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Stefan talks about how to master the inner game of successStefan talks about how to master the inner game of success

If you haven't mastered your inner game, you need to read this.

Success is a mindset game. A lot of people know what they need to do to be successful, but they're not willing to take action.

If you're reading this and thinking, “I can relate”, I've got great news. Today is your opportunity to do something different.

Once you've done the work to master your inner game, there are no limits to what you can achieve in life.

If you're ready to go all-in, keep reading…

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Success is never accidental.

You don't achieve your goals in life by sitting on the sidelines and doing the bare minimum. This is a recipe for failure. Success is the result of continuous effort and hard work. I believe that a successful life is available to EVERYONE.

A lot of people want to be successful, but not everyone is willing to do what is required to be successful. Why? Because they haven't mastered their inner game.

You can't achieve anything in the outside world until you've overcome the self-imposed obstacles that prevent you from actualizing your potential. Your inner game, comprised of your beliefs and values, is what determines whether or not you take action towards your dreams.

Mastering your inner game is similar to building muscle. The more that you practice it, the stronger that it gets. When it comes to your inner game, the following 3 factors determine your success in life.

1. Values

Knowing who you are is intimately connected with what you value in life.

Personal values are the measuring sticks by which we determine what is a successful life. What you value will dictate the decisions that you make. If you want to be successful you have to value success. More importantly, you must act in alignment with the values of a highly successful person.

2. Beliefs

Your beliefs impact your thoughts, feelings, and actions. As such, they determine your success in life. All of us have both empowering and disempowering beliefs. Tune in and ask yourself… do your beliefs reflect self-love or self-disgust?

If your answer discourages you, remember this… at any given moment you have the power to choose better beliefs that empower your life. If you believe that life is always happening for you, you will attract opportunities that align with that truth. It's that simple.

3. Emotional States

Becoming a master of your emotions is the ultimate competitive advantage. So many people are at the mercy of their emotions. They feel out of control. In reality, they are the “architects of their experiences“. The more that you challenge your emotions, the more deeply that you feel them.

Your emotional home is your default state of being. The more that you feel frustrated, the more likely you will live in a state of frustration. Conversely, the more that you feel happy, the easier it will be to live in a state of happiness. You can rewire your emotions. By doing so, you will take more empowering actions that lead to a better quality of life.

The Cost of Success

There is always a price to pay for success. It all comes down to how bad you want it.  Are you willing to make sacrifices and do what others will not?

When I first started my entrepreneurial journey I experienced a lot of frustrations. In reality, I wasn't taking enough action to create the success that I desired.

Even worse, the actions that I was taking weren't working. That caused a lot of emotional pain and suffering. Instead of putting my head in the sand and giving up, I chose to make success a top priority in my life.

Thankfully my focus and determination paid off. However, I'll admit that it was at a huge cost to my social life and overall quality of life. That being said, I was willing to endure the discomfort temporarily so that I could create my dream lifestyle.

You can either have excuses or results, but you can't have both.

Listen, I get it. Your excuses may be justified. However, if you're always looking for reasons as to why you don't achieve something, you'll only become a victim of your circumstances.

In this state, you will constantly deflect responsibility. At the end of the day, the one common denominator in you achieving your goals is YOU.

There will come a time when you have to point the finger back at yourself and say, “I am responsible for everything that has happened in my life.” When you do this, you become the driver of your destiny instead of the victim of your life.

Are you ready to master your inner game?

No one in history has become successful without their inner game being on-point. If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to make it happen. Your shoulds will become musts.

When your inner game is strong enough, you'll find the success that you know you deserve and are capable of. Don't stop until you're proud. Your future self will thank you for it.

Do you have dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur? CLICK HERE to take my FREE 60-second quiz to find out which online business is best for you! 

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