3 Ways To Hold Yourself Accountable To Your Goals

I would like to share 3 ways to hold yourself accountable to your goals. From time to time, all of us have struggled to stay consistent with the goals that we set for ourselves.

It's one thing to set goals, but actually accomplishing them takes commitment, energy, discipline, and hard work. When we don't see results fast enough, it is easy to lose our motivation and fall into a negative thinking trap.

All of us have personal goals that we want to master, but many people become easily distracted by shiny objects or new ideas. The result is that they end up jumping from opportunity to opportunity, without accomplishing anything.

Accountability is an inside job. If you want to create positive change in your life, you need to take responsibility for the decisions that you make. In the words of Stephen Covey, “Accountability breeds response-ability.”

Are you ready to learn 3 ways to hold yourself accountable to your goals?

Do you want to have the support of a mentor who will hold you accountable to your goals every month? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

1. Find An Accountability Partner

When you are accountable to others, you are more likely to follow-through on your goals. Conversely, when you don't have someone in your corner, cheering you on and checking-up on you, it is easy to make excuses for why you can't accomplish something.

The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person that you’ve committed to, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

An accountability partner, like a coach or a mentor, can give you the motivation that you need in order to take action when you are not where you want to be in life. 

George Matthew Adams said it best – ““There is no such thing as a ‘self-made’ man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.”

2. Develop Good Habits

If you want to achieve your goals, you need to commit to developing good habits. In doing so, it primes your brain for success. Research shows that the best way to improve your overall health and well-being is to start a new regular habit.

The most effective way to transform your goals into habits is to create a morning ritual. In the morning, you have the most willpower at your disposal, and so your motivation is at its peak.

Accountability is about willpower, and willpower is similar to a muscle. If it's possible for muscles to get stronger over time with training, willpower can do the same. In the words of Joshua Miller, “Personal accountability isn’t a trait that people are born with, it’s a way of living that you can learn.”

3. Find Your Purpose

Finding your purpose is a critical element to achieving your goals and experiencing fulfillment in life. By nature, having a purpose breeds accountability.

When you are living your purpose and doing what you love, you naturally want to be accountable to yourself and others because you are committed to something greater than yourself.

Write your purpose down, and read it out loud to yourself every day. When you do so, it will inspire you to stay committed to your goals and take action.

I challenge you to try out these 3 ways to hold yourself accountable to your goals. At the end of the day, mastering any goal in life requires that you make a conscious commitment to take action. It all starts and ends with you.

Do you want to have the support of a mentor who will hold you accountable to your goals every month? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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