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3 BIG Kindle Publishing Mistakes

kindle publishing mistakeskindle publishing mistakes

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

What are some of the biggest Kindle publishing mistakes that authors and publishers make?

There are 3 BIG ones, which is what this video blog will be about.

Out of the hundreds of authors and Kindle publishers that I've worked with over the years, I've found that there are obvious patterns of success and patterns of failure.

I've seen publishers go on to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in their Kindle publishing business, while others have struggled, failed and given up at the first signs of adversity.

I've identified there to be 3 common Kindle publishing mistakes that most publishers make that are important to avoid.  If you can avoid these and overcome them, then your chances of success will increase drastically.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

Avoid These 3 Kindle Publishing Mistakes

What are these big Kindle publishing mistakes that I commonly see authors and publishers make?

1. Publishing in the WRONG niche or market.

In order to be successful with your Kindle book and be able to benefit from Amazon search, you need to do proper research beforehand.  In Mastering Book Publishing, this is one of the first lessons that I teach, because without effectively publishing in a high demand market, your book won't have any chance of success on Amazon.

If you have an idea for a book, you can't just expect it to sell and make you money.  While you might think your idea is great, that doesn't matter.  What matters is that there is a market for it on Amazon and that people are actively searching for it.

Amazon provides a wealth of information and data that can help you do effective research.  You can easily see the Amazon bestseller ranking of any Kindle book, which will tell you roughly how well a book is doing.  You can look at categories and see what is hot and trending.

To be successful with your Kindle book, you need to make sure your book is in a market that is in high demand and that there is a market of people looking for it.

2. Doing the bare minimum and expecting success.

You can't just do the bare minimum and expect success.  I see this mistake amongst Kindle publishers all the time.

They think that if they just throw up another book with a mediocre cover, title and content that they will make a lot of money.  That might make you a bit of money in the short-term, but not over the long-term.

You need to think about how you can STAND OUT from the other books in the market.

You need to be a bit creative – come up with a cool cover and title that will benefit the market.

When you promote and market your book, don't expect to just do the bare minimum and out-rank the other books you're competing with.  Some of the books have been established already on Amazon, so you will have to do more to out-compete them.

If your competitors Kindle book has 30 Amazon reviews and yours has 25, how can you expect to sell better then him?  You need to put in the work to market and promote your book and get 30, 40, 50 Amazon reviews to be that dominat book.

If you hustle and put in the work, then you will never have to worry about competition or others trying to compete with you.

3. Giving up.

The biggest Kindle publishing mistake that I see is authors and publishers just giving up.

They publish a book and it doesn't do as well as they'd like… so they get frustrated and give up.

They publish a book and it makes money, but then it stops selling… so they get frustrated and give up.

Listen… business is hard.  There are challenges to business and nobody said that achieving success would be easy.

EVERY successful person that has achieved anything of value has failed.  It's normal.

Failure is feedback.  It can provide the greatest lessons for you and teaches you a lot.

Someone that will be successful as a Kindle publisher will recognize that, overcome the adversity, learn from it and keep at it.  If you keep at it long enough, you will succeed and master it.

If you just give up at the first sign of failure or adversity, then you'll continue to be stuck your whole life – going from business to business, just calling quits and giving up.  That's not how success happens.

If you want to be successful with Kindle publishing or any online business, you need to work hard.  You need to keep at it.  You need to keep learning and learning until you “get it” and “master it”.

Once you do, you'll be unstoppable.

And of course, it's ALWAYS best and smartest to learn from those that have already been through the challenges and obstacles, so that they can help you get past them.  This will save you a lot of time, money and frustration.

I've put together a step-by-step Kindle publishing course that has helped hundreds of people now make money with Kindle publishing, called Mastering Book Publishing.  It covers everything you need to know, from start to finish, how to publish a Kindle book and make money from Kindle publishing.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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