The MONEY BELIEFS That Are Holding You Back Financially

The money beliefs that you hold create your financial reality.

Where do these beliefs come from? Doctors Brad and Ted Klontz coined the term “money scripts” to describe unconscious financial beliefs developed in childhood that are often passed down by family members.

In the words of Adam Smith, “All money is a matter of belief.” Do your money beliefs support your goals in life, or are they holding you back financially?

You have the power to change your programming around wealth so that you can create the financial abundance that you desire.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/786727-plm-604-the-money-beliefs-that-are-holding-you-back-financially.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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Are your money beliefs holding you back?

Having the right money mindset is more important than having money. I want to share a story with you that highlights the role your financial beliefs have in shaping your future.

Tatiana and I were doing some shopping recently as a way of rewarding ourselves for all of the hard work that we've been doing in our businesses. A lot of people don't understand how much time and energy we put into our work. If you don't treat yourself from time to time, it's hard to stay motivated.

Tatiana bought a pair of expensive shoes, but she deserves them because she is crushing it in her business. She decided to tell her Mom. That was a big mistake. Her Mom reacted in a negative way, which in turn, hurt Tatiana's feelings.

Both Tatiana and I grew up not having a lot of money. My parents used to always say, “We can't afford this.” As a result, I was encouraged to hoard my money.

If you have limiting beliefs around money, then it's easy to develop a scarcity mentality. I want to share with you 3 three sources of mental programming that shape your money beliefs.

1. Verbal Conditioning

This involves what you hear. The associations and beliefs that you create around money are based on the things that you hear people say. For example, if one of your parents constantly told you that “money is the root of all evil” then you will believe this to be true.

2. Modeling

This involves what you see. You subconsciously model the behavior of those that are closest to you, whether that's your siblings, teachers, or parents. I was able to change my money mindset by engaging in reverse modeling. I became the opposite of my Dad because I saw him engage in behaviors around money that I didn't like.

3. Specific Incidents

The emotional incidents that you experience around money as a child end up impacting how you view financial wealth as an adult. This is what Tatiana experienced with her Mom. When you are judged or punished for something that involves money, that incident can be imprinted upon you and affect you for years.

Money is not your enemy. It is only a tool.

A lot of people are enslaved by their money beliefs, based on what others have said to them. Unless you start to uncover the blocks that you have around money, you will continue to struggle financially.

Once you know what your money beliefs are and where they came from, then you can feel empowered to change them. Once you change how you think about money, it starts to work for you instead of against you.

If you want to make more money, focus on adding massive value to people's lives. This is the only way to create long-term wealth. Why? Because the more value that you create for people, the more valuable that you become.

Don't get me wrong… money can change your life, but it will not buy you happiness. It's what you do with the money that you make that matters most. When you figure out how to do that, you are winning.

As Tony Robbins says, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” Are you ready to rewire your money mindset?

Are you ready to learn how to master your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Do you want to learn more about the mindset that makes you poor and what you can do about it? CLICK HERE to read the article that I wrote on Medium!

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