Morning Ritual Mastery Preview: Affirmations & Incantations

In this video blog, I reveal a preview of Morning Ritual Mastery and walk you through using affirmations to condition your thoughts and beliefs.

This clip is from a segment of Morning Ritual Mastery that walks you through a morning ritual each day.  If you want to be guided through a morning ritual, then you can simply watch the video or listen to the audio, and then just participate to what I'm guiding you to do.

Affirmations have been around for ages as a staple of conditioning through self-development.  Many books and “guru's” speak about the powers of affirmations, such as Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, and many others.

By speaking out loud a new thought or belief with consistency, you eventually come to believe it.  It becomes “apart of you” and this new belief guides you throughout your life.

It's encouraged that while you watch the video to also participate and follow along.  Speak out loud the affirmations you wish and use this as something that can help change your life.

Watch the video below: 

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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=> CLICK HERE to learn more about Morning Ritual Mastery <=


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