Do You Know How To Communicate Effectively With Your Customers?

Do you know how to communicate effectively with your customers? If not, you may be losing clients.

Communication skills are the foundation of effective interpersonal relationships in the business world. Warren Buffett once told a class of business students that better communication could boost their value by fifty percent. He couldn't be more right.

You could be the best in your industry, but if you don't know how to communicate with your customers, your online business is doomed to fail. Think about how many conversations you have on a daily basis in your business.

Whether you need to persuade customers to buy your products, network with new clients, or lead meetings with your team, communication skills are vital to your success.

In the words of Dianna Booher, “Good decisions can turn into disasters when communicated poorly.” Let's face it, if you want to master your business, you need to master your communication skills. 

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Are you ready to learn how to communicate effectively with your customers?

Some of you may be sitting there and thinking, “But wait, I'm already a great communicator.” If you feel this way, where's the evidence to support this claim? Oftentimes, it isn't our perceptions that matter most, but rather, the receivers' of our communication. When in doubt, ask for feedback from your staff, your colleagues, or, even better, your customers! No matter how good we think we are, we can always improve our communication skills in some way.

We spend a large percentage of our waking hours engaged in some form of communication, which is why it's so important that we learn how to communicate effectively. When it comes to developing communication skills in the business world, it's easy to get overwhelmed, because there are so many different mediums of communication to navigate – everything from texting to emailing, to video, to delivering presentations, to face-to-face meetings.

Regardless of the context that you find yourself in, I believe that there are 5 must-have communication skills that you need to develop if you want to succeed in your business. The great news is that mastering these skills will enable you to to be more effective in all areas of your life. Pay close attention because these are the skills that will allow you to learn how to communicate effectively with your customers.

1. Listen Attentively To Your Customers

Active listening is one of the most important skills that an entrepreneur can master. Studies suggest that we spend 45% of our daily communication listening. It's fair to say that listening is one of our most commonly used communication skills, yet so many people struggle with it.

It doesn't mean that we don't care what people are saying to us, but rather, it's the constant distractions that take our attention away from being in the present moment.

When it comes to engaging with your customers, being a good listener is critical. If you don't listen to what people want, how do you expect to sell your products or services? In today's digital world, the consumer runs the show. Listening can be the difference between success and failure, so it's imperative that you make the effort to improve your active listening skills. How do you do this?

The best place to start is by remaining 100% focused on what your customer is saying to you. Don't let your thoughts wander in a million different directions. Be fully present and pay attention to what is being said, in particular, the key points that are being addressed.

You want your customers to be aware that you are listening to them, so paraphrase and ask clarifying questions to show that you care about what is being said. In the words of Epictetus, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

2. Read Your Customers Nonverbal Cues

When selling your products and services to your customers, your nonverbal communication skills are just as important as your verbal skills. If you want to achieve entrepreneurial success, you need to be able to analyze the nonverbal cues of your customers. How do they sit? What facial expressions do they convey? What gestures do they make when they talk?

When you have an awareness of what peoples' body language is telling you, you can more effectively influence and persuade them.  If someone's words are out of alignment with their posture, you know that your message isn't being received in a positive way. Becoming attuned to effectively reading nonverbal cues will help you understand what makes people tick so that you can offer the right people, the right products, at the right time.

3. Speak To Your Customers Like Real People

The way that you speak with and interact with your customers has a huge impact on the success of your business. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers. How would you want to be treated and spoken to? If you use language that is undermining or aggressive in nature, how do you think your customers will respond? 

When you are talking to people you need to practice thoughtful communication. To put it bluntly, you need to speak to your customers like human beings. Customers are the heart of your business. Without them, you won't survive, which is why it is imperative that you make them feel valued and appreciated. As much as possible, do due diligence to make them feel that they are important. Gregory Ciotti said it best, “Great communication is an art. Honing it to a keen edge is a science.”

That’s one reason why so many people don’t trust brands. A consumer may love a product or service, but if a brand doesn't connect with them in an authentic way, they won't give you their money. According to Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising report, which surveyed more than 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries, 92 percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising.

Your customers have the power to decide whether or not they like your online brand or if they will recommend your products and services to their friends and family. The key to creating loyal customers is to form real, memorable connections with them. This is how to communicate effectively with your customers.

4. Use Positive Language

Your customers want you to find solutions to their problems. They don't want to hear about you can do for them, not what you are incapable of doing. When it comes to influencing people, the words that you use matter, which is why you need to be mindful of what you say. Negative phrases like, “I don't know”, “I can't” or “That isn't available” closes off the communication channel between you and your customers. 

In order to learn how to communicate effectively with your customers, you first need to learn how to think positive. It all comes down to mastering your mindset. The harsh reality is that your customers will tune out if you speak to them with negative words. If you find that your language has a negative tone to it, try reframing and focus on words that are more positive. When you are able to leverage the power of positive words in your business, you will enhance the image of your online brand, resulting in more customers and more sales.

5. Ask Your Customers How They Prefer To Communicate

One of the most important things that you can do is to ask your customers how they would like to communicate with you. Everyone has different needs, so ask for feedback. When you do this, you are communicating to them that you value their opinion and their needs. It's not about what works best for you. Maybe you prefer email, but your customers may prefer to communicate on the phone.

When you know what's working for your customers, you will be able to serve them more effectively. More importantly, they will feel heard, which will make them happier. Ultimately, this will result in better sales, better leads, and a better customer experience. 

These are 5 communication skills for how to communicate effectively with your customers. I encourage every entrepreneur to develop and master these skills.

After reading this blog, do you think you know how to communicate effectively with your customers?

If not, commit to developing your communication skills, because doing so will allow you to create long-lasting relationships with your customers. When you add value and create better experiences for your customers, they will trust you, which in turn will ensure that they continue buying your products and services.

Just like a new habit, developing communication skills takes time, practice and patience. However, it is one of the most powerful things that you can do if you want to take your business to the next level.  Commit to learning how to communicate effectively with your customers. Your business will thank you for it.  

Are you ready to learn how you can master your online business? CLICK HERE to join my Online Business Mastery Accelerator program!

Do you want to learn 3 reasons why communication is key to your business success? CLICK HERE to read the article that I wrote on Medium!

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