BE HAPPY! Turn Expectation Into Appreciation

Do you want to know the secret to living a fulfilled life? BE HAPPY! Turn expectation into appreciation.

This message came from Tony Robbins who said, “Turn your expectations into appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant.”

If you don’t have expectations, you can never be disappointed. Sounds simple, right? Then why do so many people struggle with this notion? We live in a world built on expectations. We have become entitled, and believe that the world owes us something.

If you adopt this mindset, you will never experience true happiness in life.

Watch the video below:

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Do you want to know how you can create a daily ritual that will help you turn expectations into appreciation? CLICK HERE to purchase my course, Morning Ritual Mastery!

Too many people are obsessed with creating the perfect life.  As a result, they aren’t able to enjoy the experiences that life provides. I guarantee you that there will be times in life when things are not going to go your way; your rules and beliefs about the world will be violated.

If you adopt this mindset, you will never experience true happiness in life. Take a moment and ask yourself, “Where in your life do you tend to demand or expect things from others without expressing your appreciation?”

Don’t let the outside world determine your happiness. True happiness is an inside job. It’s a state of mind. “On a deeper level, you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do.” ~Eckhart Tolle

You don’t have control over the world. The only thing that you have control over is yourself. Whenever you catch yourself being upset, sad, angry, or having high expectations of yourself and others, stop and pay attention to your thoughts. Master your mind so that it doesn't master you.

Expectation comes from you taking life for granted and not fully appreciating the beauty that surrounds you. BE HAPPY! Turn expectation into appreciation.  When you let go of expectation and replace it with appreciation, you live a life of gratitude.

In Sonja Lyubomirsky’s The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want, she refers to gratitude as “a kind of meta-strategy for achieving happiness.”

She goes on to say, “Gratitude is many things to many people – it is wonder; it is appreciation; it is looking on the bright side of a setback; it is fathoming abundance; it is thanking someone in your life; it is present-oriented.” What are you grateful for? Appreciation is about the here and now. The moment is all we have. If you aren’t happy right NOW, you won’t be happy in the future.

BE HAPPY! Turn expectation into appreciation. When you do so, watch what happens to your growth and state of mind. I challenge you to spend an entire day with zero expectations and respond to everything in your life with appreciation. The rewards will be incredible.

Lynda Barry said it best – “Expect the unexpected, believe in the unbelievable, and achieve the unachievable.”

Do you want to know how you can create a daily ritual that will help you turn expectations into appreciation? CLICK HERE to purchase my course, Morning Ritual Mastery!

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