How To Master Your Mind And Emotions

I want to share with you how to master your mind and emotions.

We have been raised in a reactive world.  All of us experience moments in our lives when we are triggered in a negative way.

Triggers are a normal part of life. It is up to you how you choose to interpret and respond to these events. You always have a choice. It comes down to your mindset.

If you want to master your emotions, you need to understand the difference between reactive versus proactive thinking.

Reactive people have little control over their emotions. They adopt a victim mentality, and believe that their lives are run by external factors.

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/469491-plm-396-how-to-master-your-mind-and-emotions.mp3″ ]

Do you want to learn how to create a morning ritual that will teach you how to master your mind and emotions? CLICK HERE to purchase my Morning Ritual Mastery course!

Unfortunately a lot of people choose to live in a reactive state.   A life based on reactive decisions only causes pain and suffering. Alternatively, proactive people only concern themselves with what they are able to control and change, which includes the way that they react to events in their lives.

In short, they have learned how to master their emotional state. According to Stephen Covey, proactivity is one of the most important characteristics of successful and personally effective people.

He argues that, “If you’re proactive, you don’t have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own.” You cannot control the outside world. The only thing that you have control over is your mind and emotions.

In the words of John Maxwell, “Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it.” Attitude is everything.  How do you choose to react and interpret the events of your life? Two people can have the same experience, but interpret the meaning of that experience in an entirely different way.

It all comes down to their mindset. Research shows that a proactive personality has been found to be a prime predictor of entrepreneurial success. People who have adopted this personality trait have a mindset that focuses on the belief that they are responsible for creating their environment (Van Rooy, 2014).

The most successful people in the world have adopted a consistent morning ritual. In order to master your mind, you have to develop emotional mastery. A great way to do this is to adopt an empowering morning ritual, which puts you in an optimal state of mind, on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

My course, Morning Ritual Mastery teaches you how to create an empowering ritual that helps you master every aspect of your life. In the words of Hal Elrod, “When you change the way that you wake up in the morning, you change your life.”

My morning ritual helps ground me for the day ahead, so that I feel in control and non-reactive. When I am in this high vibrational state, I am unstoppable.  I am happier, healthier, and more productive. If you build a solid foundation and start your morning this way, you will be able to handle challenges with grace and ease.

Your success in life depends, in part, on your ability to interpret events in a positive and empowering way. Don’t always jump to a negative conclusion. Before you respond, assess a situation first.

What if you took a step back and looked at an experience from a different perspective? How you experience your life depends on the view that you have of yourself and the world around you. The next time you are triggered, ask yourself, “How can this experience benefit me? What can I learn? How can I grow?”

If you adopt this mindset, your life will transform. When you learn how to master your mind and your emotions, you master your life.

Do you want to learn how to create a morning ritual that will teach you how to master your mind and emotions? CLICK HERE to purchase my Morning Ritual Mastery course!

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