The ULTIMATE Relationship: The Secret To Creating LOVE & PASSION With Your Partner

Do you want to create the ultimate relationship with your partner?

Love is a choice. My fiancée, Tatiana and I have committed to deepening our love and passion for one another every day.

A great relationship requires hard work. If you want the connection with your partner to remain strong, you can't get lazy with one another.

Do you want to discover some of the principles that Tatiana and I live by that have helped us create an amazing relationship?

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/2762602-plm-760-the-ultimate-relationship-the-secret-to-creating-love-passion-with-your-partner.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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I am blessed to have the ultimate relationship.

However, Tatiana and I didn't magically get to where we are today in our relationship by accident. We have made it a priority to give our relationship the attention that it deserves. Doing so ensures that we continue to grow together in the same direction.

When you first meet someone, you experience what is called, the honeymoon phase. Everything is new and exciting. There's a lot of passion and aliveness between you and your partner. Studies have found that this part of the relationship is on par with the same feeling that cocaine gives you, proving that love and cocaine affect the brain in similar ways.

When the honeymoon phase dies a lot of couples get too comfortable with one another, to the point where they get complacent. If you want to have a strong and long-lasting relationship, you and your partner have to make your relationship a priority. The moment you stop is the moment that your relationship starts to suffer.

I don't ever want to take Tatiana for granted. This is why we commit to engaging in specific love rituals and principles that allow us to grow and improve ourselves and our relationship. Let's talk about 3 ways that you can create more love and passion with your partner.

1. Create a shared vision and values

If you want to have the ultimate relationship, you have to be in alignment with your partner. A lot of relationships suffer because they lose their shared vision. As a result, they don't end up creating a compelling future with one another. If there is a misalignment in values between you and your partner, there will be challenges in your relationship.

On our very first date, Tatiana and I talked about our values and the vision that we had for our lives. Instantly we knew that we were going in the same direction. If you want to have a successful relationship, you and your partner must co-create a shared vision that is comprised of your dreams, values, and needs.

In the beginning stages of dating one another, Tatiana and I created a relationship journal where we wrote out the vision that we had for our relationship. As the years have gone by, our shared vision has changed. The relationship vision that Tatiana and I had five years ago is very different now. Today, we are looking forward to creating a family and we have a clear vision about what that is going to look like.

With regards to values, you always want to be checking in with your partner and asking what is important to him/her in the relationship. More importantly, you need to make sure that you and your partner's values are in alignment with one another.

2. Love your partner unconditionally

I view love as fully accepting your partner for who they are without trying to change them. When you love someone on that level, you give them space to truly embody who they are. This level of unconditional love opens up the doors for vulnerability in your relationship.

If you've been hurt in past relationships it can be difficult to show vulnerability because trust was broken with a previous partner or partners. I get it. However, if you want to experience true love, you have to be willing to let go of the past. The past does not dictate your future.

Yes, it can be scary to open your heart again, but when you get to a place of surrendering, that is the moment when unconditional love can enter into your relationship. In the words of Jenna Birch, author of The Love Gap, “Unconditional love is a love that has no limits… there is no score sheet or checklist. It doesn't ebb and flow. It's loving someone in spite of the ups and downs.”

3. Create and ignite passion in your relationship

A lot of couples have a strong love for one another but they end up losing the passion and chemistry that they once had in their relationship. Fortunately, attraction and passion can be reignited. The secret to doing this lies in the polarity of masculine and feminine energies. We all have masculine and feminine energy within us.

That being said, we all have a certain nature that we connect with more. Typically, men are more dominant in masculine energy and women are more dominant in feminine energy. However, there are some women whose nature is masculine and visa versa. There is no right or wrong.

When it comes to relationships, sexual attraction is at its highest when men and women are polarized. Opposites attract. If Tatiana and I are both operating in our masculine or feminine energy, there will not be as much attraction between us. This concept applies to everyone, no matter what your sexual orientation is. As Tantric author David Deida says, “All natural forces flow between two poles. The masculine and feminine poles between people create a flow of sexual energy in motion. 

Masculine energy is about focus, achievement, goal-setting, and planning, whereas feminine energy is more about flow, sensuality, creativity, and free-spiritedness. If you're a man, it's important for you to know how to cultivate masculine energy so that you are more attractive to your partner.

This may include engaging in competitive sports, working out, or being around other men. For women, this may include dancing, singing, painting, doing makeup or dressing up. It's up to you to go on a journey of self-discovery to determine what this cultivation process looks like for you.

This is the secret to creating love and passion with your partner.

A relationship cannot thrive on its own. It requires that two people come together and commit to doing the work to meet each other's needs. This is how your relationship will continue to grow in the most beautiful ways. There is no better feeling than spending your life with the person you love.

What principle will you implement in your relationship today? If you nurture your relationship, I promise that you will reap the rewards.

Are you ready to master your relationship and EVERY area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Do you have the desire to live the laptop lifestyle? CLICK HERE to subscribe to Tatiana's YouTube Channel for inspiring content on how you can make your entrepreneurial dreams come true!

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