How To Take Action, Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

If you've been struggling to take action to achieve your goals, you need to read this.

Nothing happens without action. You can plan all you want. However, you won't see results unless you execute your plan.

Taking action is easy. Still, time and time again, I see taking action as the single biggest obstacle that people face on the road to achievement. Why?

Inside this blog, I am going to ignite a fire inside of you, so that you feel empowered to start turning your dreams into reality.

Keep reading to discover tangible tips for how you can shift from inaction to action and start the journey towards actualizing your potential!

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Are you ready to take action to change your habits and become the best version of yourself? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE 21 Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!  

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Are you an action-taker or a procrastinator?

Put your hand up if you've ever messaged a good friend and said, “Ugh, I have zero motivation today.” We all lose motivation from time to time and fall into procrastination mode. Don't beat yourself up.

Procrastination is merely a learned behavior, meaning that you can easily break the habit by… you guessed it… TAKING ACTION! When you think about it, low motivation is a great wake-up call.

If you listen to what it’s trying to tell you and take action to correct it, you will accelerate your success in life. Here's where I come in… by the time you're done reading this blog, you'll have tips that will inspire you to take action, even when you don't feel like it.

I want to be sensitive to the fact that some people's mental health has taken a hit since the onset of the pandemic. I've struggled with mental health issues in the past. I understand how hard it can be to do anything when you don't feel your best.

If you are someone who struggles with mental health issues, please know that this isn't your reality 100% of the time. I can guarantee that there are moments when you feel good, even if they are fleeting.

If you are someone who feels depressed 95% of your waking hours, you need to take advantage of the 5% of the time when you don't feel this way. Use the energy that you have to do things that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

In effect, practice stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing hard things.

If you're depressed or lacking in motivation, you need to understand that your comfort zone doesn't want you to be a happy, productive action-taker. Rather, it wants to preserve the identity that you've created and reinforced inside of your zone of comfort.

Thus, when you introduce a new way of being and showing up in your life, your ego will try to bring you back into comfort. It's a survival mechanism. If you want to break through this, you need to build your willpower muscle and challenge yourself to act, in spite of how you feel.

Feeling depressed 95% of your day while eventually drop to 94%, and so on. Over time, you will feel better about yourself, which in turn, will inspire you to be more productive.

Conversely, when you're not feeling good, don't fall into the trap of punishing yourself. Doing so sends a message to your brain that says, “Why even dream or go for anything when I'm always disappointing myself?” When you think in this way, you self-sabotage your efforts.

Accept that you're having a bad day and remember that this too shall pass. It's just a bad day, not a bad life. Every day is a new opportunity to begin again.

I want to talk about 3 simple ways that you can boost your motivation and take action, even if you don't feel like it. Let's dive in!

1. Have A Purpose Greater Than Yourself

In my opinion, purpose drives motivation. When you have a purpose that is bigger than yourself, it's easier to get yourself out of a funk and take action. As human beings, oftentimes we will do more for others than we will for ourselves.

As an example, I love my new puppy, Kobe, more than anything, However, I don't always feel like training or walking him. Nevertheless, I do it because I care about him more than myself in many ways. I have a responsibility, which empowers me to rise to the occasion.

The same thing goes with my online business. I have people who rely on me to show up and add value. Sometimes I don't feel like filming a YouTube video, but I do it because my purpose drives me. When you don't have responsibilities or people that you're accountable to, it's easier to sit around and be lazy.

2. Find An Accountability Buddy

If you're only accountable to yourself, it's easy to find excuses and back out of your commitments. There are zero consequences to not taking action because nobody else knows about it.

Unfortunately, when you don't hold yourself accountable, your self-esteem dwindles. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conversely, when you're accountable to someone else, like a friend or a coach, you are much more likely to follow through on what you say you are going to do.

Everyone needs someone in their corner, encouraging them to stay on track with their goals and not give up when challenges present themselves. As a result, you will perform at a higher level and your motivation will skyrocket.

Successful people accomplish their goals consistently because they leverage the power of accountability. They are either a part of an accountability group, in the form of a Mastermind or a community, or they work 1-on-1 with a mentor or a coach.

If you're looking for more support or an accountability buddy, I want to invite you to join my FREE Project Life Mastery Facebook Group. In the words of Stephen Covey, “Accountability breeds response-ability.” There is no greater gift that you can give yourself on your journey to accomplishing your goals.

3. Create A Morning Ritual

The mornings are when you have the most willpower. Thus, it's the best time to take action and be productive. When you take care of your mind, body, and spirit every single day, you build self-discipline. Not only will you feel good, but you'll also get so much more out of your day.

A morning ritual primes you for success. If you want to understand how willpower works, I recommend that you read the book, The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. Inside, Dr. Kelly McGonigal outlines how you can harness self-control to improve your health, happiness, and productivity.

When you take action to show up for yourself, you must reward yourself for engaging in healthy habits. By reinforcing positive behaviors, you will be motivated to repeat those behaviors.

Always remember that the consistency with which you engage in a habit matters more than the duration. The more that you practice rituals, the less willpower you'll need to engage in them over time.

If you need help creating a morning ritual, I've got a 7-day program called Morning Ritual Mastery where I coach you through how to create an empowering ritual.

Over the last 15 years of my life, I've studied the habits of the most remarkable people throughout history. I've compiled their habits and wrote a book for you to benefit from called 67 Morning Ritual Habits For The Body, Mind, And Spirit.

If you don't have a morning ritual already, I hope these resources motivate you to create one so that you can be at your best every single day.

This is how to take action, even if you don't feel like it.

Sometimes you won't want to do anything, and that's OK. However, don't make it a habit. Push yourself to do hard things. Motivation is a muscle. The more you flex it, the stronger it gets.

Commit to being an action-taker. Set small goals for yourself at the onset, and celebrate your wins. This will give you the motivation to take on bigger goals and more actions.

Over time, taking action will become habitual. You won't even have to think twice about doing it. Now go take action to make that way of being your reality!

Are you ready to take action to change your habits and become the best version of yourself? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE 21 Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!  

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