How To Sell Anything To Anyone

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Do you struggle with sales and marketing?

Many people have limiting beliefs and barriers when it comes to selling.

There's a lot of fear, doubt, and rejection that you have to face.

However, there's no doubt that sales are something that is required in order to have success in any business or career.

Most people don't realize it, but we're ALL in sales.

If you want to be a great parent, you need to sell and influence your children.

If you are single and want to attract your ideal partner, you need to be able to sell and market yourself.

If you want to be a great leader and change the world, then you need to be able to massively influence, sell and persuade the masses.

WE ARE ALL IN SALES.  The sooner you can embrace it, the more empowered you will be.

That means that we should all learn more about how to sell, even if you aren't in business.

In this video blog, I share how to sell anything to anyone.  This is much of the mindset and tips that I've learned and developed over the years that has helped me to be effective in sales and marketing.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

Video Transcript

How to sell anything to anyone. This is Stefan from projectlifemastery.com and in this video, I'm going to be talking about sales, selling.

A subject that a lot of people are uncomfortable with. A lot of people have a lot of fears about selling to someone else. They are afraid of rejection and failure. There is a lot of emotions that come up. Other people are afraid of sales people.

They are afraid of being sold to and they have their guard and wall come up, their mixed emotions, their doubt, fear, and skepticism that comes up.

You are a sales person

I think this is a subject that's worth exploring, discussing, and embracing in your life because the truth is, whether you're aware of it or not, cautiously, you are in sales. You are a sales person because if you are single right now you need to sell yourself to someone else.

If you want to attract a partner, you've got to sell yourself. If you want to get a new job, you've got to sell yourself to the position of the boss or the potential employer so that you can get that job. If you're in business, you have to sell your products.

You've got to be able to share your ideas with other people and influence other to people to buy into them. If you have a family, if you have friends, if you have a social life, if you have kids, you're in sales because you need to be able to sell other people on your ideas, your beliefs, be able to influence your kids and persuade your kids to do certain things.

We're all in sales. If you have a social life, if you are interacting with other people, then you are in sales. The sooner you can embrace that and accept it and instead of having negative emotion towards it, say “Okay I'm in sales and marketing, how can I improve that?

How can I take this on and actually be effective at it? How can I effectively influence or persuade people in a better way?” Then it can really empower you in your life and help you have a better quality of life.

There is a negative connotation to the sales and selling. There is a negative meaning towards it for a lot of people because they perceive it as someone that is selling something to someone else that isn't really going to benefit them or maybe ripping them off.

What is effective selling?

I think really effective selling is meeting someone's needs, identifying what the other person wants, who they are, what their needs are, and then providing solutions to them, helping to empower the, Sharing ideas, or concepts, or information, or products, or services to help enhance that person's quality of life. I think that's what effective sales is.

It's a win-win on both sides. It's not a win for the sales person where they make money and the other person feels ripped off. That's not good sales. You want it to be win-win on both sides and in order to do that and effective salesperson really understands the person's needs and what's best for them, what can help them in their life and provide a solution to them.

Meet someone else needs

That's what I believe selling and marketing are.  It's just meeting someone else's needs. Solving other people's problems. Whether that's an actual specific problem and a thing that you're going through or it's just a transference of emotion because people buy sometimes to just change how they feel. Just to change their state. Or to change or elevate their status.

Why does one person buy a sports car whereas another person buys an inexpensive car just to get around the neighborhood and the city? The only difference is the status, the feeling, the emotion that person thinks he is going to have by having that expensive car.

Sometimes buy things not out of necessity or even out of a need, but sometimes the need is just to fulfill an emotional need. To change the way we feel. To feel for significant, to feel more certain, to feel we have more variety in our lives, to feel like we're growing and making progress.

I believe that needs are being met and emotions are being transferred in effective selling. It's a win-win on both sides. Everybody benefits and an effective sales person are someone that has good intentions to help enhance the person's quality of life.

Understand the inner game

Let's talk about selling. How to sell, how to sell anything to anyone. There're a few principles that I have in this video I'm going to share. First and foremost is understanding the inner game. I think the inner game is everything when it comes to selling.

I don't believe in techniques and gimmicks. There are some psychological principles that are available, but I don't think you should really manipulate people. It takes people down the wrong path or the wrong course. I think that's why having good intentions is a very important thing when you are attempting to sell or persuade anyone or influence anyone in a good way.

Inner game. Number one you've got to have confidence.

Believe in your product

You have to have belief. You have to believe in your product in whatever it is that you're selling. If you are trying to sell something to someone and you don't fully believe in it, you're not passionate about that product, you don't believe that it can help enhance them and their quality of life, then you're not going to be effective in any way being able to sell that to someone else.

They're not going to buy into your belief and the certainty that you have. I believe that anything that you sell, you have to have a high level of belief in it. If you don't have that belief then maybe it's not the right product for you. Maybe it's not the right service for you.

For me, I have strong conviction and belief behind anything that I sell. Anything that I create personally, My Mastering Book Publishing program, my Morning Ritual Mastery, books, whatever it is, I believe in them so much because I created them. I put so much of my sweat and tears into those products.

Into putting that all together, that I have so much belief in that, that it will help impact someone else's life. I have not a shred of doubt in my mind that this isn't going to help impact someone else if they actually apply it.

I have so much belief in that, whereas if I'm promoting something else that I haven't really benefited from, or been through, or there's no emotion behind it, I can't effectively sell that to someone else because I don't have any passion associated with it.

Other products I might share, The Amazing Selling Machine, I've been through. I've benefited from. I've seen the value. It's changed my life. If it's helped me and impacted me in some way, I have no problem sharing that. Having that belief, that passion behind it.

Benefit from it and share your story

One great way to develop that is by you using it and personally benefiting from it yourself. If you benefit from it, you also get the other benefit of being able to share your story. This is where I was and I went through this and I benefited from this product and this has helped me change and improve my life. By you sharing your story, you are going to have even more conviction if it's actually helped you and benefited you in that way.

I'll give you an example. When I was eighteen years old, even before that as well, but eighteen years old I had a job and I worked for CutCo. CutCo is basically a line of cutlery, specifically knives. I was eighteen years old, looking for a job and there was a sales job in the newspaper.

They typically recruit young kids and kids that are in college to make money on the side. What CutCo was, is that you would have to cold call people and you'd have to put on a whole presentation selling knives. You'd go to people's houses, you'd put on a presentation, I remember you got to cut a penny with their scissors, you cut the penny in half.

Really high priced, expensive knives. They were actually really great knives. I actually sold some to my family. My mom still has the scissors and knives that I sold her. Amazing knives, but I didn't really believe in them. I didn't have a passion for knives. So I wasn't very effective at that.

Another point is that I worked in the family business. My dad, my brother, my sister, my mom, we all worked in the family business and at one point we were selling bathtubs. At another point fireplaces, limestone fireplaces that my dad would build. Really amazing fireplaces.

I remember I'd go to different job sites and meet with the contractors and builders and designers and architects. I didn't have a passion for selling fireplaces. I didn't even have one or benefit from it in any way. I was relatively young as well, but I didn't have the passion for it.

I didn't believe it. So I wasn't very effective as a sales person. I think that having that belief, that passion behind the product is going to increase your sales more than anything else. You can look at techniques and all that sort of stuff, but it all starts with here. Your passion. Your enthusiasm that you have behind what you're selling.

Have confidence in yourself

I think also you have to have confidence in yourself. You have to be confident in who you are and your ability to be able to persuade and influence someone else because you could have an amazing product that you are passionate about, but if you're not effective in communicating that, you don't have that certainty in your eyes, that look, the feeling.

If you're not communicating that in any way then that's not going to be effective either. You have to have confidence. You're going to go through rejection. You are going to go through failure. Confidence is what is going to keep you going. Not being affected or phased by that in any way.

You are going to have people that are going to say no or object and have their fears and concerns. A confident person is someone that doesn't get rattled by that. They are flexible and they have a strong foundation, a strong core. They don't get affected. They change their approach or they try to address the concern or find out more about the person to help better meet their need as well.

Confidence, passion, very important.

Develop trust and relationship

Another thing as well that's very powerful is helping, is developing some level of trust and relationship with the person you are selling to. One thing I heard a long time ago that I believe in, is that people buy from people that they like, know, and trust.

If you can develop a relationship, a friendship, and actually view the person that you are selling to as your friend, and actually care about them, and develop a rapport, some trust there. Then you are going to be so much more effective as opposed to someone that just comes in with all this energy and passion that tries to sell something to someone.

That person is not going to know that you really care. That person is not going to feel comfortable yet with you. So developing rapport in that relationship is very important. That's why I believe that it is powerful to get to know the person. I think that's one of the most important first steps in sales.

Whoever you're attempting to sell to. Whether it's online, someone in person, a family member, really get to know them. Ask them questions. Become familiar with them. Identify with what their needs are. What their challenges are.

That's going to help allow you to meet their needs with your product or with whatever your solution might be. By getting to know them and developing that relationship, it's going to help them feel like you care, It's going to help them feel like you understand them.

When someone feels understood, they're going to feel so much more comfortable doing business with you.

A lot of people do business with people that might not even have the better product, but because they know and like you, they'll buy from you as opposed to this person over here that they don't know who might even have a better product.

Help people and provide value

Building that trust relationship is key and I think just taking the time to get to know someone and even adding value to them up front. I'm a big believer in that, That's one of the reasons why I built a successful business. I just try to help people and provide value.

I try to learn about you guys that watch my YouTube channel and you guys send me comments and questions and I listen and I try to continue to get to know you guys and create products that can benefit you guys. I survey you guys. I find out more about you. To create something that can help meet your needs.

I think that if you can provide a solution for someone that helps solve their problem or meets their need that they are looking to be met, and you have that relationship and trust, that's going to be a much more powerful and effective way to influence and sell someone that way.

The relationship, the trust, the rapport, very powerful. I think another important thing is to understand that selling is meeting someone else's needs and that's part of the process of the rapport.

Is there a demand for it?

Asking questions and identifying. Is there a demand here for it?

Sometimes there's a need that people have, or there's a problem they have and they might not even be aware of it. Sometimes by building that rapport and that relationship, helping them become aware of what they don't know or helping them become aware of a need or something that they might need or could benefit in their life, that's part of that process as well.

You can't just sell something to someone that they don't need or want. You have to make sure you identify that there is a need or that there is actually something that will benefit them.

Benefits vs features

A lot of people spend so much time trying to sell something and going over the different features.

Nobody cares about the features. What they really want are the benefits. How will this benefit the other person in some way? If you can effectively communicate that, and if you can identify what the person's needs are and say “this product over here can help benefit you” if their needs and their values or family, share with them your product can help benefit their family.

If their top needs are health, share by buying this product it can help you enhance your health. If their problem or whatever they are going through is their career or money, you can identify that by building a rapport and getting to know them, then share how your product can help benefit them with that as well.

Pleasure vs pain

There's a lot of deep, fundamental things that are happening with sales. Not a lot of the surface stuff that a lot of the people focus on a little bit too much.

I think another important thing to understand is that people buy things for emotional reasons as well. To change how they feel. To change their state.

One thing I learned from Tony Robbins years ago, and just through basic psychology since is that human beings are driven by the need to move towards pleasure and the need to avoid pain. Anything that is pleasurable we want to towards. Anything that is painful we want to avoid.

If you can help show people, communicate with them, that your product or service will help them get more pleasure in their lives and you can associate your product or service to help enhance pleasure in their life, then that's going to be something that they are going to be moved towards.

If you can also show them and help them actually to associate to the fact that your product will help them avoid pain in their lives, either present pain or future pain, then that's another effective way of influencing someone as well.

Sometimes you have to stir up things a little bit for people because a lot of people are a little bit too comfortable with themselves and their lives. They are afraid of experiencing that pain. If you can remind them “Hey are you happy with where you are right now?

Are you happy with your current job? Are you happy with the way that you look right now? Your body, be honest.” Sometimes you've got to have them experience a little bit of pain to feel a little bit uncomfortable with where they are at and remind them of that.

You are actually doing them a service by doing that. To help them make a new change in their life. Maybe your product or service can help them get out of that pain that they might be living in right now in their life, but they don't fully acknowledge it.

They just hide from it and pretend it's not there when they are in pain and they are suffering in their lives as well.

Ask for the sale

I think another important thing is just asking for the sale. Going for the close. A lot of people are afraid of that. They're afraid to attempt to close someone. You can do everything else right and they can be ready to be sold, but you have to close the deal.

You have to actually ask for the sale and get them to sign up or get them to buy and have some form of a call to action on what you want them to do. If you are going to sell someone in that way, you have to be assertive, you have to be confident.

Understand that some people are going to say no and that's okay. Sometimes people have objections. Sometimes not everybody is just going to buy right away.

I think an effective sales person is someone that doesn't just try to persistently slam their product down the person's throat because I've had that happen many times to myself and it doesn't feel good. I'm sure you've had that happen before as well.

Understand your customers

Instead of trying to keep selling the person, which a lot of sales people do, actually understanding them. Actually finding out what's holding them back. What's their challenge? What comes up for them. What is their objection because that can allow you to help address it.

Maybe it's a concern that they have or maybe it's not having the time or the money. Maybe there is a solution that you could provide for that objection and if not, maybe there isn't. Actually understanding, that's what helps build that trust and rapport, and that's why it's so important.

I can't tell you how many times, here in Bali right now, people are trying to sell you all the time, but they're not establishing a rapport. They're not identifying your needs. They're not passionate in any way about what they are trying to sell to you.

If you have an objection, they're not taking the time to find out what that is and help you feel comfortable and help you meet your needs and actually care about you.


I think that if you can really embody those principles that I've shared so far in this video, and really there's a lot more that goes into it, but I think these are the most important ones that can really serve you. I think that you will be much more effective selling anything.

Whether it's you, whether it's a product, whether it's in your business, whether it's in your friendships. These core inner games, these beliefs that you have can shift everything. I know some people still have that fear of selling and they are afraid of what other people are going to think and the rejection and going for the close.

I think that comes back down to you having that belief, that conviction, that passion behind what it is that you are selling. I know for myself, things that I've created, I have no problem selling them. I have no problem trying to stir people up a little bit, ruffled up a few feathers, get people off the fence and trying different things because I know deep down inside of my heart that it's a great product.

It's something that will help the person if they buy it and they apply it in their lives. That's helped me be effective and not have any fear from that.

At the end of the day, you have to be the one that looks yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see looking back at you. If you are trying to sell something or scam someone or something that's not quality, that's going to come across.

If you end up persuading people to buy it, you're not going to feel good about yourself. You're not going to be able to look yourself in the mirror. That shadow that follows you around, you've got to be happy with that shadow. It's going to follow you around for the rest of your life.

Make sure that you are coming at selling from the position of caring and love and trying to serve and add value. I think if you do that you should have no worries. You should have no fears. You shouldn't be worried about trying to sell someone if you have a good agenda and good intentions to help impact someone else's life.

That's what I've got for you guys on selling. How to sell anything to anyone. Hopefully, this will help you, not just business and have more success, but also, in other areas of your life as well because the more you improve yourself and you develop the right mindset, you'll be more effective at sales and everything else also.

If you guys enjoyed this, leave a comment below, let me know what you think, and I'll see you guys in the next video. Take care.

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