How To Make Money Online: Easy Ways to Make Money From Home Fast

In this video blog series, I reveal exactly how I make over $40,000 per month online through 5 online marketing methods. My goal is to be as open and transparent as possible, as well as thoroughly explain each method in detail so that you can use them to create freedom in your own life.

The crazy thing is, recently I've been making a lot more than $40,000 per month – for example, in my March 2014 Monthly Goals Report, I made over $51,000 online and it's been climbing ever since.  The reason why I said $40,000 per month online in this video blog series is that that's what I've been making CONSISTENTLY for the last year or so.  

Right now it's April 2014 as I'm creating this, and who knows… maybe in the next few months or the next few years I'll be making $60,000 per month or $100,000 per month.  Either way, what I'm sharing with you and revealing to you is the core of what I do that has allowed me to make money online.

This is going to be a 6-part video blog series where I go into the 5 online marketing methods that I use in more detail in separate video blogs.  This video blog is just to introduce you to the series and what you can expect over the next few days from me.  In each video blog, I'll do the best that I can to go into everything in more detail, so that you can fully understand each method that I use to make money online.  If there's any questions, please comment below and I'll be sure to answer them as best as I can.

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

The 5 Online Marketing Methods That Make Me Money Online

There are 5 primary ways that I make money online.  They are the following:

  1. Kindle Publishing
  2. Blogging
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Information Products
  5. Coaching & Consulting

You can click on the links above to view the video blog that I have on each of them in this series.

How Making Money Online Has Changed My Life

ALL of these methods have changed my life and provided me with a well-diversified income stream of over $40,000 per month consistently.  As a result of making money online, I've been able to enjoy the freedom of being able to travel the world. In the last few years since making money online, I've been blessed to have traveled around Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador,  and around the United States.

While traveling, I've been able to enjoy several “passive income streams” that I've set up online that make me money on autopilot while I'm sleeping.  I've lived the 4-hour work week lifestyle and even was semi-retired at 24 years old when I first became financially free.

Making money online has also provided me the financial abundance to live a lifestyle that I only could have dreamed of.  In 2014, I moved into a $1.7 million dollar penthouse on the 48th floor overlooking beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.  I live in the Sheraton Wall Centre, which is a luxury apartment that is the 3rd tallest building in the entire city.  It was only a few years ago that I was broke, in massive credit card debt, living in my friends living room trying to find out how I could survive.  I used to live month-to-month… but not anymore, the internet has changed that for me.

Just recently, I purchased my dream car – the 2014 Corvette Stingray.  Both the penthouse and Corvette were goals that I had for myself in 2014 that I publicly shared on my blog, and I was able to achieve them both… all because of making money online.

It took me YEARS to be able to finally discover how to start making money online.  When I first started, it was a frustrating battle.  I wanted to give up at times and I had many failures.  But I kept at it.  I didn't give up and began looking at every failure as an opportunity to learn something new.  My failures were just preparing me for the success that I now enjoy today.

Today, at only 27 years old, I now enjoy a lifestyle that I could have only dreamed of.  My future is looking brighter than ever and I have no doubt that I will make millions of dollars throughout my lifetime, while sharing my gifts with the world.  It is now my mission and purpose to share with YOU how you can do the same.

Online Marketing Can Will Change Your Life Too!

The reason why I'm so passionate about this area of my life, is because I have so much intense emotion associated to it.  I struggled for years and I know how painful it is to be in debt, to live pay check to pay check, and not be able to live how you want.  I know what it's like to be broke.  I also know what it's like to break free from that and be rich.  And let me tell you, rich is much better.

No, making money isn't going to make you happy (that can only come from within), but it will give you the freedom to live your life on YOUR terms.  It will give you the freedom to do what YOU want, whatever that may be, which in turn can make you very happy.  It can allow you to live your PASSION and PURPOSE IN LIFE (in my case, it's blogging and helping others).  It can give you the freedom to travel the world.  It can buy you experiences.  All of these things can contribute to your level of happiness and well-being.

So if you have the opportunity to make money online and be free, then why not?  Why not be abundant in your life?  Why not be able to enjoy life fully and experience everything that life has to offer?  

Are you sold yet?  I hope so.  The sale isn't for me, it's for you.  I'm already living the life of my dreams and I want you to live the same.  I'm not trying to impress you in any way, but rather IMPRESS UPON YOU that you can do it too.  If I can do it, anyone can – I have no doubts about it.

With this video blog series, I'm hoping to open you up to this new world of abundance and freedom for you to take advantage of.  I'm going to be revealing to you what *I* do that has made me successful over the last few years.  It's then up to you to take what you will with it and if you choose, apply it to your life.

The next 5 parts of this video blog series will be revealed and made available over the next few days.  I will do my best to thoroughly explain everything and give you an overview of each of the 5 ways I make money online so that you can decide on what direction you want to go.

Want to know the 7 online business models that made me an Internet millionaire in less than 3 years? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE business course!

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