How To Get More Done: 3 Tips To Instantly Increase Your Motivation

Have you been looking for 3 tips to instantly increase your motivation? Look no further. Everything that you do in life requires motivation. It is the driving force that inspires you to take action to achieve your goals.

We all have experienced a point at which our motivation takes a downward turn. In his book, The Dip, Seth Godin points out that every new project starts out with endless amounts of drive, motivation and excitement. But then, deeper in to the commitment, it gets harder and less fun, until it finally hits a low point where it's not much fun at all. Can you relate?

At the end of the day, motivation starts and ends with you. You can either wake up early, feeling inspired to crush your day, or sit around the house and be lazy. The choice is yours.

Zig Ziglar said it best, “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily.” Are you ready to re-ignite your inner fire and learn 3 tips to increase your motivation?

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Motivation is just like a muscle. If you want to master it, you need to commit to strengthening it every day. Here are 3 tips to instantly increase your motivation:

1. Set Clear Goals

Oftentimes, lack of motivation occurs because we don't have a clear idea of the what the end result looks like. How do you expect to be motivated if you don't know what it is that you are moving towards?

Take it from the father of modern Goal Setting Theory, Edwin Locke, who said, “The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated.”

When you set goals that are clear and specific, it focuses your attention on what matters most, and gives you the motivation that you need in order to keep going when things get tough.

2. Find Your Why

If you are struggling with motivation, it is because you don't have a strong ‘why'. The people who fail to achieve their goals in life are the ones that haven't taken the time to address what it is that makes them come alive inside.

In Dan Pink's book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, he says that, “We are motivated when…we feel like there's purpose to what we are doing, where our efforts contribute to the greater good.” 

In order to better identify your why, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What makes you come alive inside?
  2. What are your innate strengths?
  3. Where do you add the greatest value?
  4. How will you  measure your life?

The next time that you find yourself hitting a roadblock, step back and reassess your ‘why.' Your answer will give you the fuel that you need to keep moving forward.

3. Prioritize Your Health

I believe that how you take care of your health determines your level of success in life. When self-care isn't one of your top priorities, everything suffers, causing you to be more easily distracted and less motivated to achieve your goals.

Have you ever tried to accomplish something when you haven't slept or have been sick? It's a recipe for disaster.

Try creating a morning routine, and make it a habit to wake up every day and engage in activities that increase your motivation, whether that's lifting weights, going for a walk, listening to an inspirational video, or reciting positive affirmations.

Research at the University of Nottingham and National Institute of Education conducted an 83-study meta-analysis and discovered that self-control is strongest at the beginning of the day. This spike in willpower can helps us feel energized and unstoppable for the day ahead. The reality is, that if you want to improve and sustain your motivation, you need to make your physical health a priority.

These are my 3 tips to instantly increase your motivation. When you master your motivation, it unlocks the door to limitless possibilities. In the words of Remez Sasson, “Motivation is the electrical power that activates the engine of success.”

What is your motivation for success in life? Whatever it is, wake up every day and tell yourself, “I got this.” It doesn't matter how slow you go, just don't stop.

Are you ready to learn how you can master ever area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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