My Journey to 1 Million Subscribers

This is where my journey to 1 million subscribers began…

I started my YouTube channel eight years ago intending to share my goals and the habits that were transforming my life.

Although I was terrified to talk on camera, I was driven by my desire to empower others.

Fast forward to today and I have a community of over 1 million subscribers! My story is proof that anything is possible if you are willing to commit to mastery.

If you're ready to discover how to unlock your potential and create the successful life that you've always dreamed of, keep reading…

Watch the video below:

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Being a YouTuber helped me build a growth mindset.

When I was 17 years old, I found the world of self-development. I finally believed that it was possible to grow and become more.  Ever since then, I've been committed to learning and improving myself. My YouTube channel has given me a platform to publicly share my story of personal transformation.

Over the years, I've stepped outside my comfort zone in more ways than I can count. I have forced myself to get comfortable being uncomfortable and I have documented the process for the world to see.

Every time that I film a video, I learn something new about myself and the world. I then share that knowledge with others and the ripple effect of learning continues.

One question that I get asked by people, time and time again, is how I'm able to make so much progress in so many different areas of my life. Until last year, I was publishing a goals report on my YouTube channel every single month since 2012.

You cannot achieve anything in life without goals. Without them, you end up drifting through life, with no sense of direction. I owe much of my success to my morning ritual. Since I was 17 years old, I've been engaging in healthy habits every single day. As a result, I have been able to optimize my mind, body, and spirit.

Good habits are important to creating your best self because they keep you moving forward instead of falling into old patterns that don't serve you. When you are operating at your best, you create incredible opportunities. In effect, you get more from your day and your entire life.

I feel blessed to have achieved so much success at such a relatively young age.

When you see someone whom you perceive to be in a better position in life than you are, it's natural to compare your life to theirs. Comparisons are likelier to make us feel bad when we make the error of only comparing ourselves to the best.

As an example, a lot of people who are struggling financially tend to compare themselves to the wealthiest people whom they either follow on social media or know personally. Making such an unrealistic comparison creates unnecessary pain and suffering.

While it's human nature to compare yourself to others, it's important to remember that each of us is on a different life path. Success will mean something different from one person to the next. Don't compare your progress to that of others.

At the end of the day, success is simple. It all comes down to your mindset. Once you have adopted the mindset of success and have optimized yourself for it, almost everything that you do becomes successful! Success and confidence go hand in hand.

A confident person doesn't allow their fears to hold them back from pursuing their goals. They know that they will be successful, regardless of how long it takes them to achieve what they set out to do.

Adopting a fear-based approach to life will only limit your opportunities. Fear tells you that it's better to stay in your comfort zone than risk failing.

This is why I'm such a big believer in setting SMART goals. Once you achieve the goals that you set, you build confidence, which inspires you to keep achieving more. In turn, you start learning how to master that which you want.

This doesn't mean that you won't encounter failures along your journey to success.

Failure is a core part of success.

What matters most is how you respond to your failures. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” Failure is merely feedback. It equips you for future success. That's how every successful person views it.

When I first started filming videos I was terrified. I had a lisp, I stuttered, and I was extremely shy. Sharing my story in front of a camera made me feel very anxious. However, I knew that if I felt the fear and did it anyway, I would eventually overcome it. That's what I did.

Today, I am a motivational speaker who gives speeches in front of thousands of people. Moreover, being a content creator has become one of my greatest passions in life. It doesn't mean that I don't still get nervous now and then when I film a video or talk in front of a group of people.

However, because I've built up my confidence muscle, I can access and embody an empowering emotional state at any given moment. It didn't happen overnight, but I was willing to make mistakes, learn from them, and get better over time.

In short, I never gave up. If you want to achieve success in life you have to be willing to do hard things. Stepping out of your comfort zone builds unshakeable resilience and self-confidence.

I hope my story inspires you to make 2021 the year that you unlock your potential and create a successful life. Don't wait for the perfect time to build your dream lifestyle. Start where you are, take action, and don't stop making progress until you've achieved what it is that you set out to do.

This has been my journey to 1 million subscribers.

Thank you for being a subscriber of Project Life Mastery and for being on this journey of life mastery with me. Being a YouTuber has taught me so much about myself and others.

If you aren't a subscriber yet, but have the desire to succeed faster and master every area of your life, I encourage you to subscribe to the Project Life Mastery YouTube Channel

When I first started my channel, I would have never thought that 1 million people would be following me online. However, I was consistent with it and I'm proud to say that I've been able to impact millions of lives through my content.

I'm forever grateful to YouTube for giving me a platform to do so.

Celebrate what you've achieved this year and get excited about your future accomplishments. Commit to moving into 2021 with an open mind and an optimistic attitude for all of the amazing breakthroughs that are upon you!

Are you ready to start building your ultimate dream lifestyle in 2021? CLICK HERE to take my FREE quiz to find out which online business model is best for you to start your online business!

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