Overcoming Shyness And Social Anxiety

I would like to share with you my journey with overcoming shyness and social anxiety. In my early 20’s I was a very shy, insecure person. I spent a lot of time in front of my computer playing video games, because I was too afraid to interact with people. As a result, I didn’t have any friends. Being alone made me feel safe.

Have you ever experienced shyness and social anxiety? If so, you aren’t alone. There is nothing wrong with being shy; it is a common reaction to have when you are exposed to unfamiliar situations or people.

However, those that suffer from extreme bouts of it often experience social anxiety, where they are unable to function in the simplest of social situations, for fear of being negatively judged and evaluated by others. These situations can cause people to experience significant emotional distress. I can relate.

The great news is that overcoming shyness and social anxiety is possible. You don’t need to live in fear anymore. It all starts with overcoming your self-limiting beliefs. Are you ready to take back control of your life?

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While it’s true that a lot of instances of shyness and social anxiety arise from real-life situations, those feelings are perpetuated due to a fear of fear itself. Instead of being anxious about the situation itself, a person is now afraid of the uncomfortable feelings that are associated with it.

This creates a negative perpetual cycle, resulting in more worry and anxiety about future events that appear outside of one’s control. If you want to break this cycle, you need to control the negative limiting beliefs that create those feelings of anxiety in the first place. In the words of Robin Sharma, “The fears we don’t face become our limits.”

Shyness and social anxiety don’t define who I am as a person, and it isn’t who you are either. By holding onto that identity, or belief system, you are accepting that definition as fact.

A belief system is literally B.S. If you want to eliminate a limiting belief, you first need to identify what that belief is. For example, if you had an experience where you were made fun of in a social setting, based on this evidence, you may create a belief that you aren’t worthy of connection.

The question remains, “Why does your subconscious mind want to keep your limiting beliefs, even though you consciously know that these beliefs have a negative effect on your life?” Because limiting beliefs keep people in a zone of comfort; they prevent you from doing things that are deemed, ‘unsafe’.

I believe that overcoming shyness and social anxiety starts with getting out of your comfort zone. This is what worked for me. To this day, I am constantly facing my fears head on, and doing things that allow me to grow and evolve.

Step back and think about the negative consequences of not overcoming shyness and social anxiety. Ask yourself, “What is my life going to look like 5 years from now if I continue down this path?” The problem is that a lot of people don’t want to face their greatest fears in life because it doesn’t feel good.

Yes, the feeling of being uncomfortable can be painful at first, but the reward is worth it. Personal transformation isn’t easy, but I promise you that the truth will set you free. When you master your mindset, anything is possible.

If you aren’t living in alignment with your higher self, it’s time to make a change. Your highest self is the version of yourself that you aspire to; one that you view as happy, confident, and powerful.

The next time you are faced with a challenging situation in life that makes you feel anxious, ask yourself, “What would my highest self do?” Your highest self doesn’t make room for self-limiting beliefs, and neither should you.

The way that you change anything in your life is by making a decision. If you aren’t living in alignment with your higher self, it’s time to make a change.

Overcoming shyness and social anxiety is possible. The way that you change anything in your life is by making a decision. Decide to rid yourself of everything that holds you back from being in your power. That is how you master your life.

Making the decision to not allow shyness and social anxiety to run my life opened up my world to infinite possibilities. I finally felt free to become the person that I desired to be, and so can you.

Don’t let labels, like shyness and social anxiety define who you are. Those are self-limiting belief systems that only hold you back in life. Brian Tracy said it best – “You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” Believe in yourself and think empowering thoughts.

Do you want to learn cutting-edge strategies that will teach you how to master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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