How Letting Go Gives You Ultimate Freedom

It is easier to hold onto something instead of letting go.

A limiting belief, how much you can or should make with their finances, an old relationship, the failure that has led your life… and the list continues.

It's not that the idea of holding onto any of this is wrong. It's not. In fact, it's healthy to look at and reflect on the different ideas or beliefs in your life, whether it is emotions or a mindset.

The problem occurs when holding onto these emotions or mindset stops you from reaching your full potential and achieving the goals you really want.

What would happen if you worked on letting go of what happened in the past and working into the lifestyle and change you actually wanted?

What would happen if you released all the negative emotions that came up in your life, as well as the stories that followed them, just so you could see new possibilities of the lifestyle you really wanted?

It's absolutely possible to change your life. But if you are holding onto something, whether it is a mindset, an old story or an emotion, you won't reach the goals you have set.

Instead, you will keep playing out the same pattern from the past and it will stop you from reaching the true success you want and deserve.

How Self-Regulation Changes Your Life

Letting go is so important that many scholars and philosophers believe it is an art. The ability to change your emotions, mindset and belief system takes practice, especially to the point where you can implement change.

With the art of letting go, there are different practices you want to start working toward to make different changes in your life.

The faster you make these changes, the easier it is to create the life you want.

A scholarly study conducted a test based on individuals who failed at a goal. It was found that letting go of the goal after failure was important. After, it was easier to re-engage with the goal and become successful.

The success rate of those who followed this process nearly tripled, showing that it is a huge part of leveraging your ability to reach the goals you have set.

This particular concept is known as self-regulation, which allows you to look at where you have failed, let go of everything associated with that and to then try again with a learning curve of what didn't work the first time.

This is similar to the ideas I have shared relating to failure and how this engages our emotions.

It is important to understand that there is an emotional response of frustration, anger or even depression. It's also important to feel these things. However, the process of channeling that energy of emotion to your own success comes next. You do this by acknowledging the emotions, letting go and redirecting them to your advantage.

This is a self-regulation process of dealing with failure that allows anyone to move out of a negative process of mindset and emotions to re-engagement that assists with reaching goals and achieving success.

Letting Go and Reaching Freedom

What happens when you focus on letting go? What would be the outcome if you allowed everything that came into your life to become untied from your identity, past, and who you are?

The most common response we have when thinking about letting go of the past is that it is needed so we can maintain a certain lifestyle.

It leads to a fear response because we are uncertain of what may be on the other side and what it means to clean out the emotions and thoughts we are so used to having in our lives.

In my article, Let Go: How to Release Yourself from the Past, I speak about what it means to find freedom.

What does it mean to be free?

While there are different definitions and ideas of what it means to be free, releasing from the past is one of the starting points.

Look at some of these things to identify exactly what you need to let go of when relating to your past:

  • Does the mindset come from past beliefs? What happened in the past with this?
  • Do you have an emotion that is attached to a situation? Are you continuing to hold onto this in your life?
  • What are you doing now that is a pattern from the past? Does it serve you?

Get out of the limitations of your past that are stopping you from leading a successful future. Until you start letting go of these different ideas, you will continue to experience the same outcome and limit living your best life.

When I refer to letting go and being free, it is specifically related to letting go and moving on. When you do this, you will find freedom within yourself.

As soon as you reach a state of freedom, you create more of what you want: the relationship you have always wanted, the income you are interested in, the lifestyle that fits your personality.

Everything you ever wanted or dreamed of is right there, waiting for you to be a part of the experience. When you aren't letting go, you miss out on what those experiences can be while losing the abundance that life has to offer.

The Power of Release

Tony Robbins, as well as other development influencers, often look at the power of release and what it means to focus on letting go.

The idea is to look at the “old stories” you are holding onto and how this is stopping you from living your fullest life.

To create what many call a “breakthrough”, it requires looking at everything that is holding you from your true potential.

The power of release gives you the power to create something new, better and that fits with your current needs.

At the same time, letting go of everything but the lessons allows you to move into a process of mastery. Mastery doesn't mean that we are “gurus” or experts in what we do.

It means that we use release to get out of the negative associations and emotions that we are holding.

What is the purpose of holding the emotions and negativity of the past?

Instead, look at the lesson that you learned from this. Examine how the situation or stories helped you to develop as a person.

Then, work on letting go of the past. Anything that no longer helps you to live the life you want or master certain areas of your wealth, relationships or lifestyle doesn't need to be a part of what you are deciding to do.

Your next step is to re-engage with your goals and to find certain areas of success that do continue to serve you.

You have the ability to break free and take back your power by following this process. In my article, The Here and Now, I show exactly what that means and how you can use the lessons from your past, letting go and being in the now moment to live the life you want.

Letting Go as a Process of Mastery

Our referrals to mastery are often based on those who have already achieved a certain level of success that we can follow.

Do you believe that you can be the master of your own life?

There are certain processes you can use to be the master of everything you are currently experiencing.

It starts with letting go.

When you set new goals and a framework for your life that is in the now, you are on the path to mastery. Commit to that until the old stories, thought patterns, or emotions that you are facing disappear.

In my Life Mastery Accelerator Course, I take you through the process of mastering your own life, as opposed to believing that others are ahead of you.

This is a way to look at your personal goals and achievements with health, finances, relationships and your purpose in life.

It's not up to anyone else to find what you need to live life fully and to find the abundance and joy that is a part of your state of mastery.

It's up to you to learn how to become a master. Letting go, moving outside of the past, and identifying what you need to do next is the mindset of someone interested in mastering their life.

When you commit to letting go and identifying a better path to your own success, then you use this technique to master your life and build your own success.

Leverage emotions, mindset and past stories for a better future. Identify the lessons you have learned only from the viewpoint that they become stepping stones to something better.

And as you do this continue, every day, to work toward a path of mastery and look at the ways you can truly achieve everything you want in life.

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