How To Start An Amazon FBA Physical Products Business

Are you ready to learn some tips on how to start an Amazon FBA physical products business?

For those of you that don’t know, I’ve been selling as a publisher on Amazon for six years now, and as a physical products seller for Amazon FBA for three years.

It’s a great business to be in, but I urge you to not view the business as an Amazon business. Rather, view Amazon as a platform that you leverage and utilize in order to launch a product onto. 

One of my followers recently asked me, “What’s the best way for me to get started with the physical products business on Amazon?” Keep reading for my personalized response to Mike’s question.

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/500229-plm-422-how-to-start-an-amazon-fba-physical-products-business.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Do you want to learn how to build a profitable Amazon FBA physical products business? CLICK HERE to get my FREE Amazon FBA training!

Amazon FBA is a great platform for growing your business.

They’ve got millions of customers, whom they have developed trust and relationships with. They do the heavy lifting for you but don’t limit yourself to them. Use Amazon as a starting point, but think bigger. You want to build a brand that has the potential to diversify itself.

Amazon has some limitations to selling on their site. You are building up Amazon, so they don’t view it as your business, but rather it’s their business. They always do what is in the best interest for them. For example, you can’t email your customers outside of Amazon because they want you to promote their products only.

Once you build up your business, I encourage you to sell your physical products on other platforms, like your personal website. Alternatively, you could sell other people’s physical products through affiliate marketing. Learn how to diversify your income and create multiple pillars, so that you aren’t solely dependent on Amazon.

Think bigger Mike, because that is what is going to give you the long-term advantage. Always think ahead. I recommend private labeling products, meaning that you don’t have to worry about patents or inventing a product. Through this process, you are finding products that already exist, and you are putting your own branding on that product and selling it.

For example, if you wanted to sell supplements, you could contact wholesalers that manufacture supplements and tell them that you want to privatea product. They would send you the pricing options, you would send them your logo and packaging, and then they would ship the product to Amazon’s fulfillment center, resulting in you selling that product under your own brand.

Before you do any of this, you need to decide on the niche that you want to build your business in. There are a lot of criteria that you want to follow. Do your research, because this is the most important step. For example, you want a high-demand niche that has a 50% profit margin. One criterion that a lot of people don’t focus on is making sure that your product has long-term sustainability, and that could potentially lead to the creation of other product lines.

What are some different directions that your product could take? Could you do affiliate marketing or book publishing? Is this a niche that you are passionate about? Could you be the face of the brand, and create videos and write blogs around content related to the product? I’ve done all of these things with my physical products because I am passionate about them. Because of that reason, my products sell well.

I started with Amazon through a course called, “The Amazing Selling Machine”. One thing that I’ve learned about this business is that there are a lot of logistics that are hard for you to figure out on your own. If you make mistakes, it will cost you. How do you really know that you are making the right investment in a specific niche?

Before you do anything, you have to get the right information and training. For example, I invested in a course before I started publishing on Amazon because I knew that I needed support. I would say that the best way to get started is to buy a course. Don’t do this on your own. Yes, information costs money, but the right information will save you money, over the long-term. It’s always worth it.

If you don’t have the money, it’s best to get a job and use your job to save money so that you can eventually invest in yourself and in your business. If you want to be successful, it is so important that you take your business seriously. Don’t dabble or try to reinvent the wheel, because that results in giving up.

YouTube videos and blog posts are great, but a course is something that you need to invest in. In the words of Paul Pilzer, “Before you invest in anything else, exhaust the possibilities of investing in your own business first.”

Ready to start an Amazon FBA physical products business?

If you want to learn how you can build a profitable online business selling on Amazon, check out the Amazing Selling Machine's free training! Other than that, make sure that you have a great marketing strategy for Amazon, as well as a strategy for marketing outside of Amazon in the form of social media, building an email list, etc.

Lastly, know which market to start your business in. Oftentimes, the U.S. is the biggest market, but I always recommend that you start in the country where you currently live. I hope I was able to answer your question, Mike! I wish you the best of luck with your Amazon FBA physical products business.

Do you want to learn how to build a profitable Amazon FBA physical products business? CLICK HERE to get my FREE Amazon FBA training!

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