It’s Time To Do The Things You Keep Putting Off. Here’s How…

It's time to do things you keep putting off.

Do you have a goal that you want to pursue, but have been unable to take necessary action on it?

Procrastination is the enemy of success. It keeps you stuck and incapable of reaching your true potential in life.

Success doesn't come to those who wait on the sidelines. Nothing in your life will work unless you take action.

There will never be a perfect time to start anything. If you're ready to discover how to stop putting off things once and for all, keep reading.

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Curious about how to change your life? Here's how…

The longer that you procrastinate on something, the more stuck you will feel, and the less likely that you will take action. We've all procrastinated at some point in our lives. Sometimes you just want to be lazy and do nothing. That is OK. Relaxation is a great reward for hard work.

However, when procrastination becomes a bad habit it can negatively affect every area of your life. Research shows that one in five people are chronic procrastinators. Not surprisingly, these types of people dabble and aren't able to finish anything. As a result, they end up struggling in life.

If you feel like you're falling into a procrastination trap where you're continuously putting things off, now is the time to make a change. I'm going to help you break free from the never-ending cycle of delay, which only causes unnecessary stress and pain. However, before I do it's important that you understand something.

If you want to create change in your life, you have to be willing to change.

Nothing in your life will change unless you change. Let me use the example of starting an online business to prove my point. Right now there are a lot of opportunities to work from home, whether you want to start a side hustle or create financial freedom. A lot of people have the desire to start an online business but they never take action on it. Why? The answer lies in what drives human behavior.

Human beings are driven by the need to avoid pain and the desire to gain pleasure. This is otherwise referred to as procrastination. The decisions you make, the actions you take, and the habits you indulge in, are all based on this pain-pleasure principle.

Going back to my example… an online business can give you a lot of pleasure down the road, in the form of working from home, being your own boss and living the laptop lifestyle. However, you may be held back from building an online business because you associate more pain than pleasure to it.

The pain that a lot of people associate with starting an online business is that the process is hard, timely, and risky. I'm not going to sugarcoat it…. success isn't a walk in the park. There is no short-term benefit of working hard. Building a business is a long-term game. If you're not willing to do whatever it takes to achieve success, you won't get far. Yes, it's a lot more comfortable to watch Netflix versus working on building your business.

It comes down to you deciding how bad you want something.

However, it's also very important that you reinforce the pleasure principle. When you think about starting an online business or whatever it is that you've been putting off, ask yourself, “What is the benefit that it will give me if I decide to pursue it?” Write these benefits down on a piece of paper. Maybe it's your desire to travel the world, spend more time with your family, create financial freedom, or become a philanthropist.

When you feel pleasure towards something, but you know that there will still be some level of pain that you have to endure, naturally you will experience an inner conflict. This is what causes people to get stuck in analysis paralysis, which is nothing short of a productivity killer.

The real question is, “How do you trick your brain into taking action, no matter how much pain you associate with doing so?” First, you need to use your pain as motivation, meaning that you have to start linking more pain to NOT taking action than to taking action.

Jim Rohn once said, “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is that discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” Yes, there is pain involved in being disciplined.

However, trust me when I say that having regrets is much more painful. Knowing that you settled for a life of mediocrity and didn't maximize your true potential will eat away at you. It is possible for short-term pain to result in long-term pleasure. However, you have to willing to embrace the pain.

What is the consequence of not doing the thing that you've been putting off?

Make a list and write those pain points down. Going back to my online business example, maybe it's having a 9 to 5 job that doesn't pay you a lot of money, working for someone else, or living in scarcity. This is why I chose to be an entrepreneur.

When I was younger my parents went through a really bad bankruptcy. As a result, I grew up with a scarcity mentality because we didn't have a lot of money. In my mind, I linked not having money with pain. The feeling of being broke terrifies me. This is why I made a commitment to myself from an early age that I was never going to bring a child into this world until I was financially free. I used my pain as motivation to become successful.

What are the benefits associated with taking action? How would your life transform if you chose courage over comfort? What amazing life experiences would you have? Imagine a version of you who is a strong and confident leader.

Be someone who has the resourcefulness and creativity to take massive action and turn a dream into a reality. I dare you to stop putting off the things that you want to do and start playing big. If you are someone who aspires to build an online business but doesn't know where to start, check out my FREE business course where I share the 7 business models that made me an Internet millionaire in less than 3 years.

It's time to do the things you keep putting off.

In closing, I encourage you to journal and write down all of the reasons why you aren't taking action. Reflect upon the pleasure you will get from taking action and the pain you will experience from not taking action.

There is no perfect time to do anything. Sometimes you've just got to dive in and try. In the words of my mentor, Tony Robbins, “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” Be one of the few who take action versus the many who dabble. Trust me when I say that the payoff is worth it.

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