How Porn Is Destroying Your Life

Do you watch porn?

If so, I want to share with you how porn is destroying your life and why you should stop watching porn immediately.  This is from my own experience watching porn and many other men that I know and have worked with.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/216606-plm-087-how-porn-is-destroying-your-life.mp3″ ]

What are the negative affects of porn?

First, if you're in a relationship, porn will destroy attraction and intimacy with your woman.

When you watch porn, you're essentially anchoring in these “fantasies” and images that aren't based on reality.  You're watching these beautiful women, with fake breasts, with the perfect angle, lighting, etc… and you are CONDITIONING yourself to be aroused and attracted by this.

Many times while watching porn, you won't even be satisfied watching a certain woman – you'll continually browse for hours to find your “perfect fantasy” or whatever will arouse you the most in that moment.

As a result, when you're with your woman, you'll begin to DECREASE your attraction and intimacy with her.  You won't be as attracted to her as much, as the real thing can't possibly compete with this fake reality that porn creates in your brain.

The woman that you're with will NEVER be able to ALWAYS perform at the same level as these porn stars, in these videos you're watching.  She will NEVER be able to compete and be as beautiful and perfect as some of these porn stars as well, simply because she will age and her beauty will fade over the years.

It's so harmful and destructive to any relationship, which is why I'd avoid it completely.

You'll find by eliminating porn, you will train and condition your brain to be attracted to your partner.  She will be able to fulfill you and you won't have these other fantasies stuck in your mind to compete with.

I DO recommend masturbating, however.  Just not to porn.  

I studied Tantra years ago and I learned that masturbating is a way of training yourself how to have sex and be aroused.  There's many cool techniques you can do to develop your skills in the bedroom by masturbating, such as focusing on your breathing and controlling the energy in your body.

While masturbating, you can visualize or imagine yourself with your partner – which is also conditioning yourself to be more aroused and attracted to her.

If you are NOT in a relationship, then porn still affects you.

Porn kills your drive and motivation.  Ejaculating drains your energy.  It will also kill your ambition to go out and meet women.

If you meet a woman and begin dating her, you might find yourself having erectile dysfunction and have a difficult time getting hard with her.  Again, this is because your brain is conditioned to be aroused by porn, not the real thing.

Not only that, it's a waste of time and it is an ADDICTION if you can't stop doing it.

There's MORE productive things for you to do and more healthful things that can serve you in your life.

Find new ways of meeting your needs and more productive things to spend your time on.

Please leave a comment below or let me know any questions you have.  I'd love to hear what you think!

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