5 Online Marketing “Must Haves” For Your Business Success

I would like to share with you 5 online marketing “must haves” for your business success.

Starting a business can be exciting and scary at the same time, especially when you are navigating new terrain.

However, with the right tools in place, you can master the world of online marketing. In today’s digital landscape, having a website isn’t enough.

In order to stand out from the rest, you need to build a brand and position yourself as an authority figure in your industry. If you aren’t taking the steps needed in order to improve your visibility, generate more online traffic, and convert leads into customers, your business will suffer.

If want to maximize your success, you need to learn how to market your business online. Follow these 5 online marketing “must haves” for your business success:


Your website is a direct reflection of your online business. It is your opportunity to make a killer first impression. Entrepreneur coach Martin Zwilling explains, “I see many entrepreneurs that focus on the basics of marketing too little and too late. They skimp on the design of their website, even though in the eyes of users, design is everything.”

On average, most websites have a 30-60% bounce rate.  This means that a large majority of web traffic entering your website leaves without navigating to any other pages. Why?  Because business owners don't make it a priority to create eye-catching content in the first 10-20 seconds.

Without a killer website, consumers won't visit your page and your marketing efforts will go to waste. Valuable website content is paramount to your online business success. Always remember that your website isn't about you, it's about your visitors.

Content Marketing

Today consumers rule the online world, which is why content marketing is more important than ever before. Creating high quality content is the best way to attract people to your brand online.

Content can be in the form of images, articles, blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. This is what has allowed me to build my brand and create a 7-figure online business. The #1 goal of content marketing is to build trust and develop long-lasting relationships with your target market.

In the words of Ross Simmonds, “Content marketing is a long-term relationship. It's not a one-night stand.” Becoming an authority doesn't happen overnight.  If you are looking for a ‘get rich quick' scenario, think again. Be consistent and add value to your audience.  If you do so, your customers will reward you when they are ready to make a purchase. The reality is that people buy from people they trust.


You can have the best blog or website in your industry, but if nobody is visiting it, then what is the point? According to Vocus, 82% of mobile shoppers use search to influence their purchasing decisions, and 70% of mobile searches for products or services will result in a sale in the near future.

Meet search engine optimization (SEO) – your website or blog's new best friend. SEO is the process of ensuring your website appears on a search engine’s results page when relevant searches are made by consumers.

In order to start building traffic for your online business, I suggest that you take advantage of free traffic sources, like podcasting, YouTube, social media, Kindle books, guest posting, etc.

Social Media 

Once your business has a killer website and an SEO strategy, social media can complement these by driving more traffic to your site. According to HubSpot, social media marketing has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing.

It is important that you understand which social media platforms your audience is most active on and what they are searching for. Having a strong social media presence online will increase your web traffic, build conversions, and develop your brand. Seth Godin said it best – “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”

Email Marketing

When you first start an online business, you want to spread the word. Email marketing is a powerful and cost-effective way to connect with your target market and increase ROI. The best way to ensure that people revisit your website is through email campaigns.

If you aren't sure how to do this, sign up for a couple email subscriptions of successful companies.  Learn from the best. By sharing information about your business via emails, you help customers see how valuable your product or service is.

A joint study from Shop.org and Forrester Research found that 85% of US retailers consider email marketing to be one of the most effective customer acquisition tactics (Forrester, 2014). This statistic proves that it works. Research shows that 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months (Wagner, 2013).

Follow these 5 online marketing “must have's” for your business success and you will be able to create a sustainable, long-term brand that stands the test of time.

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