I drank GREEN JUICE for 10 Days and this is what happened…

I did a green juice cleanse for 10 days and the results were powerful.

My body was telling me that it needed some time to rest, recover, and detoxify. I listened. Why? Because my health is my top priority.

I know that nothing else in my life will work unless I feel good in my mind and body. By removing and eliminating toxins, your body can help protect you from disease and replenish your ability to cultivate optimum health.

As an entrepreneur, I can't afford to feel unwell. If I want to be successful, I need to be in an optimal state. I feel so energized since finishing my green juice cleanse.

By sharing the results and benefits of my 10-day green juice cleanse, I hope that it will give you the motivation that you need to upgrade your health! Let's dive in…

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/4589432-plm-798-i-drank-green-juice-for-10-days-and-this-is-what-happened.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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When was the last time that you did a cleanse?

The quality of your life is a reflection of your standards. If you're tired all of the time, feel moody, or are falling sick way too often, it's highly likely that your body is due for a reset. I, like so many other people, live a very busy lifestyle. The pressures and demands from the outside world can take a huge toll on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Stress and negative emotions compromise your entire immune system, from your brain to your liver to your kidney. This is what produces acidity in the body. Recent research shows that stress is associated with changes in gut bacteria which in turn can influence mood. On top of this, many people live toxic lifestyles, from the air that they breathe to the food that they eat.

Not surprisingly, toxicity provides a perfect breeding ground for diseases. There are a lot of things that are happening inside of your body that you can't see or notice, whether it's inflammation, an infection, or candida. Your body is always working hard, without any vacations. It's looking out for you, 24/7. This is why it's important that you do your part and allow your body to have a break.

When it comes to juicing, I was originally inspired to do a 15-day juice fast after I watched an award-winning documentary called, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. The creator of the documentary is an Australian man by the name of Joe Cross. In his documentary, he shares his journey from being obese and sick with an autoimmune disorder, to being healthy and fit. What did he do?

A 60-day juice fast.

He decided to change his body and take control of his health. He realized that his lifestyle was negatively affecting his health. The medical system could no longer solve the root cause of his health issues. Instead, they wanted to prescribe him drugs to treat his symptoms. In short, the medical system doesn't always have our best interests at heart. This is why a lot of people end up turning to holistic medicine.

Joe traveled from Australia to the U.S. where he worked with naturopathic doctors to get his life back. The result is incredible. Not only did he lose 50 pounds in 60 days, but he was also able to get off of his medication and get his autoimmune disorder under control. Amazing, hey?

Five years after the release of his first documentary, Joe came out with a second documentary called, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 where he talked about how to make healthy habits stick. If you love to read, I highly recommend reading his book, Reboot with Joe as well. Inside, he provides amazing tools, recipes, diets, and words of encouragement for how you can reboot your health.

At the time of watching Joe's documentary, I didn't have any major health issues. However, when it comes to my health, I always take a preventative approach. I want to avoid getting sick at all costs. This is why, every year, I allow my digestive system to have a break from constantly trying to digest the foods that I'm putting into it.

Tatiana and I are currently back in Vancouver, Canada visiting family. We had to quarantine for 14 days when we landed, so we decided that this was a great opportunity to do a green juice cleanse for 10 days. Vancouver is a very health-conscious city, so we bought cold-pressed raw and organic green juices from a juice bar.

Alternatively, you can juice your greens using a juicer.

If you are interested in purchasing one, I recommend the Omega Juicer. When you are doing a juice cleanse you want to focus on consuming greens and vegetables. The reason being is that green plants have chlorophyll which is similar to the hemoglobin in our blood. I try to avoid a lot of fruit or sugar when juicing because sugar can feed yeast and candida in your colon.

If you struggle with drinking green juices, try adding lemon or ginger. This is a great way to add flavor to your juices. If you want, you can even add some apple or pineapple, but make sure that you don't overconsume fruits. We drank 6 juices every day. You feel hungry for the first few days, but after that, your body turns off hunger. When your body isn't getting food, it uses stored energy, which is your body fat.

During the first few days when you're detoxing, you will feel tired and sluggish. You may even experience skin flare-ups or digestive issues. The reason why this happens is that your body is eliminating toxicity. What I love most about a green juice cleanse is the explosion of energy that you experience once the withdrawal symptoms subside. This takes a few days.

Not only will you lose weight juice cleansing, but it can also improve your skin and gut health and reduce inflammation. During a cleanse, I don't do a lot of stressful activities. Rather, I do simple and relaxing things, like going for walks, getting sunlight, meditating, and stretching.

I also like to do a liver and gallbladder flush at the same time I'm doing my green juice cleanse.

Back in 2015, I did my first liver cleanse & gallbladder flush where I flushed out hundreds of gallstones from my liver and gallbladder. This cleanse is based on the knowledge of Andreas Moritz who wrote the book, The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush. If you want to learn more about what causes gallstones in the liver and gallbladder and how you can remove gallstones painlessly, I highly recommend reading it.

Let me break down what a liver and gallbladder flush looks like. For five days, you consume malic acid which is found in apple juice or apple cider vinegar. Over time, this softens the gallstones and makes it easier for you to pass them. On the day of your liver flush, you consume Epson salts with water which helps cleanse the colon.

From there, you take half a cup of olive oil and lemon juice and then lie down immediately. This will cause your gallbladder to flush out the gallstones. When you wake up in the morning, you have a bowel movement and will notice the gallstones being passed. If you are open to alternative solutions to health and well-being, I recommend trying this. I never promote anything that hasn't drastically benefitted my life.

This is what happened when I drank green juice for 10 days.

The results have been profound. My body is cleansed and my mind is clear. In this state, I feel unstoppable once again! I encourage you to give your body the gift of cleansing. In the words of Robert Urich, “A healthy outside starts from the inside.”

Do you want to start living every day with optimal mental and emotional health? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!

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