CHALLENGE YOURSELF TODAY | Stefan James Motivation

Let me ask you something… to what extent are you willing to challenge yourself?

I think that this is an important question to reflect upon on a daily basis. I believe that we are all capable of achieving massive success in life. Each of us has a unique gift that we are meant to share with the world.

However, too many people hide behind the shadows of their potential. They are too scared to take the leap of faith and step into their power. As a result, they never know what they are capable of.

If you want to create change in your life, challenge yourself and start by creating change. It begins with a single step. Are you ready?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/770815-plm-599-challenge-yourself-today.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Are you ready to learn how to succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Challenging ourselves is one of the most important things that we can do.

Do you wake up in the morning feeling energized and ready to crush your day?

A lot of people let the outside world negatively affect their internal state. These people are known as dabblers. They let something like the weather be an excuse as to why they don't achieve their goals. They would much rather stay inside, where it's warm, safe, and comfortable. Unfortunately, nothing epic happens in your comfort zone and when you don't challenge yourself.

When we get too comfortable with life, we forget to challenge ourselves to get better. Like Zig Ziglar once said, “You can’t be so busy chopping wood that you forget to sharpen the ax.” 

Dabblers are always waiting for the perfect moment to live life to the fullest. Not surprisingly, they never start. It is important to challenge yourself and change the way you look at life. If you find that you are dabbling in something, examine where you are blocked and take it as something you need to overcome.

Conversely, masters go all in. When life gives them lemons, they make kickass lemonade. Their goal isn't just to survive life. Rather, they choose to thrive.

While the dabbler spends their time complaining and about menial things that don't matter, the master views obstacles as opportunities to grow and challenge themselves. A new study from Duke University claims that mentally challenging yourself can actually help curb anxiety and depression. They also state that when you challenge yourself, it changes something that may seem intimidating to become easy. As you overcome any obstacles, you develop new skills that can be used. And, you find that there is hidden potential inside you that is waiting to be activated.

Vivian Greene said it best – “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass… It's about learning to dance in the rain.”

When you develop the willpower to withstand any storm, there is nothing that will stand in your way of success. When you challenge yourself, true transformation resides. Masters exercise their mindset muscle every single day by engaging in habits that keep them at the top of their game.

We don't grow when things are easy. Rather, we grow through challenges. During the moments when we feel like giving up, but we don't. That is the definition of a true master.

How will you challenge yourself today?

Don't be a dabbler. Challenge yourself. Commit to mastery. Live your life with zero regrets. Explore every opportunity, break through every limitation, and experience the vastness of life to its fullest. Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of life's challenges.

What does this mean?

A challenge is an illusion. It is a way to see what you have inside you. It helps you to see who you really are.

When you challenge yourself, you find that there is hidden potential waiting to come out.

You find that you can do what you thought was impossible.

And the result is that you build your self confidence. You gain more skills. You find that there is more potential for you to achieve your goals.

Every time you decide to take on a new challenge and learn to overcome it, you empower yourself to be at your best.

Look at something you want to achieve. Examine the places where you “dabble” instead of achieve what you want.

Now, look at exactly how to achieve those goals. Identify the ways to overcome obstacles.

Still seem difficult?

Look at resources and other surrounding opportunities. Challenge yourself to find the solution you need.

The obstacle you are facing may not be easy to overcome. However, once you do, you will find that you are capable of doing more, being more and achieving everything you want in your life.

What are you waiting for? Dive in.

Are you ready to learn how to succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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