3 Easy Ways To Promote Your Blog Posts

Want to get more traffic to your blog?

In this video blog, I share 3 easy ways to promote your blog posts and get more traffic to your blog.  These are simple strategies that I've been using recently and testing out, specifically with my new morning ritual video blog.

If you have a blog with articles that could use more exposure, then these strategies will help.  These 3 ways can also be applied to a Kindle book or anything that you want to get more traffic and exposure to.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/205694-plm-079-3-easy-ways-to-promote-your-blog-posts.mp3″ ]

1. Reddit

Reddit is a powerful website that I've been using to promote some of my blog posts and get more exposure.  I simply submit my video or article in one of the Reddit categories and then wait to see what happens.

If the headline is good, as well as the content, then people will vote up your Reddit posting and it will gain more exposure.  People can also leave comments on it too, which helps.

The key to a good Reddit posting is having a killer headline that will make people want to click and check out your blog post.  Recently, I promoted my video blog on my home office tour and I used a headline “Six Figure Blogger Gives Tour Of Penthouse Home Office” and it did well.

I'm sure there's a lot more to Reddit that I don't know, but I've found that by simply submitting blog posts to it frequently with good headlines it's driven a lot more traffic to my blog recently.  It's also something that you can simply outsource and give to your virtual assistant to do for you.

2. Fark

Fark is a news sharing website that you can submit your blog posts to.  With using Fark, you also want to make sure your blog post has a good headline and will get people to click to view more.

With using Fark, I've had some blog posts that didn't get approved, but others that did – so it's not a 100% guarantee that you'll be listed there.  However, it's worth the effort and the traffic that it can bring in.  Again, I've just been instructing my virtual assistant to submit my blog posts to that website.

3. Leverage Content Related To Your Blog Post

This strategy consists of finding related content to your blog post on the internet, then leverage it by promoting your blog post on it.

For example, to promote my morning ritual blog post, I did a search in Google for “morning ritual”.  After digging around, I was able to find some blogs that had articles on morning rituals.  I also found some forums that had posts on morning rituals also.

I then commented on these other blog posts and forum posts, providing some useful tips, as well as a link to my morning ritual video blog.

By doing this, I'm providing some useful, relevant information that can benefit anyone that views that blog post or forum post.

The key is to make sure that you're adding value, not just focused on promoting yourself.  If you are just posting to promote your blog post, then your comment/post will likely get deleted.  However, if you're providing value and your comment is useful (and relevant), then it will likely stay posted.

Another benefit of this strategy is you're getting back links back to your blog, which helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

The most important thing with these 3 strategies is to be PROACTIVE with promoting your blog posts.

I often haven't done much to promote my video blogs, besides sharing them to my e-mail list and social media channels.  However, I've been seeing the power of going beyond that and being proactive with getting my content out there.

By getting your content out there as much as possible, you'll capture more subscribers and followers.  If people like your stuff, they'll likely share it with others and it can have a viral effect.  Of course, this only works if your content is high quality and beneficial to others.

If you want to learn more about blogging, check out my blog post on How To Make Money Blogging.

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