How To Hit Your Biggest Goals

Are you struggling to hit your biggest goals in life right now?

Goals give you a sense of direction. When you convert your desires into achievable goals and then act on them, you are setting yourself up for massive success.

Setting goals is easy, but taking action to achieve them can be difficult.

We've all been there. We set a goal that we are super excited about, start getting traction, and then lose momentum.

When you have the desire to accomplish something big, how you go about doing it makes all the difference.

Keep reading to find out my secrets to hitting your biggest goals in 2021!

Watch the video below:

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Are you ready to create lasting motivation and consistency towards your goals? CLICK HERE to join my LIVE monthly Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Big goals mean big rewards.

However, if you don’t know how to set goals, those rewards may never come to fruition. I want you to take a moment and think about a big goal that you want to achieve. Maybe that's achieving financial freedom, finding a life partner, buying a house, or paying off your school debt.

While all goals aim to bring about a positive outcome, you must understand that not all goals are the same. There are two types of goals – results-oriented goals and process-oriented goals.

Results-oriented goals are focused on a specific result, like losing 30 pounds. Results are great because they provide proof as to whether or not you're going in the right direction.

However, if you focus solely on results you can set yourself up for failure. Think about it… if you're not getting the results you desire, it's easy to start feeling defeated. This is why people end up giving up on their goals altogether.

You also need to know the specific steps to take in order to achieve the results that you desire. These are known as process-oriented goals. I hate to break it to you, but you don't have full control over results. You only have influence at best. What leads to the results is the process. 

The question is, which are better? Well, I believe that you need both. At the end of the day, the key to lasting success is through consistent and focused effort.

The Power of Sharing Your Goals

When it comes to achieving your goals, if you're only accountable to yourself, it's easy to not follow through. There are no consequences. This is why I publically shared my goals every year for six years. In doing so, I was motivated to accomplish every goal that I set for myself.

If I didn't follow through, I knew that I would lose respect and credibility. Research shows that having an accountability partner with whom you share your goals increases your chances of success by more than 85 percent.

When someone is holding you accountable for your actions, you are less likely to back out because you don't want to disappoint them. Share your big goals with a friend, join a Mastermind group, or hire a coach. Anything that will allow you to stay on track is key. 

Change Is A Matter of Motivation

There is no limit to what you are capable of achieving. If you want to change your life, you can do it. Nobody is stopping you. The question is… how motivated are you to change? As Tony Robbins says, Change is never a matter of ability, it’s always a matter of motivation.

Lasting change begins and ends with a commitment to change your attitude and raise your standards. The changes that you want to make in your life can no longer be “shoulds.” Rather, they need to become “musts.” 

Make 2021 the year that you achieve your biggest goals!

In a world where we are conditioned to stay safe and avoid risk, setting big goals is a power move. Anything is possible. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Stay focused and devote yourself tirelessly to the achievement of your goals.

If you need to slow down, that's OK, but whatever you do, don't give up.

Are you ready to create lasting motivation and consistency towards your goals? CLICK HERE to join my LIVE monthly Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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