Affirmations For Positive Thinking

Positive thinking has the power to transform your entire life.

The human mind is the most powerful tool for achieving your goals and dreams in life.  It can be your friend or your foe. Unfortunately, a lot of people fall into a negative thinking trap, which prevents them from achieving success.

Are your beliefs limiting you?

You are in control of what it is that you think about. This means that you have the ability to create your life, simply by thinking positive and empowering thoughts. Given that this is true, imagine how your life could change if you shifted your thinking?

The Dalai Lama said it best – “See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort.” When you think positively, you feel better and live a more stress-free life. It's a win-win. Are you ready to learn some powerful affirmations for positive thinking?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/670248-plm-545-affirmations-for-positive-thinking.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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The best technique for harnessing the power of your mind is through affirmations of positive thinking. These high vibe mantras will help you eliminate and recondition negative thought patterns that are holding you back from experiencing a happy and fulfilling life.

Positive thinking is the key to success.

The most high-performing successful people all have one trait in common. They harness the power of positive thinking. Because they have positive self-concepts, they know who they are and what they are capable of achieving.

The question is, “What is positive thinking?”

Positive thinking is an attitude that looks for the possibilities in life. People that are positive believe in themselves and are always looking for the most favorable outcomes, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Positive thoughts don't just make you feel happier, they also create real value in your life. The benefits of positive thinking have been supported by a growing body of research that shows practicing affirmations can actually bolster people’s feelings of self-worth and make them respond more constructively to threats. These findings prove that affirmations work.

I have been practicing affirmations for positive thinking as part of my morning ritual since I was 17 years old. They have helped me transform my belief system from one that was disempowering to one that is empowering. My morning ritual is my favorite part of the day.

Every day I write down positive thinking quotes, sayings, and affirmations on cards, and I say them out loud to myself. As part of this process, I really think about what these affirmations mean and I go deep with them. There is a lot of power that comes from speaking affirmations out loud to yourself.

Tony Robbins is a big believer in the power of incantations, which he says are even more powerful than affirmations. Incantations allow you to engage your physiology and harness the power of your emotions with each empowering phrase or quote that you say out loud.

Words are powerful. The things that you say to yourself have an emotional charge to them. How do you speak to yourself? Oftentimes, we get stuck in habitual negative phrases, whether that's internally or out loud, that end up affecting every area of our lives.

If we don't do the work to silence our inner self-critic, he or she will take over, thereby limiting us from fulfilling our potential.

Do you find it hard to be positive all the time? If so, you aren't alone. We all have bad days where we are in a negative mood or feeling down. I definitely have these moments. But when I pull upon my affirmations for positive thinking, I am able to snap out of this reactive state and train my brain to be more optimistic. When I do this, my entire day changes.

A Harvard research study found that people can increase their strength, just by thinking about doing something. When it comes to understanding the science behind our thoughts, these findings are hugely important. They prove that we have the power to change our lives, merely by changing our thoughts.

I would like to share with you some affirmations for positive thinking that can enhance your day. I like to jump up and down on my rebounder in the morning and say these things. When I've finished this part of my morning ritual, I feel more empowered, confident and unstoppable than ever before.

  • I can feel amazing, just by deciding to.
  • I don't need a reason to feel good.
  • Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
  • This too shall pass.
  • Use me, Lord.
  • In order to earn more, I must learn more.
  • I control how I feel.
  • I always focus on and find the good in everything.
  • Life doesn't happen to me, it happens for me.
  • Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves me.
  • Strength doesn't come from physical capacity, it comes from an abdominal will.
  • At any moment I need to be willing to sacrifice what I am, for who I could become.
  • I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.

There is so much wisdom that can be found in these positive thinking quotes, and that is why they are so valuable, especially when you speak them with passion. Words create your future.

You have the power to rewire your brain for positive thinking. The best place to start is by speaking up, eliminating negative thought patterns, and thinking positively every day!

Now that I've shared some of my favorite affirmations, let's dive into some other positive thinking exercises that you can implement into your daily life that will allow you to further level up your optimism.

If you struggle to stay positive on a consistent basis, these 4 exercises will help you stay on track when negative thoughts pop into your head.

1. Breathe Deeply

Have you ever thought about how you breathe? Most likely not, because breathing is something that we do unconsciously. Unfortunately, many people don't breathe properly.

Think about a time when you've felt stressed and you went into panic mode. In this state, it's easy to feel short of breath.  The key is to practice deep breathing. As you draw in a deep breath, expand your stomach. Doing so will allow the air to move all the way up your diaphragm.

There is an old adage that says, “Where the breath goes, the mind follows.” If your breath is shallow, you may be experiencing negative thoughts. When you focus more on the quality of your breath, you won't have time to focus on ruminative thoughts.

The next time that you are experiencing stress, I encourage you to try slowing your breath down, which will help to slow your mind down, resulting in a happier and calmer state of mind.

2. Be Grateful

Practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful and simple practices that you can engage in to boost your happiness and appreciate all of the amazing gifts that life brings with it.

It's easy to get lost in worry and forget about the big picture. Think about how lucky you are to be alive.

Even when life gets hard, do your best to find the silver lining. What are you grateful for? Start noticing life's miracles. They are everywhere.

When you adopt an attitude of gratitude, it means that you are making the choice to focus on what you already have, rather than dwell on what you don't have. This is the secret to creating a positive mindset. 

3. Let Go Of The Past

The only way that you can truly embody positive thinking is by letting go of the negativity of the past. Pain and sadness can affect every fiber of our being, leaving us feeling depleted if we allow it to.

What are you holding onto that is preventing you from living in the present moment and feeling free to move forward with a positive outlook towards the future?

We can't change the past. All that we can do is forgive ourselves and others, learn from our mistakes, and let go of the negative emotions that are sucking away our energy. Letting go of the past will allow you to live a happier life that is free from negativity.

How would your life change if you were able to live in the present moment?

4. Celebrate Yourself

We tend to get so caught up in celebrating others, that we forget about ourselves. You deserve to be celebrated for all of your achievements, every single day.

How often do you do something nice for yourself?

We spend way too much time getting down on ourselves about the things that we could have done better, or the mistakes that we made. STOP.

Yes, life can be really challenging sometimes, leaving us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. However, during these times, you need to look out for #1 and take care of yourself. Not only will celebrating how far you have come make you feel more grateful, it will also elevate your positivity.

When you focus on the positive aspects of life, it trains your brain to look for the good, in yourself and in the world at large. This simple practice has the power to transform your entire life, so I encourage you to celebrate yourself more.

Take it from Oprah Winfrey, who said, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

I hope these affirmations for positive thinking exercises instilled some love and happiness into your day. I encourage you to try these out or create your own. It's all about finding what resonates most with you. The key is repetition.

If you incorporate positive affirmations into your morning ritual, positive thinking will become your natural state of mind.

Positive thinking is a way of life. If you commit to adopting a positive mindset, you will manifest success, happiness, and abundance. When you look on the brighter side of life, everything becomes brighter as a result.

Someone once said that “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” So, what are you waiting for? Start flooding your mind with positive thoughts today!

Do you want to learn 21 powerful morning rituals that will take your life to the next level? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free morning ritual cheat sheet!

Are you ready to discover 4 steps that you can take in order to make your affirmations work for you? CLICK HERE to read the article I wrote on Medium!

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