Selling on Amazon can be a life-changing, lucrative business. However, there are also many mistakes to avoid selling on Amazon. Today, I have an advanced Amazon seller who is ready to reveal the biggest mistakes newbie Amazon sellers make! Are you ready to become an Amazon seller and create the financial freedom that you desire?

While I was at the Amazing Seller Summit in Las Vegas this past year, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kevin King.

Kevin is a super successful seller on Amazon. He has an incredible story of how he got started selling on Amazon.

The purpose of interviews like these is to inspire and show you that anything is possible, no matter where you come from or what your circumstances are in life.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/583885-plm-487-biggest-mistakes-newbie-amazon-sellers-make-from-a-3m-year-advanced-amazon-seller.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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Here is a sneak peak of my interview with Kevin King! This advanced Amazon seller reveals secrets to making millions on Amazon, and shares some vital mistakes newbie Amazon sellers make.

Can you share a little bit about your story and how you got started with selling on Amazon and creating online businesses?

I’ve been an entrepreneur my entire life. I’ve never worked a corporate job, so I’ve gone through the ups and downs. It’s all part of the game. Four years ago I became aware of the opportunity to sell on Amazon as a private labeling company. At that time, I was coming out of a business that was on a downward spiral and I wasn’t ready to take the leap. In hindsight, I wish I had. Finally, in 2015, I got my rear in gear, started selling as a third party seller, and I launched five different brands.

Can you share some of the success that you’ve had since you started your selling on Amazon in 2015?

This year, on Amazon alone, I should hit close to $3 million in sales. I’m a one-man show. I have no employees, no office, and no virtual assistants.

I’ll probably do another half a million dollars this year on sales from other sites, like Wal-Mart. The opportunities with Amazon are far-reaching. There has never been anything like this in the world. Amazon is a little more competitive now than it was a few years ago, and it’s definitely not a get rich quick deal where you push a button, sit back, and retire on a beach. If you are willing to put in the work, you can create a very comfortable lifestyle by selling on Amazon.

The returns on selling physical products on Amazon are unlike anything else in this world. If you have $10,000 to invest in your Amazon business, and you are able to keep re-investing, within a two-year period, that will turn into a $50,000 profit. That’s just from an average product on Amazon. If you have a normal job and you are looking for a way to transition out of it, becoming an Amazon seller is the way to do it.

What are some of the mistakes that people make when starting an Amazon business?

People take forever to pick a product. They are afraid that they will make the wrong choice. The beauty of Amazon is that there is software and tools out there that will give you the data in order to determine what is actually selling well on Amazon.

You need to find the traffic and the demand, and then lay down the in front of it. Don’t get emotionally tied to anything. Focus on the numbers, look at the data, pick a product, dive in, and don’t look back. Get that product out and you will learn so much.

If you fail, the great thing about Amazon is that it’s difficult to lose money. I lowered the price of some of my products so that I could break even, and it took about nine months, but I was able to recoup my investment. If you stop learning, you stop earning.

What is your mindset around competition in the Amazon business?

No, it’s kind of like dating. You are trying to get the girl and there is competition to do so. All you need to do is focus on being the best that you can be. Stop worrying about the competition. Focus on yourself, your customers, and what you can control. If you do, you will come out ahead.

Any entrepreneur advice for beginners that currently have a 9-5 job that are looking to make the transition towards entrepreneurship?

I see a lot of people buy Amazon courses and go to events but they still don’t have a product because they never pull the trigger. Just get out there and do it, and don’t worry if you fail. When you take initiative, you will be surprised how much happiness it can bring to your life.

Kevin’s story is a shining example that anything is possible. There are many mistakes newbie Amazon sellers make, but if you do it right it can be life changing! If Kevin can make millions on Amazon, so can you. You can learn more about him by checking out Illuminate Mastermind or AMZ Marketer, where he shares tips and tricks for how to market more effectively and sell more on Amazon.

Adopt a mastery mindset, believe in yourself, and take action to create the business and life that you desire.

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