4 Must Read Internet Marketing Books

I get asked all the time, “What are some good books that you'd recommend relating to internet marketing?”

I decided to answer this question on a hike that I did recently in Rio de Janeiro.  In this video blog, I reveal the 4 must-read internet marketing books that you need to read if you're an aspiring internet marketer.  These are books that have made a huge difference in my life and have helped me get to where I am today with my internet marketing career.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/204391-plm-078-4-must-read-internet-marketing-books.mp3″ ]

Below are the list of the must-read internet marketing books that I'd recommend for any aspiring internet marketer.

The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

This was the first “internet marketing” related book that I read, years ago.  The 4 Hour Work Week really got me out of the mindset of “working a 9 to 5” and “one day when I retire, then I'll be free”.  It made me believe that I could create the lifestyle of my choosing, having the freedom that I desire.  It gave me the belief that the internet was the way to go, as it provides tremendous opportunity to automate and outsource, due to technology.

The 4 Hour Work Week is an inspiring book.  It will open up new worlds of possibilities for you and show you how to escape the 9 to 5, travel the world, doing whatever it is that you love only working 4 hour per week.  It's a must-read for any aspiring internet entrepreneur.

Click here for The 4 Hour Work Week on Amazon.

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco

I recently read The Millionaire Fastlane while in Bali, Indonesia and it was one of the best internet marketing books that I've read.  The author, MJ DeMarco, has a powerful way of writing that breaks you out of your existing paradigm.  This book will challenge what you've currently learned about getting rich from other finance books.

MJ DeMarco really preaches the internet lifestyle in this book, describing how it's the “fastlane” to getting rich in todays world.  This is another must-read for anyone that wants to make money online.

Click here for The Millionaire Fastlane on Amazon.

FU Money by Dan Lok

This book was life changing when I read it on my trip to Thailand a few years ago.  I was just getting started building my first online business and I took this book with me.  I received it as a free gift at a seminar where Dan Lok was speaking and it totally changed my life.  Dan has a no non-sense, direct style of writing that really will wake you up.  It shows how the internet can provide the freedom and lifestyle that you want, while challenging your existing beliefs about making money.  This is another fantastic book worth picking up and adding to your library.

Click here for a free copy of FU Money.

Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk was a powerful book for me when I was first starting my blog, ProjectLifeMastery.com.  It really taught me how to crush it by pursuing my passions and sharing my gifts online.  This book motivated me to hustle more and taught me many valuable principles that I apply today with my online businesses.  Gary also has a no nonsense, direct way of communicating through his writing that I seem to respond well to.

Click here for Crush It on Amazon.

These 4 books are powerful, motivating books that will guide you along your journey to making money online as an internet marketer.  They are all worth adding to your library and reading, if you haven't already.

Are there any internet marketing books that I missed?

Any that you would recommend that are worth reading?

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