rule for how to relieve stress and anxiety. However, this is only a band-aid solution. Instead of prescribing pills, we need to address the root of anxiety.

By doing so, we empower people to learn how to get rid of anxiety naturally and take back control of their lives.

Anxiety isn't something that you want to manage. Rather, it's something that you want to remove from your life forever. Throughout my 20's, I struggled with shyness and social anxiety, to the point where I was unable to talk to people. On top of that, I also had depression.

As a result, I was bullied and picked on by my peers. This went on for many years. Anxiety became a part of my identity. I thought it was who I was. That turned out to be BS.

A lot of people put too much effort into ignoring or avoiding their anxiety. Unfortunately, that's not how you rid yourself of it.

Researchers have found that people perform better when they acknowledge their anxiety. Labeling their emotions and accepting that feeling anxious can be part of the process, helps them devote their time and energy to their goals.

The best way to eliminate anxiety is to explore ways that you can address your symptoms.

Yes, your anxiety still may pop up from time to time, but knowledge is power. When you know how to catch it before it starts, you empower yourself. It's all about being one step ahead of the anxiety game.

Here are 7 ways for how to get rid of anxiety naturally.

1. Exercise Regularly

How you use your body determines how you feel at any given moment of time. Think about what happens to your physiology after you go for a run or do a sweaty yoga class.

I'm assuming you feel great! Your mind is clear and you feel unstoppable.

A regular exercise routine can be a natural form of medication. According to some studies, regular exercise works as well as medication for some people to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. More importantly, the effects can be long-lasting.

2. Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

There is a connection between what you put into your body and how you feel. Have you ever heard of the adage, “You are what you eat?”

Be mindful of what you are putting into your body because it may be negatively affecting your physiology.

Some great foods to reduce anxiety include leafy greens, healthy fats, like avocado or coconut oil, seeds, legumes and organic meats. More importantly, do your best to avoid all sugary foods, caffeine, and alcohol. This is one of the most holistic ways to get rid of anxiety naturally.

It may sound like a death sentence, but if it means you don't have to experience anxiety anymore, isn't it worth it? On top of that, you will live a healthy and well-balanced life. It's a win-win.

3. Face Your Fear

I overcame my anxiety naturally by facing it, head on. It wasn't easy, but I quickly learned that the only way out of the dark place that I was in, was through it.

The idea is to work slowly at facing the thing which you fear the most until you reach your final goal.

When we are forced to step outside of our comfort zone and live uncomfortably, we stretch ourselves. Your success in overcoming anxiety, depends in part, on your willingness to purposefully experience it.

I encourage you to not shy away from anxiety. Instead, learn how to make friends with it.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Learning how to be calm is an inside job. How would it feel to start your day feeling calm and grounded? You have the power to control how you feel.

Meditation is a powerful medium that can help you achieve this state of being on a daily basis.

Meditation connects us with our anxiety, and that is why it is such an important practice. I'm not a meditation guru by any means, but it has been something that has transformed my emotional, mental, and spiritual state over time.

We don't always have control over how a situation plays out, but we can mindfully change our response to that situation.

You have the power to choose a more constructive way of coping with stress, rather than a way that leaves you feeling depleted, anxious, and overwhelmed.

5. Seek Out Help

Oftentimes people who have anxiety suffer in silence, for fear that they will be judged as “mentally ill” or “damaged.” This is far from true. Reaching out for support from a friend, loved one, or a therapist is one of the best ways to cope with anxiety and other life stressors.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is an extremely effective treatment for anxiety. This is an approach that works with changing the way that you think, feel and behave, through the modification of old thinking patterns and habits.

At the end of the day, you need to find something that works best for you.

6. Engage In Positive Self-Talk

Oftentimes we are not even aware of our self-talk because it is unconscious. If you struggle with anxiety, you need to be mindful of the dialogue that is going on in your head. Why?

Because negative self-talk can aggravate anxiety, sending you down a rabbit hole of ruminative thoughts and reactive behavior. Our inner critic feeds off of our worries.

When you engage in positive self-talk, over time you can consciously shift your state of mind so that you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions.

Instead of saying, “I am helpless”  focus on more empowering thoughts like, “I am in control of how I feel.” In this place, there is no room for anxiety to run free.

7. Master Your Emotions

If you are someone that experiences anxiety on a regular basis you know how easily your emotions can spiral out of control – your heart begins to race and your thoughts go in circles.

Oftentimes, the source of one's anxiety isn't so much the experience that is making them anxious. Rather, it's the emotions that are connected to the experience.

From personal experience, when I tried to fight against my anxiety, that is when I felt more of it.

According to psychologist Erin Olivo, “If you want to stop stressing, you need to be in charge of your emotions, rather than your emotions being in charge of you.”

The next time that anxiety strikes, be proactive. Stay calm, pay close attention to what is happening in your body, and acknowledge your emotions. We may not have control over the physical symptoms, but we can control how we react to them.

In doing so, we have the power to shift our mindset and stop anxiety dead in its tracks.

When you master your emotions, you master your life.

My anxiety did not define who I was, and it does not define who you are either. In the words of Seth Godin, “Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance. What a waste.”

If you commit to practicing these lifestyle changes, you will see a massive shift take place in your life.

Now that you know how to get rid of anxiety naturally, what strategy will you commit to starting today?

You can read all the anxiety advice out there, but none of it means anything unless you take action. Visualize what your life would be like if you didn't have anxiety anymore and hold onto that feeling.

Change begins with a single step. Are you ready to master your anxiety and take back control of your life?

Do you want to discover how to master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Are you ready to learn the reasons why anxiety doesn't define you? CLICK HERE to read the article that I wrote on Medium!

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