If you're struggling to find your passion, you've come to the right place.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have no idea what their passion is. As a result, they wander aimlessly through life, doing work that makes them feel uninspired.

According to a new Gallup study on the American workplace, of the country’s approximately 100 million full-time employees, 51 percent feel no real connection to their jobs.

In my opinion, this is a waste of life. You cannot experience fulfillment in life if you don't love what you're doing each day.

Are you ready to discover how to find your passion?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/2783269-plm-761-how-to-find-your-passion.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Do you want to know how to surround yourself with people that will help you discover your passion? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Mastermind Cheatsheet!

A life without passion is no life at all.

You cannot love your life if you don't love what you are doing every day. This is why you have to make sure that you are living your life with passion. A passion-driven life is one where you are living in alignment with what makes you come alive inside.

Passion is something that you associate a massive amount of pleasure to. If you are passionate about something you will be more likely to repeat it because it makes you feel good. However, you may not experience pleasure right away. The reason why a lot of people can't find their passion is that they try something once or twice, make a judgment based on their experience too quickly, and quit when something doesn't work. They decide that it's not their passion and move onto the next thing.

The truth is that, anytime that you try anything new, you will suck at the beginning. You have to drop your ego and be willing to go through a “suck” period.  Unfortunately, a lot of people allow their past experiences of failure to dictate their present-day choices. The past does not equal the future. Your values, beliefs, habits, and way of being are constantly changing.

Who you are today is not who you were yesterday.

If you've written off passions from your past, I encourage you to reconnect with these activities. Be willing to let go of your preconceived beliefs and allow yourself to be open to new experiences. Anytime I try something new I give it one month and a fair enough effort before coming to a conclusion about whether or not I like it. I encourage you to make it a goal of trying something new every month.

If you want to find your passion, you have to explore the buffet of life. You've got to be willing to try a lot of different things and break free from your current way of being and living. Happiness research shows that trying new things increases dopamine levels in the brain, contributing to sustained levels of contentment.  Approach finding your passion as an adventure.

Take notice of how you feel when you engage in an activity. If you stay in your comfort zone and do things you've always done, you won't grow. In fact, you'll start getting really bored with life. Don't live a limited life based on stories and meanings from your past. Be willing to take risks and actively open yourself to new activities and opportunities.

This is how to find your passion in life.

In my next blog post, I will be talking about how you can turn your passion into profit and make massive impact in the world. It will support and build upon the knowledge that I have taught inside this blog post. Yes, it is possible to make money from doing something that you love to do and I'm going to show you how. Stay tuned for that!

You deserve to live a passion-filled life. Don't stop until you find something that makes you come alive inside and then do everything in your power to master that one thing. Are you ready to find your passion?

Do you want to know how to surround yourself with people that will help you discover your passion? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Mastermind Cheatsheet!

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