How To Find Your Purpose In Life In Less Than 60 Seconds

What is your purpose in life?

Do you know what it is?

I believe that finding your purpose in life is a critical element to living a life of fulfillment.

However, many people don't know how to find your purpose in life.  They make it into this big thing that becomes overly complicated and challenging to discover.  As a result, they never seek it out and discover it.

In this video blog, I share with you how to find your purpose in less than 60 seconds.

It's much simpler, easier and faster than you think!

I discovered my purpose many years ago.  I've since turned it into a powerful mission statement that I speak out loud everyday as part of my morning ritual.

“I, Stefan James, see, know, hear and feel that the purpose of my life is to be even more fully alive, grow and make a difference in the lives of others!”

Everything in my life is aligned with this purpose and supports that.  It is my driving force that pulls me towards everything that I do in my life.

If you want help to find your purpose in life, then watch this video below.  In it, I will demonstrate how you can quickly and easily find your purpose and begin to live it everyday.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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