YouTube Tips And Tricks: Lessons Learned From Over 4.5 Million YouTube Views

I started the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel in 2012 and since then, have been able to accumulate 4.5 million views and over 80,000 subscribers.

How did I do it?

I shared some YouTube basics in the 5 YouTube Tips For Beginners video blog, which goes into the best advice I have for someone that wants to start their own YouTube channel.  That can help get you started as a newbie.

If you're wanting to seriously scale up your YouTube channel and take it to the next level, then you'll love this in-depth video blog on my YouTube tips and tricks.

These strategies are a bit more advanced for someone starting out, but remain the core tips and tricks that are allowing me to grow massively right now.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Video Transcript

All right. What's up, everyone? this is Stefan from projectlifemastery.com and in this video I'm going to share with you is some YouTube tips and tricks.

These are some of the top strategies, lessons and tips that I've learned that helped me get to where I'm at right now on YouTube, which is over four million views and seventy-five thousand subscribers today and growing every single day, which is pretty cool. Now a lot of these strategies and tips I'm going to share with you are a little bit more advanced.

When you're first starting out, it's very slow, and what happens is over a period of time as you're more consistent, you develop the habit, you get better and better, your videos are good, your YouTube channel will slowly start to take off, and then you experience what is known as a snowball effect, where all the sudden your YouTube channel has built so much authority in YouTube's eyes, that YouTube will start just promoting and marketing your videos a lot more, because you have a proven track record.

If you're just starting out, a lot of this will be helpful for you, but don't get too overwhelmed. Try to focus yourself on just the most important things I'm going to mention in this video.

I do have another video that I did earlier on YouTube tips for beginners, and it might be worthwhile checking out that video as well, just for a more simplified explanation, because in this video, I'm going to go pretty deep, and share some of the best of the best that I've learned throughout the last few years of building my YouTube channel.

Where to start

One of the most important things with YouTube is just making sure that you stand out in some way.  Your videos have to be useful. They have to be high-quality content, good information. I don't mean in the sense of having high-quality camera equipment or video quality or anything like that. The truth is video quality doesn't matter as much as you really think. Oftentimes a lot of YouTubers, they get held back by that.

They think they have to have all this expensive camera equipment, and really high-quality microphones and all that sort of stuff. The truth is that if you have that, that's great. But that's not the most important thing. In fact, when I first started out on YouTube, I started out with just a little digital camera, a hundred-dollar digital camera you take pictures with that just happened to have a video feature as well, and I didn't know how to use it. I just knew how to press a button.

I put it on a stack of books. I didn't have a tripod, and I just stood in front of it and just started talking about whatever it is that I wanted, different topics, sharing things that I was learning, and sure enough, my number one YouTube video to this day has over seven hundred thousand plus views, and it's a video that I recorded back in 2012 with that little camera.

During the filming of that, my camera even fell over, and I even picked it up, and just put it back together, and just kept talking and even edit out. So it really goes to show the camera equipment isn't as important as you think.

If you have a camera on your computer, a webcam, if you have an iPhone or some sort of smartphone with a camera, if you have a little digital camera …

Do it consistently

Whatever you have, the most important thing is just get started with that, and just do it consistently, and really work on your ability to communicate in front of a camera, and the content, make sure it's useful, the information is good, or if you have like a more entertaining, comedy or entertainment type channel, whatever genre or niche that you're in, just make sure that your videos are standing out and the quality of the videos in terms of what you're sharing is actually useful information.

I had YouTube videos when I first got my expensive camera, whatnot, I didn't know how to use it, right. I had videos that were out of focus. 

I even had one video…I'm in Bali right now, and I remember I recorded one video years ago in Bali on the beach, and I didn't really know how to change the sensitivity of the microphone, so I had all this noise and wind and waves in the background, out of focus, poor lighting, things like that. The truth is none of those things really even mattered.

I still publish those videos, and I still publish them, and guess what, people still received tremendous value from them, even though the quality wasn't as good, and sure, some people complain, some people pointed that out, and what not, but the truth is that a lot of these things aren't as important as you think, and a lot of things that hold people back from being successful on YouTube is their own fears, their insecurities, or fears of rejection, their fears of not looking good, their fears and insecurities of themselves, not liking how they look, not liking how they sound.

This kind of nitpicking and finding all the flaws in the video and being a perfectionist. To be successful on YouTube, I believe, that you have to get outside of yourself, meaning you can't be so focused on you.

Provide value for other people out there

You're putting your videos for other people to serve, to be able to entertain, provide value for other people out there. Nobody cares or even notices how you sound, or the insecurities or worries or fears you have in your head. Only you are noticing those thinks.

In fact, one rule of thumb that I have with YouTube videos is that if a video that I create, if it has useful information, if it has one idea, concept, or insight that can impact someone else that watches it, just one other person, then I'll still publish that video and put it out there, because I don't want to deprive that person.

I don't want to rob him from the valuable lesson or insight or the breakthrough that that person could have.

So I'm not going to be selfish and not publish something because it's a little bit out of focus, the quality isn't as good. I'm not going to hold back my gifts, and let some sort of excuse or limitation or limiting belief hold me back from adding value to other people.  So have that mentality.

Ways to stand out

I found that to be very powerful in terms of creating YouTube videos. Another thing is going back to standing out in some way.

There's a lot of ways to stand out, but I think one of the best ways is just by who you are and your personality. People follow you on YouTube not necessarily just for the information that you're providing. Because the information can be found in multiple places.

The information can be found by reading different blogs or other YouTube videos. A lot of YouTube channels and a lot of people, a lot of books out there, it's just the same information, but the difference is how that information is communicated.

It's a good saying that what matters is not what you say, but how you say it. Okay? I believe that the content, information has to be good, as I said before, but how you say it, your body language, your energy, your passion, your emotion behind it, I believe that to be one of the most powerful things, and really allowing you to communicate effectively with people.

If you can have humor in your videos or passion, emotion, you're going to be able to impact people and have people engaged at a much deeper level. As the saying goes, find the magic in the mundane, make the ordinary extraordinary. And that comes just from your passion and the enthusiasm behind what you're sharing.

Getting into a peak state

For me one thing that's helpful. Before I created YouTube video, I make sure that I'm in a peak state before I turn on the camera. I make sure that I warm up. I make sure I do some sort of a ritual to help change my state.

I don't want to be here in front of the camera with my head down and my voice low and quiet, and not that engaging, because you probably wouldn't be entertained by that, and you wouldn't watch that.

I make sure that I'm in a passionate state. One of the ways I do that is by asking myself certain questions before I even create the YouTube video to put myself in a great state. For example, some the questions I might ask myself are why is what I'm sharing important?

Why is what I want to share in this video important? Why is it an absolute must for me to communicate this information, and deliver it to someone that's watching this video? Why do I care? why do I care about the person that's watching this?

Why do I love the person? just by asking those questions, it evokes different emotions, it allows me to focus on different things, which brings up more passion, that allows me to deliver the content or information on a much more powerful scale.

Another core belief that I have is that certain information I'm sharing if I don't share it if I don't really get across to someone if they don't receive it, they don't benefit from it, then they're going to be in pain in their lives. I make what I'm sharing to be so important because I don't want other people to be hurt.

I don't want other people to suffer. I don't want other people to go through pain and I really believe in the importance of what I'm sharing.

If you can amplify the passion that you have for the message that you're trying to communicate, you're going to have a lot more power in YouTube, and just in your communications in general on your YouTube channel.

The more you do it, the better you get

Those are a few critical things and understand that over time things get easier on YouTube. Things get better.

You can't really expect yourself the first time that you do it to be really good. Oftentimes, a lot of people when they get in front of a camera, they struggle. They have a hard time. Their brain just goes all over the place, and they can't really articulate the information that they have in their head. Understand that that takes time.

The more you do something, the better you get at it. I've been doing this for several years, and I'm still getting better and better at it, as time goes on. The great thing about YouTube is that every video that you record, you put it into your computer and you're going to watch it, and when you watch yourself on camera, you notice a lot of different things about yourself that you might not even have noticed about yourself before.

For example, you notice your body language, your presence, how you speak. Sometimes that can be a little bit challenging, and painful to even watch yourself, because you have to confront the reality of what you actually look like and what you actually sound like in front of a camera, actually talking to someone.

You also notice the “ahms”, the “ahs”, the “you knows”, the habitual filler words that you might throw in. Even for myself, I still have several things that I noticed, and the great thing about that is when you notice it, you become aware of it and then the next time you record a YouTube video, you're aware of the fillers and the weaknesses that you have and you just improve that over time.

You get better and better in improving your presence in front of the camera, and over time, you just get better at it. That's why you have to have patience in this process. Just be patient with it, and just get better and better over time.

Recording videos in batches

Next tip, next lesson, next trick. I think, a really important thing that has helped me in terms of the recording side of things as well, has been recording videos in batches. I've tried recording one video a day, and I found that somewhat challenging, because oftentimes just to record a video, there's a certain preparation for that.

To record a video you're getting yourself into a certain state, you're getting itself to a flow, you're getting yourself comfortable and everything. You're setting up a camera equipment.

You're finding the right lighting. There's a bit of a practice involved in creating YouTube videos. I found that I end up spending quite a bit of time just preparing for each video, that it was very efficient.

What I found instead is that when I set everything up, I get myself in the state, I recorded a video, I found that that's the best time to record the next video, and the video after that because you're already in that flow state.

You're already in that talkative mood, and ideas are flowing out of you, that it's a lot easier for you to keep that momentum going, and record several videos over a duration of a time.

For example, right now, as I'm recording this, I'm going to record a few other videos, because I've already got everything set up. I've got a few topics here in front, on my computer.

I've got a few different topics that I can speak on, ideas for YouTube videos, and I'll record a bunch, and then I'll upload them to YouTube. I actually have now a video editor. I send them to him.

He edits my videos, optimizes them, puts them up on YouTube, and then we have them just as a draft. That way you have a bunch of videos that are just right there in the can that you can just publish it anytime you choose. I found that to be really helpful as well because you want to maintain a certain schedule on YouTube, a certain level of consistency.

Maintain a certain schedule

For me, I try to put as many YouTube videos as I can, at least, one almost every day, and ideally, I want to get to the point of putting out three videos a day. But when I first started, I was putting out videos every week or every two weeks.

By having that consistency, whatever your schedule is, whether it's once a week or once every two weeks or every day, you want to try to find a way to sustain that. There might be some days keep in mind where you might be sick.

You might not be able to put out a YouTube video. It's helpful that you have a few there already uploaded that you can just put out there. In my case, I travel a lot.

So I'm on airplanes on different locations and everything, and so that becomes even more challenging for me, and so that's why I like to record a bunch of videos at once, put them up on YouTube and then just release them over a period of time.

Using iPhone

I found that to be a really useful strategy just in terms of being a lot more efficient with creating your YouTube videos. Another big game changer from me – I started it maybe last year, I think – has been using my iPhone.

In fact, I've always used iPhones for the last few years, but I upgraded last year to the iPhone 6S PLUS, just because the camera … I just want to make sure the camera was as high quality as possible. I end up recording a lot of videos now just like this.

Just selfie videos of myself in front of the camera, and I found that to be very powerful for me, because there's a lot of times where I'm out in a boat, I'm traveling, I'm on the road, and I don't want to carry my camera gear, my tripod, and have to set everything up to record a video, because sometimes I just have an insight, an idea, something cool, a cool environment, a cool background, and I can just take up my phone, record just right that in there.

That's helped me produce more videos now, just by using my smartphone to produce content.

I recommend creating content in different ways like that. Like I say, you don't need to have a great camera or that sort of stuff. You just use your iPhone, and there's a lot of YouTubers who have a lot of success doing in that way.

I think a lot of my subscribers enjoy that because it's a little bit more interesting because I'm in different environments, I'm traveling, I'm in Thailand, I'm in Bali, and I just take up the camera, Hey, guys. I saw it on the beach, I just want to share this with you, and I want to share this message while I'm going for a walk.

Camera equipment

I found that to be really powerful, as well as utilizing a smartphone for your videos. I also use GoPro. Okay. I'll answer this. I'll go into camera equipment right now, because a lot of people ask me that, and I didn't mention that some of the stuff might be a little bit more advanced.

I use four different types of camera styles. Sometimes I'll use my MacBook webcam, MacBook Pro that I use sometimes. I do those for live Google Hangouts, which is useful. YouTube has a feature to do a live video, and so just using your camera on your laptop is useful for that. I mentioned I use my iPhone.

I also use a GoPro. I'm traveling right now, but in Vancouver, where I live, I set up my GoPro, and I mounted it in my car and I started doing just corvette conversation style videos just while I'm driving. I found that to be useful, multitasking that way. While you're driving, you record a video. The GoPro is a GoPro Hero 4.

With the GoPro, you can actually set up a lavalier microphone as well. They have a built-in mike, which is actually pretty good, but you can also set up a lavalier mike. The camera that I'm recording on right now this video is a Panasonic GH4. I used to have the Canon T4i, but I upgraded to the GH4, I think last year. Just much better quality.

I like to use different lenses – it's a DLSR camera – different lenses for it because different lenses will change how you look in the video. They change the background, the focus. For example, this lens that I'm using right now is relatively small, so it's going to blur out the background more while other ones will amplify the background.

A lot of cool different features you can do with that. For the microphone, I use the Sennheiser EW100.

You can see, I actually have a mike right here, attached to my shirt and it's one of these devices right here that I just put underneath my shirt, and there's another one that hooks up the receiver to the camera. That links everything together and this is one of the top pieces of audio equipment that a lot of videographers use because the quality is really good.

Sometimes I also use a Rode mike, which is basically a mike that you have on top of the camera that attaches, that will help pick up your voice and everything as well. Over time as you start making money in your business, or with YouTube, you are going to want to invest in higher quality stuff, because it's going to allow you to just really up your game, and deliver more value to your viewers and everything as well. All right.

Importance of good lighting

Let's see. I've got a number of other … One more thing about filming as well. It's really important to have good lighting. I found lighting to be the most important thing. Right now, there's a big window right here, and I'm using the light to illuminate my face.

I like to use a lot of natural lighting. In fact, I have a lot of artificial lights that I've invested in from the Amazon and stuff. They are back home in my apartment, but oftentimes I don't really even actually use them because I found it's just such a hassle setting up all this lighting.

A lot of my videos I record in front of a window, or utilizing the sun in some way to illuminate myself. Lighting is important.

If you're dark in the video and everything, is not going to look as good. Always remember good lighting. It is one the most important things that I've learned over a period of time. Let's move on to some more tips. Enough of the filming, the camera gear, and stuff. One thing that I mentioned in another video is optimizing your videos for YouTube. 

Two different ways of putting videos

1. Creating videos to attract new people.

And oftentimes … Basically, what's involved in that is you're identifying what people are searching for on YouTube. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. People go to YouTube, they search for different topics, different keywords, Phrases. In fact, if you go to YouTube and you type in the words “how to”, YouTube will give you different suggestions for keywords that people are actually searching for.

So, identifying what people are looking for and creating videos related to that. Whatever niche or market that you're in, you should know all the different topics, all the different keywords that people are searching for that are related to your niche or market.

If you're in a fitness market, you should know all the different keywords people are looking for. Over time, you just do research and just have a list of all the different keywords and those are all basically the topics of the videos that you're going to create in the future that you're going to publish on to try to rank in YouTube.

That's one strategy, finding out what people are looking for, and that's very important, because especially when you're starting out, you can't just put out videos on whatever, and expect people to find them.

You have to put up videos based on what other people want, what they're looking for, what they're searching for. There's only so many core topics and genres and niches that people are really looking for and searching for on YouTube, and you going to be able to identify what those are.

If you publish a video on whatever, but no one's looking for it, then it doesn't matter how much you market it. It doesn't matter how great the video is. If nobody's looking for it, there's no demand for it, then nobody cares.

No one's going to watch that video and find it. You need to tailor your videos towards what people are looking for and searching for, especially at the beginning, in order to attract people.

There are a lot of search engine optimization techniques for that, and I'll maybe go into that next, but the other strategy is

2. Creating videos for your subscribers.

They're more tailored not for attracting new people, but they're more tailored for your subscribers. They're more tailored for your list, people that you might have following you on social media, people that are already on your email list, maybe your existing customers of your business as well.

Those videos are going to be a little bit different in a sense, because how you're speaking in the video is, you're speaking to people that are already following you, and the titles, and the headlines for the videos aren't going to be keyword-optimized, because sometimes, when you're trying to attract new people and you're trying to optimize your videos to attract people, you have the keyword in the title, and so sometimes that takes away from making your title sound cool, and really grab people's attention and stuff.

Sometimes you might just do videos that are more geared towards your subscribers that don't even have any keyword in the title or in the description or anything like that, but they're more targeted for people that are already following you.

Truthfully, I do both. 

How to optimize your videos

This video right now, I'm going to probably optimize it, and try to rank on YouTube for the keyword YouTube tips or YouTube tips and tricks, because I've identified that that's something that people are searching for, and so I created this video, identified that's a topic, so I created a video on it, and I'm going to try to rank this video on YouTube afterwards for that keyword.

How to optimize your videos for a keyword? If you've already identified what people are searching for, you want to make sure that that keyword is first and foremost the name of the file of the video that you're uploading to YouTube.

The file that's on your computer, that is of the video, you want to make sure that that keyword is the name of the file. Let's say, for example, the video is on how to stretch. How to stretch your muscles? Either you want to make sure the file name is howtostretchyourmuscles.mp4 or .mov or whatever file name extension that video is.

That's an important thing that YouTube looks at. When you upload the video, you want to make sure that the keyword is in the title of the video. Very important. You want to make sure that that keyword is mentioned at least three times throughout the description of the video, as well.

When you write up the description, make sure that you have the keyword mentioned at least three times.

Very important. You also want to make sure that that keyword and variations of the keyword are in the tags section of the video when you upload the video.

You have that keyword in the tags, and variations of it as well, because, typically there're a long tail and short tail keywords. The short tail is the one, two-word keywords. The long tail is the three, four, five, six, seven-word ones that people search for.

Another tip as well in terms of optimizing your video is before you publish the video, do a search for it on YouTube. Search for the keyword. Look at the other top videos.

Put in keywords that they might have in your video tag section, as well, and you can even throw in their YouTube username, whatever it is, throw that into the tags also, because that's a great opportunity for your video to show up next to someone else's video.

If someone's watching your competitors' video, on the sidebar YouTube might suggest your video as well. That is another little ninja trick that can help you get a lot more views for your video.

Listen, engage and find out what questions they have

As you start getting subscribers, people following you and all that sort of stuff, you want to listen to them. Listen to your subscribers, engage with them, find out what questions they have.

One segment that I have is #AskStefan on my YouTube channel where people ask questions, and I actually create videos to answer people's questions, and a lot of my subscribers really enjoy that, because I connect with them. I show that I care.

I'm creating content what they want. That's an important thing listening to them and you want to make sure that they're engaged, they want to continue following you.

As you as you publish, you're going to learn more and more what your subscribers want from you, what they're interested in. You're going to find out what their challenges are, what their needs are.

You're going to see if certain videos of yours are going to get a lot of views, and others aren't going to get as many views.

You're going to start to see the pattern of success, what's working and what doesn't work. That's going to help you improve over a period of time on YouTube as well. Let's see what's next.

Thumbnails and titles

 Thumbnails is really important, because typically when people are looking for YouTube videos and searching around and everything, the thumbnail is the number one thing that's going to get people's attention, and I could honestly improve this with my YouTube channel, but editing and having a custom thumbnail, I found it to be one the most important things.

There's a lot of different editing software out there that you can use to basically take a thumbnail image from your video, and edit that make it a little more captivating, more colorful, make it stand out a little bit more. A little more advanced tip is that when you do the recording, you're recording in batches, then take a bunch of pictures of yourself.

Whatever the topic is, if you can have yourself doing a cool pose, or a cool … I don't know, just a weird kind of interesting, mysterious kind of picture or whatever as your thumbnail, then that's obviously going to get a lot more clicks. That's one little strategy that you can utilize.

Just try to take a picture of yourself and use that as a custom thumbnail, and maybe edit it a little bit, just to enhance it, add color to it. One useful tip, as well, is looking to see what other YouTubers are doing.

I learn a lot just by watching other people on YouTube to see what they're doing and what works and I just try to apply some of the strategies. And you'll always be testing, always be testing and improving things, because you need to be able to find out what works for you on YouTube, and what's going to get you the best results.

Titles. Like I said, the titles can either be optimized for a keyword, or it can be something that's more click bait, something that will maybe get people's attention and make people want to click it. I'm sure you already know what click bait is, if you go in social media, on Facebook, you see a lot of click bait.

They're basically just different titles that just make you want to click it. You've got to know what that is. That's another strategy as well. There's no real formula that I have for that.

A lot of its just creativity and just learning over time and seeing what other people are doing, getting ideas from that, but coming up with good headlines and titles for your videos is important.

One thing that you can do is before you publish the video, come up with maybe ten different headlines for it. Just challenge yourself to come up with ten different headlines, and then just narrow it down to the best one, or just try to think about how you can improve, or make a certain title or headline better.

That will help keep your marketing mind working and help you get better and better at creating better titles and headlines for your videos. Another important thing is publishing regularly. The more the better.

Publish more content

One thing that really transformed my YouTube channel is just publishing a lot more content. When I first started, I was doing a video every two weeks or every week, and now I try to do every day. My ultimate goal is three videos a day.

The reason for that is the more videos you publish, number one, YouTube will love you for it. YouTube will rank you better.

They'll reward you for it. They look at frequency. And all your videos will end up ranking a lot better on YouTube. Number two is that the more content you publish, the higher chances that you have of other people finding you, being attracted to you, actually having more reach with your videos. Just publishing more and more videos will increase your reach.

When you publish more videos, like every day, overall, each video will get fewer views because a lot of your subscribers won't be able to keep up with a lot of the videos that you're publishing. However, you will get overall a lot more reach. You have to keep that in mind.

If you're used to getting a thousand views for each video, and now you double your efforts, now your videos might only get seven hundred views each, but now you've got more videos that are getting more views overall. It's actually much more of a win and more beneficial over the long term to do it that way.


Another tip. Grab people's attention right away. The beginning of the video is a most important time to grab people's attention to really hook them. Make sure that you're engaging in some way right from the start. Another tip is … I'll talk a little bit of just ranking video.

I mentioned optimizing your videos for certain keywords. What YouTube looks at to rank videos high on their search engine and high on their website, in general, is basically engagement, which basically means that the duration of how long people watch the video, how many likes, how many views, how many comments, and how many subscribers your YouTube video has.

These are all very important things that the more likes, views, comments, subscribers and better engagement in your videos have, than the higher YouTube's going to rank it on their search engine and throughout their website.

In fact, in order for a video to go viral on YouTube, you have to have high engagement, basically to trigger something in YouTube that this is a popular video, that a lot of people like and they're interested in, and YouTube will just start promoting it everywhere.

I've had a few videos that have exploded like that for me, and it's typically based on those things. In your videos, you want to ask people to like the video. You want to ask people to comment, increase the engagement. You want to have people subscribe to your YouTube channel because that builds up the authority of the YouTube channel as well.

I've also noticed that the longer that I've had my YouTube channel around for, the more authority that it has and all my videos rank better also. If you do something consistently, Youtube Gives you more authority, and will rank you a lot better and reward you for that. Very important.

And that's why to increase the engagement. Your content has to be good, useful, entertaining in some way for people to actually want to like it, leave a comment, subscribe, so that it comes down to just having really good content and making sure that you're entertaining and captivating throughout the video.

Call to action

A lot of stuff here guys. We are already going about thirty minutes. I'll maybe wrap up soon, but as you can see, I've got a lot to share, a lot of stuff that I can go through. Another tip is having a call to action in your videos.

Like I said asking people to subscribe, but depending on your business … I use YouTube to build my business. I've got different products that I sell, different other ways that I make money online. I use YouTube to funnel my subscribers, funnel my viewers into a squeeze page or a landing page so that I can build an e-mail list.

At the end of my videos, you will probably see it at the end of this one, I'll basically have a call to action, and say if you guys want more videos from me, if you guys want a free course or a free bonus that I'm going to give to you, then click the link in the description.

Click the link that will appear here as an annotation. Head on over the page, enter your e-mail, and I'll send you the free bonus.

Having a free bonus is a great way to provide more value to your subscribers, your viewers and also to build an email list, because the email list will allow you to be able to communicate consistently with your viewers, and to be able to sell a product that you might have, to be able to provide a service, and actually be able to monetize your email list, and your YouTube viewers, and everything.

Having a call to action like that is powerful. Think about it as being a bonus, something you can provide to your subscribers.

And at the end of each video offer that to them. Give them detailed instruction on how they can access it. I usually link to my bonus landing page, squeeze page by having that in the description of my videos. One of the first lines on my description will have a link to my bonus. I also have annotations.


Optimizing your video with annotations is also very powerful as well because you can have certain links that will appear or messages that will appear on your video that people can click on, and will take them directly to your bonus or whatever is it that you want to funnel people into. Call to action is key.

End Slate

I also use an end slate at the end of my video. You'll see it at the end of this video as well. Basically, I recommend other videos that I have, and encourage people to subscribe again, and also to like me on social media.

Those two strategies right there are a little bit more advanced. They really helped me get more subscribers, and also, monetize my YouTube channel a lot more and get more subscribers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and everything else.

Just asking people, providing and linking to another content is really powerful. Sharing your videos, promoting them. There is so much I can go into with that, but I always embed my videos on a blog.

YouTube looks at that as well, how many shares your video gets, how many links to your video, embeds that it has on other websites. I embed it on my blog. I share it on my social media and I recommend that you do the same.

The more you share your video, the more of a chance it has to reach more people, to get more views and more subscribers and to really grow and rank better on YouTube. 


There's a lot of strategies I can share with that, but I think these are the main tips that I have, the main tips and tricks.

As you can see, I've been doing this for a while. There's a lot of different strategies to learn and utilize, but the biggest thing is just doing it, guys, just putting your videos, and not trying to be perfect. I gave you guys a lot, but just improving over time.

I'm getting better and better every day. The more videos that I put out, I get better at it.

I'm always learning from other people, and I think as long as you have that mindset of learning, constant improvement, then you'll get better. You always have had to think about where you're going to be a year from now, two years, five years from now.

I look back in videos that I put out back in 2012, and I'm like, Oh my God. I've changed so much. You're kind of embarrassed of yourself back then or how you communicated or how you looked or sounded, but more so, it's just where you are today or comparing yourself to where you are today to where you were then.

I know that five years from now, I'll probably look at this video today, and I'll be like, Oh my God. I sucked back then because look at where I am today. You always get better. And that's the most important thing. Hopefully, this video was helpful.

I shared a lot of tips and information, and if you enjoyed this video, then please like this video. I'd love to hear what you think, as well. Leave a comment if you have some additional questions about things. Post it as a comment below.

I often create videos answering people's questions, and of course, if you want to get access to more videos like this, subscribe to this video as well.  That's it, guys. Thank you for watching this video. And hopefully, I'll see you in the next one. Take care.


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