Why You Do NOT Want Free Stuff

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

In this video, you will learn why you do NOT want free stuff and instead should want to EARN everything that you have.

The “I want things free” mentality is a mindset that won't get you very far.  It's an attempt to get value, without putting fourth any effort or giving anything back in exchange.

You shouldn't want any free handouts in life.  The real value is when you EARN something.

By EARNING things, you will appreciate it much more.  You get pride and self-esteem from it.  You grow from it.

“It's not what you get, it's who you become.”

If you can't afford something, then find a way to pay for it and earn it.  That's where the real value lies – it's in the lessons and growth you experience towards obtaining what you desire.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/228408-plm-101-why-you-do-not-want-free-stuff.mp3″ ]

In the past, I've received things for free.  Free books, courses, advice, etc… guess what?  I didn't do much with it.

It's only in the times where I've actually invested my hard-earned money, that I was truly committed to it.  I appreciated it so much more and received much more value from it.

I've noticed this with my Mastering Book Publishing course.  I've given it away for free to some friends that have asked.  But guess what?  Most of them didn't do squat with it.  They just weren't committed enough.

What I do now is I say to them this, “Listen, I want to help you out, but I want you to give some form of value in exchange for it.  I don't want your money, so instead take the money that you'd pay me and give it to a charity.”

If the friend isn't willing to do that, then they're basically saying they aren't committed enough to doing what it takes to succeed in the program.  They're already being un-coachable and coming up with reasons or excuses, which will make them fail no matter what.

Excuses is what causes people to fail.

Often times, when I had NO MONEY, I always found a way to attend a seminar or hire a coach.  Crazy enough, when I had no money and had to really earn it, I got so much more out of those experiences.  I'd play full out at the seminar or with the coach, because I knew how hard it was for me to pay for it.  The value and return that I got back was worth so much more than I could have imagined.

Again, it's WHO YOU BECOME that is the most important thing.

There is no growth by receiving things for free.  Even worse is when people expect things for free.  It's such a horrible way to live.

It's like a spoiled rich kid that gets everything for free their entire lives and doesn't have to earn it.  They haven't developed any work ethic, self-esteem or pride.  When real adversity shows up, they crumble because they are emotionally weak.

The person that has had to work hard, put in the long hours and has earned everything they have ends up appreciating things so much more.  They have the pride and self-esteem that comes along with achieving goals and facing adversity.  If challenges show up, they're emotionally fit to conquer them.

You want to be THAT person – the emotionally strong person that earns everything.

So stop wanting things for free.  Stop expecting things for free.

Pay for the value that you're receiving and EARN it.  You'll appreciate it so much more.

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