How To Wake Up At 5AM Every Morning Excited About Your Life

Want to wake up at 5AM every morning excited about your life?

It doesn't have to be 5AM… it can be 6AM… 8AM or even 4AM!  It doesn't matter.  What matters most is waking up EXCITED about your life!

In this video blog, I share an exercise that you can do to condition yourself to be excited about your life when you wake up.  This is a powerful exercise that I gave a client that I was working with that had challenges waking up at 5AM.  Like I said, it'll work for at any point you want to wake up at.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/224111-plm-095-how-to-wake-up-at-5am-every-morning-excited-about-your-life.mp3″ ]

How To Wake Up Early Energized And Excited

Here's the exercise for waking up early energized and excited.

1. Go to your bed, get under your covers, close your eyes and act as if you're asleep.

2. Set your alarm clock 1-2 minutes later.

3. When your alarm clock goes off, put a BIG SMILE on your face and jump out of bed excited and passionate about your day.

When you do this, make sure that you're waking up the way you WANT yourself to wake up.

Breathe fully, put a big smile on your face, jump out of bed with enthusiasm and perhaps even say something like “I'm so excited for today!”

This process is known as CONDITIONING.  By doing this, you will condition yourself to wake up every day this way.

The truth is, we train ourselves on how to wake up each morning.

If you wake up and immediately hit the snooze and are feeling stressed, then this is your pattern for waking up.  This is how you've trained yourself and it will repeat itself every morning.

Instead, why not wake up with excitement and passion for your day?

You can do it simply by using this exercise and conditioning yourself to wake up with energy and excitement.

If you want to wake up at 5AM, then this will help you.  It will make it easier for you to start your day this way, rather than hitting the snooze.

If you want to take things even further, then I recommend you try my morning ritual to further condition yourself for success that day.

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