How To Stay Motivated

Have you been struggling to stay motivated during the COVID-19 pandemic?

If so, you're not alone. It is no doubt that the pandemic has changed the way that we live and work.

Research shows that motivation tends to drop when you feel a deficit in three key areas of life: your autonomy, competence, and relationships. Lack of structure, isolation, and loss of connection to others has made it difficult for people to stay focused and feel productive.

My fiancée, Tatiana, and I want to help you stay motivated, even when you don't feel like it.

If you're ready to drive your motivation to new heights and achieve long-term success, read this…

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Daily motivation is the key to success.

However, even the most ambitious of people lack motivation now and then. You're allowed to have lazy days. Don't beat yourself up. You can't expect to be motivated 100% of the time. It's unrealistic.

However, when laziness and procrastination become the norm, you know that it's time to break the habit of being unmotivated. Thus, the challenge with motivation is how to maintain it. When you get too comfortable in a routine that does not support achievement, it's easy to lose sight of your goals.

What Triggers Motivation?

We live in a society that has conditioned us to seek out short-term gratification. When people don't see results fast enough, they get discouraged and want to give up. They end up experiencing what is called the shiny object syndrome.

In the business world, this is the tendency of entrepreneurs. To start projects or create a plan, without adequately assessing their long-term goals. As a result, they become so distracted that they never complete anything. The reason why this happens can be traced back to a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Dopamine plays a huge role in motivation. Whenever you start something new, you're always going to be super excited about it at the onset. However, it's natural for dopamine levels to drop after a specific period because the excitement will wear off.

If you want to achieve success, you have to condition yourself to delay short-term gratification. Success is a journey. It doesn't happen overnight. If you're constantly jumping from one thing to the next, you'll never get to where you want to go.

The Reality of Being An Entrepreneur

There are no short cuts to achieving success as an entrepreneur.  Building a business isn't the same thing as having a 9 to 5 job. As an employee, you get paid based on the number of hours that you work each day.

However, this rule doesn't apply to an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is not a quick path to making money. You can invest years of hard work, time, and energy into building a business before you make any money. If you're looking to get rich quick, you may want to rethink entrepreneurship altogether.

Think of a business as an asset that has the potential to be something of value in the future. Nothing is guaranteed. However, if you stick with it and believe in yourself, you will succeed.

The Importance of Having A Vision

When you don't have a clear vision, you don't know where to aim. In short, you don't have a clear direction. If you don't know what your vision is, we encourage you to do some soul-searching and get clear on what you want your future to look like.

Give yourself permission to dream big, take out a journal, and reflect upon the kind of legacy that you want to leave behind. What truly matters in your life and why?

You could even go one step further and create a vision board, or craft a vision statement that you recite out loud to yourself every day as part of your morning ritual.

Tatiana started her business with zero experience. However, she knew the kind of lifestyle that she wanted and she was determined to do anything to make her dream a reality. She took massive action every single day, despite the obstacles that stood in her way. In less than five years, she has created a 7-figure eCommerce business.

When things get tough and you feel like giving up on your business, your vision will remind you why you started in the first place. Keep in mind that you will not be able to manifest your vision if you do not believe that your vision is possible. Your mind will constantly try to convince you as to why you can't do something.

The purpose of this inner voice is to protect you from the possible risks that may unfold through the process of aligning with your vision. Your job is to condition your mind every single day to flex your self-belief muscle. As Napoleon Hill once said, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

This is how to stay motivated, even when you don't feel like it.

Success is a long-term game. There will be times when your motivation will dwindle, but I encourage you to always act, despite how you feel. The way I see it is that you can either be a dabbler or a master.

Whereas a dabbler gives up when things get tough, a master views every challenge as an opportunity for growth. If you choose the latter, your motivation to achieve will come naturally and the results will speak for themselves. Become a master today!

Are you ready to build a business that you never need a vacation from? CLICK HERE to take my FREE 60-minute quiz to find out which business model is best for you!

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