Hey. I’m Stefan James, internet entrepreneur, life and business coach, philanthropist, and founder of Project Life Mastery. You’re somebody looking for empowering change in your life.

It’s great to meet you.

I built this website to share what I’ve learned in my journey to make each area of my life as masterful and successful as I can. It’s my aim to help you succeed and master the areas of your life where you feel you want to develop yourself.

I’ll be honest. I’m not in this just for you. Anybody who’s taught anything knows that the teacher learns at least as much as the students in every class. Giving self-development advice and helping people build their online businesses helps me reach the next steps in my own growth and mastery.

So on this site, I openly and honestly share with you what’s worked for me (and what hasn’t worked) to make me successful in my own life, providing you with the best concepts, principles, and strategies for life mastery. On this page, I’m sharing with you the Four Steps to start a journey of life mastery to change your life beginning today.

Let’s get started!



Project Life Mastery is about mastering every area of your life: health, fitness, emotions, relationships, mindset, career, money, family, friends, contribution, spiritual growth — every part of your life.

You can’t just focus on one area, but neglect everything else. This leads to a one-dimensional life, out of balance and lacking in fulfillment. Only by consistently striving toward excellence in ALL areas of your life can you achieve an extraordinary life beyond your wildest imagination.

I have identified 10 core areas of life for consistent focus and mastery needed to live that extraordinary life. Below, you’ll discover my Life Mastery Blueprint. I invite you to use it as a lens to view your life, your priorities, your successes, and your opportunities for growth.

Simply click on any area of life in the diagram below to get some of our best content and resources for mastering that aspect of your life.


Start an Online Business to Create Financial Freedom

An online business generates income no matter where you are or when you work on it. Eventually, this means total financial freedom. But even in a short time, it can give you more control over your financial life.

Online business models exist for every person and every passion. The real challenge is picking one you can stay excited about, and working on it with focus. To help you, I’ve developed a quiz to identify which model fits your personality and interests best. Click the button below to get started today.

Discover Which Online Business Model Is Right For You
And Start Your Online Business Online Today.

Get Started



Being your absolute best all day requires starting your day as well as possible. A morning ritual does exactly that. It ensures you wake up happy, energized, and focused. You’ll never have a groggy, slow-starting morning again!

At Project Life Mastery, we’ve spent years researching with the best personal development material we could find, to develop our 21 Morning Ritual Cheatsheet. Download it today to get immediate access to examples of the best morning rituals to make every day your best day ever.




Bruce Lee and Warren Buffet did not become symbols of success by dabbling. True mastery requires total commitment to doing whatever it takes to move from where you are, to where you want to be. There's no better way to master something than to invest in a training, mentor, or coach that can give you the very best strategies and principles to achieve your desired outcome.

Click here for more courses >>


I just want to finish by saying that I’m here for you not only as a guide along the path to mastery, but also as a friend.

I am committed to helping you achieve all of your goals while living an extraordinary life. I will continue to provide high quality content and openly share my successes and mistakes, as this is my personal mission and purpose.

For free access to my latest content, advice, discoveries, and adventures, you can like Project Life Mastery on Facebook, Twitter,  and Instagram.

If you simply love something I wrote or shared, be sure to pay it forward and share it among your friends! I want to improve as many lives as I can, and that’s the best way for you to support that mission.

Thank you so much for your support.

Committed To Mastery,

Stefan James