Simple Productivity Tips For Getting BIG Tasks Done!

Have a big project you need to get done?

Sometimes those big projects can be intimidating.  It can be easy to put it off and procrastinate, as you dread the scope of work involved in completing it.

In my case, there are some very big projects that I'd like to get done in my business.  These are the high leverage projects, that make me the most amount of money.

Often times, I found myself having so many appointments and meetings scheduled throughout the day, that I didn't even bother to start my big project.

If it is 9AM and I have a meeting scheduled at 11 – then I wouldn't even get started on my big project. Why?

Because I knew that I wouldn't have enough time to even finish it.  To me, there is no point getting into that “flow” state and work on a big project, if I don't even have enough time to finish it.  I hate being interrupted in the middle of something BIG!

Usually I'll end up just doing e-mail and some small tasks during this time – again, because I know I don't have enough time to really get much done on the big stuff.

So what's my solution to getting these big projects complete? In this video blog, I share some of my productivity tips that have made the biggest difference for me in tackling those large projects.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/251086-plm-119-simple-productivity-tips-for-getting-big-tasks-done.mp3″ ]

It's All About Focus

Your ability to focus on ONE THING is extremely powerful. Focus is the secret to productivity. My solution to my above dilemma has been to SCHEDULE OFF TIME and FOCUS IN on ONE BIG TASK. So what does that look it? It means I'll schedule a full day to work on something that I know is extremely important.

During that day, I make sure I turn off my phone, don't login to Facebook, and don't even check my e-mail. Absolutely zero distractions. My entire focus, energy and efforts is entirely on completing this big task or project. What typically happens, is once you get started on something you get MOMENTUM.

You get in this incredible “flow state” and you find time disappear. You end up getting SO MUCH DONE and you don't even want to stop. During these times, I've created some of my best work.  I've completed entire products, websites, and written books. In fact, I created a program called The 24-Hour Book System, basically teaching my strategy for FOCUSING and GETTING STUFF DONE!

Being able to write a book is a very high leverage task.  I've found that if you can get into that “writing flow state”, it's remarkable how much you can get done.  I've written several books in less than 24 hours, and taught so many people to do the same.

But again, it comes down to understanding FOCUS and MOMENTUM. If you have a job and work 9-5, then book a Saturday and Sunday and just WORK. One of the most productive days of my life was when one day I worked 48 hours straight when I was in Bogota, Colombia.  I was so obsessed with finishing this project and didn't even leave my hotel room.  Nor did I even sleep!

It's amazing what you can accomplish if you just put your mind to it. Okay, so that's my productive tip for you today. Hope you enjoy it and really utilize it!

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