How To Deal With Negative People And Haters

I would like to share with you how to deal with negative people and haters.

Negative people and haters are everywhere, whether it is a co-worker, a boss, a friend, or a family member.

It is impossible to escape. They are energy vampires that latch onto others, suck the life out of them, and leave them feeling drained.

Who you spend time with is who you become, which is why it’s so important to choose your company wisely. Who is draining your life energy? Your friends may be holding you back from success.

If this is the case, it's time to find new friends.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/474719-plm-400-how-to-deal-with-negative-people-and-haters.mp3″ ]

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You attract what you are. If you are attracting drama and negativity, it’s likely because you are putting out that energy. I cut out anyone in my life that is negative and not supportive of me.  I have zero tolerance for these types of people. As Jim Rohn says, “You have to stand guard at the door of your mind.”

Your thoughts shape your reality.  If you want to live a life of mastery, it is imperative that you learn how to deal with negative people and haters. You need to remove people from your life that drain your emotional and mental energy.

We are very vulnerable to the opinions and beliefs of others. One negative comment could create fear and doubt inside of you, which could set you back from achieving your goals. Why would you feed yourself with that energy?

I choose to make personal growth and self-development the #1 priority in my life. I want to surround myself with like-minded people who are on the same path. Negative people put good people down in order to elevate themselves. They feed off of jealousy, drama, and gossip.

Positive people uplift and inspire others. Their energy is contagious, which is why people want to be in their presence. I think that criticism is a good thing ONLY when it offers a solution. Everything in life is feedback, and you can utilize that information to grow as a person.

In the words of Aristotle, “If you want to avoid criticism, than say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.”

Your success is limited only by how much exposure you receive. The more successful that you become, the more criticism that you will receive, so it’s best to learn how to deal with negative people and haters now.

In his article, “Why Criticism is Important For Success”, Grant Cardone (2011) offered a criticism and success formula:

1) Get so much attention you start to get criticism.
2) Disregard the criticism and get more attention. (Never attack the haters).
3) Criticism will increase to new levels, even lies, increasing the amount of attention again.
4) Continue getting attention, disregarding the criticism, until admiration, at which point the haters will move on to pick another target (they always do)!

Everything that negative people and haters express is merely a projection of how they feel inside. I believe that everyone is good, deep down, but because of life circumstances and limiting beliefs, they express themselves in a negative way. All that you can do is send them love, and pray that they will become better people one day.

If people don’t like me, so be it. As long as I am happy, that’s all that matters. Tony Gaskins once said, “Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive. It will take their breath away.”

If you want to live a happy, healthy and positive life, you need to surround yourself with people who ascribe to the same philosophy of living as you. Your life is a gift.

Honour yourself, protect your space, and foster such a high vibration of positive energy within yourself that no amount of negativity could break through.

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