My 2013 Goals Update – How To Check In On Your Progress And Goals Regularly

This is an update of my 2013 goals and New Year Resolutions that I set at the beginning of the year.  So far, we're 5 months into the year and I thought it'd be important to share how to check in on your progress and goals.

Watch the video below to see what I've accomplished so far in 2013 and what has changed.

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

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The Importance Of Checking In On Your Goals

I can't emphasize enough the importance of checking on your progress and goals regularly.  The biggest mistake people make when setting goals if failing to ever look at them again.  If you don't check in on yourself, how do you know whether or not you're making progress?  How do you know if the strategy you're using is working?  You don't.  Often times, people keep taking action towards something and aren't seeing any results.  This is when people get discouraged, frustrated, and give up.

There was once a time in my life when I didn't check in on my goals.  I was working out consistently, but wasn't seeing any noticeable results.  I was investing many hours in the gym trying to gain muscle mass and was eating good food.  I was also investing a lot of money into supplements.  Yet, I wasn't noticing any results.

The truth was that I wasn't measuring my progress consistently enough or paying attention to my goal enough.  I wasn't regularly checking my weight on the scale, measuring different body parts, tracking how much I was lifting, or checking my body fat.  Since I didn't check anything, I just kept taking the same actions, expecting a different result – this is the definition of insanity!

The moment I started checking in on my goal regularly, the easier it was for me to make adjustments and reach my goal.  Through this I was able to realize that the strategy I was using wasn't yielding the result I wanted.  I had to make some changes, and I did.  I changed my workout program.  I also at times have changed my protein intake and other foods I was consuming.  And guess what happened?  I noticed an increase in results!

Since I was tracking my goal and checking in regularly, I was able to save myself a lot of wasted time and energy on a strategy that wasn't working.  None of this would have been possible if I didn't check in regularly!  The same can be said for any other goal that you are pursuing.

How To Check In On Your Goals

I usually check in on my goals weekly, as part of the process I recommend in My Life Plan.  This allows me to avoid following a strategy that doesn't work.  I keep detailed notes on my actions and results each week, this way I can progressively see what's happening.  If something isn't working for a period of time, I closely look at it and will make a change.  I also check in quarterly (every 3 months) when it comes to yearly goals, as sometimes things change and I need to make sure that I'm on track.

One of the best things that has helped me in achieving my New Year Resolutions is by having them up on a white board that I can see everyday.  I keep them on this whiteboard all year and that way I can't avoid my goals.  I am forced to see it daily and focus on them.  The more that you focus on something, the more likely you are to achieve it.  Whenever I achieve one of those goals, I simply cross it off on the white board.

Alternatively, you can write your goals down everyday.  I do this with my monthly and quarterly goals, as it forces me to remind myself of the goal and focus on it.  Do NOT make the mistake of forgetting your goals – I've done that far too many times.  Remember, the work isn't done the moment you set the goal – you must keep writing out that goal and obsess about it if you want any change in achieving it!

During the 100 Day Challenge program that I enroll in every year, Gary Ryan Blair has something called “After Action Review”.  The After Action Review is when you evaluate your progress and results with that goal so far.  I've used this concept with my own goals and it's worked great.

I ask myself 3 questions when checking in on my goals:

1) What progress have I made so far in achieving this goal?

2) What needs to change in order for me to make progress towards achieving this goal?

3) What am I committed to doing moving forward to achieve this goal?

By answering these questions honestly and writing them out, I've found it to really help me evaluate where I'm at and what needs to change.  I invite you to try these questions out and to check in on the goals you've set for the year.

My Progress Of My 2013 New Year Resolutions

I'm very pleased with the progress I've been making towards my goals for 2013 so far and I'm going to share an update on each goal below.  If you want to see what my goals for 2013 were, check out my 2013 New Year Resolutions blog post.

1) I will easily be 160 lbs. at 6% body fat and compete in the WBFF Fitness Model Competition on July 13, 2013.

As mentioned in the video, I decided to change this goal and not compete in a competition this year.  My focus shifted to being more health-oriented and to put on muscle mass this year, and compete next year.  I also decided to change this as I want to focus more on my businesses this year and enjoy being in a relationship, which are both difficult tasks while competing.  When you're competing, you can't go out to eat for dinners or go out on dates, and it requires a tremendous sacrifice in your life.  I'm happy with the decision and still continue to workout everyday and am healthy.

2) I will easily make $10,000/month passive income on Kindle by December 31, 2013.

So far I'm up to around $6000/mo passive income from my Kindle marketing strategy.  It's increasing every month and I'm on track to hit those goal, as long as I continue taking action towards it the way that I have.  Feeling very optimistic about it and have now coached over a dozen clients on this method, and they're all getting great results as well.  I plan on launching a product on it in the near future.

3) I will easily buy an investment property by December 31, 2013. (Successfully completed!)

I've achieved this goal!  It was a goal that I failed to achieve during my 2012 new year resolutions, but am happy to say that I made it a high priority on my list this year and was able to make it happen.  Making a real estate deal is something that can't be rushed and requires patience and is a process, as I've learned, but I'm happy everything came together.  I w
as even able to rent out the place for May 1st and have learned a lot about real estate – many more real estate investments to come in my lifetime. 🙂

4) I will easily launch my first product on Project Life Mastery by December 31, 2013.

I was able to launch my book, Life Mastery: How To Unleash Your Hidden Potential And Achieve Everything You've Ever Wanted in April, but that wasn't the product I had in mind for this goal.  I'm still in the works of developing a product, which will be a DVD program showing others how I make passive income online.  I've made some progress on it, but need to allocate a period of time to complete this project without distractions.  I'm going to be allocating some time in May to work on it.  Also, having my new camera, camera and mic (see below) are also things that will help me to develop a quality product.

5) I will easily move to Yaletown into a beautiful 1 bedroom and office apartment by December 31, 2013.

I've made progress towards this goal by looking at places and seeing what's available.  This is a goal that I can easily achieve anytime, but I've planned for it around October as I want to focus on my product first and a few other things before I move.  I also plan on investing in a lot of new furniture, so I have a fund put aside for that when the time comes.  I'm looking forward to this goal the most and can't wait to move into a new home!  This will get achieved this year.

6) I will easily continue to build an amazing, passionate, loving relationship with Jessica where I am focusing on meeting her needs, being present for her, with us both growing towards an incredible future by December 31, 2013.

This is going great.  I'm still in a relationship and it's been growing everyday.  A relationship has really added a lot to my life and is something I value immensely, and it's something that has helped me to grow and become a better person overall.  Nothing more to say here!

7) I will easily go to Mexico for 1 week with Jessica by December 31, 2013.

This is a goal that I plan on achieving during the winter time, most likely December.  This goal is still in the works.

8) I will easily wake up each morning happy, excited and passionate at levels 9′s and 10′s by December 31, 2013.

This goal has been great and I've been fairly consistent with my morning ritual everyday.  My morning ritual is what allows me to condition the emotions I want to experience on a daily basis and to really boost my quality of life.  There's times when I have meetings in the morning and am not able to complete it completely, which is something I need to work on and prepare for.  I'm not perfect at it, but I've been happy with everything so far.  Just need to keep up the consistency.

9) I will easily do a 7-10 day cleanse to detox my body and increase my health and energy by December 31, 2013. (Successfully completed – Total Wellness Cleanse Review)

Earlier this year I decided to go on a 10 day cleanse and committed to The Total Wellness Cleanse.  As it turns out, it was one of the best things that I've done and it really took my health and energy to a new level.  I can't remember any other time in my life when I felt so amazing than I was when I did that cleanse!  I plan on doing it again later on this year, I enjoyed it so much.

10) I will easily buy a Vitamix blender by December 31, 2013. (Successfully completed – Vitamix Review)

I bought the Vitamix Total Nutrition Center last month and have been using it daily since.  I've so far been blown away by all the amazing recipes I've been able to make and how good it's tasted.  I now blend several times a day and it's added a lot to my health and energy.  It's been perfect for my protein shakes in the morning and after workouts, and is extremely fast and easy.  By the way, if you want to order a Vitamix, I've included a coupon code below that will get you free shipping if you're interested.  You can also check out my Vitamix review to see it in action.

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11) I will easily buy a new MacBook by December 31, 2013. (Successfully completed!)

I had a 13″ MacBook that really needed to be upgraded this year, and so I was able to buy a new MacBook Pro 15″ a few months ago and it's made a huge difference to my productivity.  Since I do online marketing, having a fast new computer is essential, as it makes a huge difference to the work that I'm doing.  I plan on upgrading it further, as I need more RAM to do a lot of the video editing that I do for this blog.  Overall, very happy with it and happy this goal was achieved.

12) I will easily buy a new, high quality camera and mic by December 31, 2013.(Successfully completed!)

All of my videos for Project Life Mastery have been recorded on either my MacBook webcam or my small digital camera.  I wasn't expecting any of my videos to become as big as they have and that so many people would be watching and following them.  Now that I've been able to build a successful business out of Project Life Mastery and that it's growing, I knew it only made sense to invest in a high quality camera and wireless mic so that I could deliver better quality to my audience.

After doing a lot of research and learning what other bloggers out there were doing, I decided to buy the Canon EOS Rebel T4i DLSR with a 18-55mm lens along with the Sennheiser EW 112 GS wireless mic system.  I've recorded my first video with it in this video and am still learning how to use everything properly, but so far I'm extremely pleased with the results.  I've noticed a big difference in the quality and am excited to shoot more videos with it.

13) I will easily buy the Omega J8004 Juicer by December 31, 2013.(Successfully completed – Omega J8004 Review)

To go along with my goal of having more energy this year, I invested in the Omega J8004 juicer.  My $50 juicer had broke and I had enough with wasting money on crappy products.  I asked a lot of friends in the health industry and after doing a lot of research, I found the Omega J8004 to be the best juicer for me.  I've now used it daily for months and it's become a important part of my morning ritual.  Juicing has given me a ton of energy and also aided in my 10 day cleanse.  Very happy with the purchase, it was one of the best I've made!

I'm definitely not perfect and have my own struggles from time to time, but I believe through persistence and perseverance that I will achieve the rest of my goals.  Every goal achieved provides more confidence for the next one.  And with checking in regularly, I am able to ensure that I am on track and make any adjustments if necessary.

Your Turn

That's it for me and my goals.  Now it's your turn.  How have you been doing so far with your goals for this year?  Have you achieved a few?  Are there still a few to work towards and require adjustments?  I encourage you to take the time and check in with yourself and your goals.  Be honest with yourself and be willing to make any adjustments if you need to.

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