How To Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs And Be Truly Free

What limiting beliefs are holding you back from creating the life of your dreams?

Beliefs empower you or disempower you. Therefore, what you believe about yourself will positively or negatively impact every single area of your life.

If your thoughts are no longer serving you, it's time to upgrade your thinking! I want to help you eliminate your limiting beliefs once and for all so that you can be truly free.

Are you ready to break free from disempowering thought patterns? Keep reading to learn how you can do this!

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Are you ready to create empowering beliefs that will help you create the success that you desire? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

What are your limiting beliefs?

I am not good enough. I'll never find love. I don't deserve success. Making money is difficult. It's too late to pursue my dreams.

We all have limiting beliefs – those nagging disempowering thoughts that creep up on us at the worst possible time. Their sole purpose is to create so much fear, to the point where we take no action and remain stuck in one place.

Limiting beliefs are thoughts, opinions that one believes to be the absolute truth. Here's the thing… a lot of your limiting beliefs aren't even yours. We create beliefs in our childhood, based on behaviors that we learn from our parents. As we get older, we take on these beliefs as our own. They become a part of our identity. As a result, we don't think to question whether or not these beliefs are true.

Just because you believe something doesn't necessarily mean that it's true. Unfortunately, a lot of people go to great lengths to convince themselves otherwise. In turn, their beliefs turn into self-fulfilling prophecies and impact how they think, act, and feel. When we experience painful events, we attach meanings to those events.

If those meanings are negative, so too will our beliefs about who we are and what is possible. In turn, we will create mental blocks that keep us stuck in the past.

Here's an example to prove this point.

If you believe that you'll never meet a partner because you have social anxiety, naturally you will be less inclined to go out and spark up conversations with new people. In turn, the fewer connections you make, the more you will self-isolate, and the worse your social anxiety will become. Limiting beliefs only serve to sabotage your well-being, making you feel like a victim of your circumstances.

This is why it's so important that you challenge your limiting beliefs. Be willing to look at your beliefs with an open mind. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this belief true?
  • What evidence do I have that proves that this belief is false?
  • Have I always believed this?
  • What triggers prompt this belief to come up?
  • Who in my family also shares this belief?

Once you have enough evidence to prove that your limiting beliefs are not true, you can create more empowering beliefs that replace the disempowering ones. The best way to change negative thinking is to reframe how you think about something.

This is known as “cognitive reframing.”

The goal of this approach is to counter negative thoughts with positive thoughts using the “Yes, But” technique. For example, “Yes, it is true that I haven't found a partner yet, but I am currently doing the inner work to become the best version of myself so that I can call in my dream person.” The next step is to take action and start practicing your new beliefs.

If you avoid this step, you will only fall back into old patterns of negative thinking. Remember that what you focus on, grows.  If you want a life that is filled with abundance, happiness, and success, make sure that your thoughts are congruent with those desires.

This is how to eliminate your limiting beliefs and become truly free.

I believe that all breakthroughs in life start with a change in beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you change the course of your entire journey. Your psychology is the chokehold of your success. You can't take the next big step until you master your mindset and upgrade your thinking.

Tony Robbins once said: “The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.”

What belief are you telling yourself that is limiting you from becoming the person you desire to be? You have the opportunity to rewrite your story and reprogram your thoughts. Choose to be the hero of your life story. How will your first chapter read?

Are you ready to create empowering beliefs that will help you create the success that you desire? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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