The MOST IMPORTANT Habit Of Your Life

THIS is the most important habit of your life.

Of all the habits that I've studied and applied in my life, this is the one habit that I put the majority of my attention towards.

Ultimately, the habits that you form determine the person you become. You must develop empowering habits to become your best self.

Ready to discover the one habit that has NOTHING to do with achieving success, but is still the most important habit to finding success? Read this!

Watch the video below:

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Are you ready to create daily habits that empower your life? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Cheatsheet!

Are you nurturing your inner home?

I don't care what your life looks like on the outside. It's not where you live physically that matters. Rather, it's where you live emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I believe that building your inner home of happiness should be your ultimate goal in life.

The problem is that we live in a society that overvalues success and views it as the end all be all. Don't get me wrong… achieving success is great! However, if you're under the illusion that success will lead to happiness and fulfillment you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment.

This is why so many people fall into the trap of chasing success, to the point of becoming a success addict. You can still experience excitement, passion, and joy as you're pursuing success. However, that's just a massive dopamine rush.

To a certain extent, praise stimulates the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is what makes all addictive behaviors addictive. If you choose to sacrifice your happiness for ‘hits' of success, over time you'll feel empty. You have to remember that you're not a human doing. Rather, you're a human being.

If you are constantly doing you are not truly living, which is why you must cultivate mindfulness. What you experience internally is the most important thing to master in life. As humans, we can achieve a state of self-actualization through the fulfillment of basic human needs.

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are:

  1. Physiological needs (food, water, and shelter)
  2. Safety needs (security)
  3. Love and belonging needs (romantic relationships and friendships)
  4. Esteem needs (self-worth)
  5. Self-actualization needs (achieving your potential)

Everyone is capable of reaching the level of self-actualization. It's the Holy Grail.

However, doing so will require that you put in the effort to meet the other 4 lower-level needs. At this stage in my life, I spend the majority of my time at the level of self-actualization. My top priority is mastering my inner world.

I still have financial goals that I want to attain, but they are not that important to me. There was a time in my life when achieving success and making money was everything to me. I had to be obsessed with achievement to get to where I am today. However, success didn't give me happiness.

I know a lot of people who have all the money in the world, but they're miserable on the inside. In my opinion, that's not living. Tony Robbins said it best – “Success without fulfillment is failure.” The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your emotions.

If you consistently feel disempowering emotions, like anger, sadness, frustration, shame, or guilt, you will never feel fulfilled. This is why I believe that the most important habit of your life is to take the time every day to experience positive emotions. This habit requires that you cultivate a high level of emotional self-awareness.

You have to intentionally tune in to how you feel and how your emotions impact your decisions in life. If you want to be happy you have to wake up every day and consciously choose to live in a beautiful state, regardless of what's going on in your external world.

How To Cultivate The Habit of Experiencing Positive Emotions

I don't care what your life looks like right now. There is always something to be grateful for IF you are willing to direct your focus towards what you love about your life.

Directing your focus is a habit. By default, your mind will always search for the negative.

Your brain isn't designed to make you happy. Rather, it's designed to help you survive. Therefore, it is constantly looking for threats to your survival. While that's helpful for keeping you alive, it's detrimental to your happiness.

The next time that you catch yourself falling into a disempowering state, ask yourself the following questions – “What is this experience teaching me? How can I use this experience to become a better person?” Don't judge your thoughts and emotions. Rather, become an observer of them.

By doing this, you'll start to realize that YOU are not your thoughts. In fact, you'll come to find out that your thoughts were never yours, to begin with. Meditation is a powerful tool for practicing the art of non-attachment. It allows you to connect with the present moment and surrender to what is.

In this state of mind, you will experience an abundance of inner peace and joy. The more that you condition yourself to feel positive emotions, the more that those emotions will become automatic. When you adopt the belief that life is always happening for you, you start to embrace every experience in your life as a gift. This is when you become truly free.

Emotional mastery is the most important habit of your life.

Please don't spend your life chasing success. Your external accomplishments are not an indication of your happiness. Rather, strive for self-actualization. That is where you will find lasting fulfillment.

I'll leave you with these words from Steve Maraboli –“Many people strive for success to find happiness when, in fact, the inverse is true. Strive for happiness and you shall find success.”

Are you ready to create daily habits that empower your life? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Cheatsheet!

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